I'm creating a update program that will copy over updated .exe files. It needs to check if any of the .exes are running in a terminal session. If the .exes are running it will kill them. This will be a service that is running on the server with admin rights. The code needs to be in Delphi any one have any thoughts on this?
i need intercept all the SQL commands that pass between an ADO connection component and a database server. something like the TSQLmonitor of dbExpress, but for ADO .
Anybody know any third-party component that implements this functionality?
I want to do is to monitor the SQL statements programmatically (by code) from my appli...
I'm working on migrating an old project from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010. One thing I've found is that the resulting executable has more than doubled in size, and the original was already quite big. (Over 50 MB.) I suspect that a lot of it has to do with extended RTTI.
Since the project predates Delphi 2010, it doesn't use extended RT...
Or something that allows you to parse HTML in a similar way to JQuery?
If not, in your opinion what is the best way to parse though HTML without having to be a regular expression expert and not rely on Internet Explorer to parse information for you? (AKA, not rely on something like: IEParser by bsalsa.com)
I've been looking at how to put a ProgressBar in a tListview in delphi, and I've got some code that works... BUT I want to add it to a subitem.. and cannot figure it out...
DFM Source Begin
object Form1: TForm1
Left = 221
Top = 113
Caption = 'Form1'
ClientHeight = 203
ClientWidth = 482
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Charset =...
I was looking at http://delphi.about.com/od/tlistbox/a/list-box-onchange-drag-drop.htm
and I was wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to disallow duplicate items like this, and if so how would I go and do it?
Hi! I found this code over the net. This puts background color to the selected texts on Trichedit:
procedure RE_SetSelBgColor(RichEdit: TRichEdit; AColor: TColor);
FillChar(Format, SizeOf(Format), 0);
with Format do
cbSize := SizeOf(Format);
I'm currently subclassing TDataset for my job. However the lack of documentation on the process is making this more difficult than it should be.
I'm currently wondering what InternalInsert and InternalAddRecord should do?
Also if anyone can point me to a good guide that isn't Custom Dataset or the Keeping Hold of Your Things series or ...
I had one UI object attached to a tab that will go missing only under a certain sequence of interaction with the program, and if it's missing, closing the program will result in AV and error of Invalid Window Handle.
As I was trying to find out why, I found that calling its .Handle or .HandleNeeded at the start will fix the problem. But ...
I have an application which when I close the Windows, it exits gracefully and quickly (checked also in Task Manager and Process Explorer - the process isn't there anymore) but the OS doesn't. It seems that OS just ignores the Shutdown.
But if I try to close once more the Windows, now everything is ok. The system shuts down in a ve...
I'm using Delphi 5, and we have a method to dynamically create certain controls based on the contents of a database table (we create TButtons mostly) and take action when those are clicked. This allows us to add simple controls to a form without having to recompile the application.
I was wondering if it was possible to set a component's...
What are you supposed to do in InternalRefresh when you subclassing TDataset in Delphi?
Delphi allows a stored keyword when defining properties as follows:
property Fields: TIndexDefs read FFields write SetFields stored FieldsStored;
What is the purpose of the keyword and what does it do?
i'm looking for a reporting engine to replace Delphi 5's QuickReports.
free (i'm not paying to find out if it works)
open source (documentation is always lacking)
does not have to be registered on the client computer (no COM) (single executable depoyment)
does not ship as a seaparate file (no dll) (single executable deplo...
Some background: I want to develop a desktop application, with a SQL database as storage. There is only one user at one time connected to the database.
To make maintainance easier, I would like to seperate GUI from Busniss Logic. Thus, I thought using a DataModule (where the BL is implemented), for each Dialog.
My question:
Where is th...
I have several reports in my application that are using quickreports. When I print them on a machine that has it's dpi setting at 96 they print correctly. If I change the dpi setting on the machine to 120 and print again the report layout expands off the page, all the elements start at the same position as the 96 dpi setting but the font...
Hello Folks,
I'm trying to use Daniele Teti's Datasnap Filters Compendiun (the cipher ones) without success. Someone have a 'how to' for cipher filters for Datasnap?
Does anyone know of password strength meter component for delphi Win32?
Important :
must be for a Win32 Form, not for Web.
something like that (but for Win32)
This has been discussed here, but not in this detail.
I'm having trouble when trying to have a non-modal subform close itself. I have it notify the parent, but I'm getting abstract errors and other exceptions. What am I doing wrong? Does the parent have to free the non-modal form, or just never try again to access it through that vari...
It has to make some time consuming calculations, so i need it to work as fast as possible.
Also thought about Delphi. So. Is it a question of taste(or habit) or not and what can you advice me then?