
Docking using VCL: How to make vertically docked Forms prevail over horizontally docked Forms?

Hi I am using docking (VCL) in Delphi 7. In my main form, two other forms are docked: One vertically at the left edge, one horizontally at the bottom edge. Problem: The form docked at the bottom edge takes the full width of the form, limiting the height of the form that is docked at the left edge. I would like the opposite behaviour: ...

Get connection ID from ServerSocket

Hello. I need to get connection ID from ServerSocket. By client I send text and I need to know which client sended text. Any ideas?? ...

how can i make a TRibbonComboBox act like a TCombobox with Style of csDropDownList?

how can i make a TRibbonComboBox act like a TCombobox with Style of csDropDownList? we don't want the user to be able to edit the choices in the list. we need to use TRibbonComboBox because we want the current selection to be visible. Microsoft word shows a combobox where you can select an item but cannot edit the item itself. shou...

Delphi Memory Management

I haven't been able to find the answers to a couple of my Delphi memory management questions. I could test different scenarios (which I did to find out what breaks the FreeAndNil method), but its takes too long and its hard! But seriously, I would also like to know how you all (Delphi developers) handle these memory management issues. M...

How to fix Print Range in Rave Reports?

Hi, Print Range (From Page: x To Page: y) doesn't work, the printer always print all pages! Any workaround or solution will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

Is there a tool which can extract all SQL command strings from Delphi form files?

For documentation and further inspection, I would like to run an 'extract strings' on all DFM files in many projects to find all SQL statements. Are there command line tools which can do this? The DFM files are all in text format. ...

ActiveX controls with old Delphi versions

I'm testing a non visual ActiveX control based on a registered .ocx which I import into Delphi using the provided wizard. Then, I simply put the generated component on the main form of a new VCL application. Under old Delphi versions (D5 and D2007), when i launch the application, this raise an AV during the component initialization. w...

VCL/Delphi/BCB - which IDE/language should I use?

I bought Delphi 1 when it came out - and was hooked. When BCB came out (around D3, iirc), I switched, mainly because I have used C/C++ professionally for a few decades. I have "been away" for 7 or 8 years and am now returning. I still have BCB 6 & Delphi 7 (not to mention Kylix). I always felt more comfortable with C++ than Pascal - p...

How can create summary footer on runtime?

I use TcxGrid I have create fields on execution time because I have a pivot query and columns are variable I filled my grid like theese codes grdCevapDBTableView2.BeginUpdate; grdCevapDBTableView2.ClearItems; fillGridView(grdCevapDBTableView2,command); grdCevapDBTableView2.DataController.CreateAllItems; grdCevapDBTableView2.EndUpdate; ...

Delphi threads deadlock

I am having a problem sometimes with a deadlock when destroying some threads. I've tried to debug the problem but the deadlock never seems to exist when debugging in the IDE, perhaps because of the low speed of the events in the IDE. The problem: The main thread creates several threads when the application starts. The threads are alway...

Why do I get this error "EMCIDeviceError" when opening some wav files in my program.

Hey I have this program that has been working fine until I tried to open this one wav file? Not sure what the problem is or that I understand it? Do I need to find a new component to use for this file or what? I am using Delphi 4 Pro and the standard VCL component for Media Player. I am looking for a good new component that offers mo...

Delphi Application using COMMIT and ROLLBACK for Multiple SQL Updates

Is it possible to use the SQL BEGIN TRANSACTION, COMMIT TRANSACTION, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION when embedding SQL Queries into an application with mutiple calls to the SQL for Table Updates. For example I have the following code: Q.SQL.ADD(<UPDATE A RECORD>); Q.ExecSQL; Q.Close; Q.SQL.Clear; Q.SQL.ADD(<Select Some Data>); Q.Open; Set Som...

Delphi ADO SQL Syntax Error

Hello. I am getting an Syntax Error when processing the following lines of code. Especially on the AQ_Query.Open; procedure THauptfenster.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var option: TZahlerArray; begin option := werZahlte; AQ_Query.Close; AQ_Query.SQL.Clear; AQ_Query.SQL.Add('USE wgwgwg;'); AQ_Query.SQL.Add('INSERT INT...

Unable to remove package from Delphi 2005

I needed to reinstall a package, DrRX.bpl. I removed it from the package list, and trying to install a newer version of the same package. I've replaced the old component's dir with the new one. When I open the new DrRX.bpl and click install, I get the error "Package C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\3.0\components\rx work\output\DrRx.bpl ca...

List.AddRange inline declaration

Hello, This may seem an easy question, but not to me, also a search has led to nothing. Up until now the only .net programming I have done is with Delphi Prism. With Prism I can do things like: var l := new List<String>(['A','B','C']); or var l := new List<String>; l.AddRange(['A','B','C']; but can I do a similar thing in C#, or d...

TToolButton Height Grows with Style = tbsDropdown

I noticed that the height of a TToolButton increases when you set the button's Style to tbsDropdown. I can understand the width increasing, so the button has space to draw the down arrow, but I'm not sure a height increase is necessary. Steps to reproduce the issue (Delphi 2010, Windows 7 x64): Add TToolbar to a form, ShowCaptions=Tru...

Adding a calculated field to a Query at run time.

I'm getting data using a query in Delphi, and would like to add a calculated field to the query before it runs. The calculated field is using values in code as well as the query so I can't just calculate it in SQL. I know I can attach an OnCalcFields Event to actually make the calculation, but the problem is after adding the calculated...

How to get information about the computer? [32bit or 64bit]

Hello. How I can get information about Windows OS type? Is it 32bit or 64bit? How I can get this information programatically? ...

Why "menus" unit is finalized too early?

I tested my application with FastMM and FullDebugMode turned on, since I had some shutdown problems. After solving bunch of my own problems FastMM started to complain about calling virtual method on a freed object in TPopupList. I tried to move the menus unit as early as possible in uses so that it would be finalized last, but it didn'...

How reduce dll size again

My dll have been bigger multiplied up many times than early for some reason. I'm beginning to size up the situation: A source hasn't changed. Debug information everywhere turned off. Dll use package "Pack", but not include in Runtime Packages options. I've compared new dll with old version dll thought the instrumentality of PE Explore...