I'm writing a tcp client in Delphi for a server that has a series of messages defined as c structs. Below is an example conversion of one of the messages:
struct {
int32 Reserved;
cstring Name;
int32 flags;
msg1 = record
Reserved : integer;
Name : cstring???;
flags : integer;
Googling the type tell...
Does anybody know of a product that allows loading and editing of PDF files into Delphi? We need to break apart a pdf document with multiple images (one per page) into single pdf's.
Regards, Pieter
I've found the following question Convert Delphi Real48 to C# double but I want to go the other way, C# to Delphi.
Does anyone know how this can be done? I've tried reverse engineering the code but without much luck.
I'm after C# code that will take a double and convert it into a Real48 (byte[] of size 6).
This is an extension / next step of this question I asked a few minutes ago.
I've a Delphi application with a main form and a thread. Every X seconds the thread makes a web services request for a remote object. It then posts back to the main form which handles updating the UI with the new information.
I was previously using a TTimer...
I have been experimenting with TMask in Delphi 2010 and it seems to work as expected except in one situation: when the mask name contains [ or ] the mask always seem to return false. For example:
MaskObj : TMask;
MaskObj:= TMask.Create('c:\[test]\*');
Result:= MaskObj.Matches('c:\[test]\text');
I have been using JvCSVDataSet with Delphi 5 and it works fine. I just moved over to Delphi 2007 and now with the same program I get EFCreateError, cannot create file "" I got the error description from MadExcept 3.0.
Here are the code,I get the error in the line 'CADDCOUNT', but if I rem out that line then I don't get the error before ...
I have a 'hint window leftovers' problem with Virtual Treeview in an Office add-in, and now I want to customize the hint window to solve the problem. I want to use TJvBallonHint from the JVCL package, which is also used in other parts of my program.
I inherited TVirtualStringTree and have overridden the GetHintWindowClass method like t...
Two Delphi programs need to load foo.dll, which contains some code that injects a client-auth certificate into a SOAP request. foo.dll resides in c:\fooapp\foo.dll and is normally loaded by c:\fooapp\foo.exe. That works fine. The other program needs the same functionality, but it resides in c:\program files\unwantedstepchild\sadapp.ex...
I'm to code a TExpandedShape class inherited from TShape. TExpandedShape must act like TShape and be able to draw extra shapes: Polygon and Star.
Here is my code
unit ExpandedShape;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Windows;
Are webservices written in BDS 2006 compatible with ws-i basic profile 1.0?
Delphi seems to always add use="encoded" to soap:body which is against this part of the specification: http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/BasicProfile-1.0-2004-04-16.html#refinement16448072.
Hi all,
to export some data i want to be able to generate an html output.
I have some constant content to output, like html headers and footers.
My question is how to deal with that ?
Do I have to embed some template (in a resource file) and parse it to make it dynamic ?
Do I store my static content in some constant (is there a 255 c...
I guess there might be some overlapping with previous SO questions, but I could not find a Delphi-specific question on this topic.
Suppose that you want to check if an unsigned 32-bit integer variable "MyAction" is equal to any of the constants ACTION1, ACTION2, ..., ACTIONn, where n is - say 1000. I guess that, besides being more elega...
How i can parse and extract the parameters from an SQL Query using delphi?
example :
from this query
WHERE Field1=:Param1
AND Field2=:Param2
AND (Field3=:Param3 OR Field4=:Param4)
i want to obtain
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to display a currency value in a grid, but I do not want the currency symbol to be shown:
if fPreferences.WorksheetFormat = 'Numeric' then
CurrencyString := '';
Value := FieldByName('UnitList').AsCurrency;
end else
Value := CurrToStrF(FieldByName('UnitList').AsCurrency, ffCurrency, 2, langFormat);
The problem is...
I would like to get text width of a string before an application starts. Everything works fine until Application.MainForm canvas present. The problem is, when I try dynamically create TOrdinarium in the OnCreate event of the app. main form, "Canvas does not allow drawing" error occurs. (Application.MainForm is nil....). I tried sev...
EDIT: It seems as if the DataSetProvider doesn't have the functionality I need for this project, so I'll be implementing a custom class for loading the data into the ClientDataSet.
I am trying to take data from a TMSQuery which is connected to my DB and populate a ClientDataSet with some of that data using a DataSetProvider.
My problem...
I download the Application Verifier 4.0 to test my App for check if could have problems on Vista/7.
I run from Delphi 2010 debugger, and stop in CPU view. Obviously, I don't understand anything about assembler!.
So, I try running directly from the windows explorer, and the App die.
(In fact, I don't understand well what exactly will d...
Can anyone help me with a coding example to close the associated process when I have the Process ID. I will be using Delphi 5 to perform this operation programatically on a Windows 2003 server.
Regarding Delphi memory management, what are your design strategies ?
What are the use cases where you prefer to create and release Objects manually ?
What are the uses cases where Interfaces, InterfacedObjects, and their reference counting mechanism will be preferred ?
Do you have identified some traps or difficulties with reference...
Does anyone happen to have a copy of the Virtual TreeView that is Delphi5 compatible? Or does anyone know where it can be downloaded from?
Thanks in advance to any responses.