
Setting EXE icon in Delphi 7

I'm trying to customize the icon that shows in Windows Explorer and in Desktop shortcuts for my Delphi application. In the Delphi 7 IDE, I have loaded the desired icon in the Application tab of the Project Options dialog. It shows my desired icon as a graphic. I didn't think it was necessary, but I also set my icon as the TMainForm Ic...

Advanced report generation library

Anyone know of a reporting library for Delphi Win32 (or possibly in C#/.Net, Java) that provides the following types of features in a page formatting mode (I am not looking for a banded report writer). This is not an exhaustive list, merely some of the key areas of interest. Tables Column and row spanning Rich formatted content in ce...

Install the latest build of Indy 10 on Delphi 2009

Is there a step-by-step guide for updating the Indy 10 components in Delphi 2009? I've read the uninstalling thread and have the latest build ( However there appears to be no installation instructions. If you have accomplished this, please share the details. Edit: I have managed to get the packages installed by messi...

replace packets of a connection

How to replace a string in packets of a connection? I use Delphi. Thanks in advance Leo ...

Upload file using Delphi CGI

Could anyone please give a working example of how to upload a file using Delphi CGI. I have googled but so far haven't had any luck. This is what I have been trying but I am getting access violations. procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1WebActionItem1Action(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Bool...

Is there any way to get the current unit's name from an include file?

I'm porting some code from one framework library to another, which requires me to comment out large sections of code just to get it to compile, and then carefully restore them. In the meantime, I get tons of warnings because of all the commented-out code. So I decided to write a quick include file to suppress them: {$MESSAGE WARN 'War...

simple search engine

I am trying to write program its like a simple search engine, in this program the user is supposed to enter a search keyword into an edit box and then he can click the search button, and the program is supposed to open a specific text file from the directory and find a matching word to that keyword in this text file. I am using Delphi 20...

Is there a better multi-select than the default TDBGrid in Delphi?

First off, this applies to Delphi 5 Enterprise, as this is what we use at work. There's no view to upgrading any time soon, as this version "does what we need", apparently. After setting the dgRowSelect and dgMultiSelect options on a TDBGrid, the behavior does not confirm to a standard Windows UI. I don't think we've ever needed this o...

Can I make a TMemo size itself to the text it contains?

When you edit a TLabel's caption in the form designer, it resizes the TLabel for you. Is there any way I can get a TMemo to do that, at runtime? I'd like to be able to take a TMemo, assign something to its .lines.text property, and then tell it to resize itself and not exceed a certain width, though it can get as tall as it wants to. ...

Delphi 2007 ASP.NET application crashes after installing IE8

When attempting to compile, application crashes with an error: "Access violation ... in module 'mshtml.dll' and delphi dies. tia jon ...

How can I use FastMM4 memory leak reporting in a Service?

Does the same technique which FastMM4 for Delphi provides to report memory leaks to a detailed file work if the application runs as service? Of course the best practice would be to write unit tests and a simple standalone application first, and find the leaks there, outside the service environment. Edit: and there is http://blog.delphi-...

In a devexpress tdxdbgrid, is there a way to allow rowselect and keypress events to both fire?

Client would like to have row selected so that he can tell what record on the left is being worked on, while being able to edit just 1 column. so, advise on how to allow row-select plus keypress events to fire, or how to color a cell based on whether another cell in it's row has been entered. ...

Delphi 2007 Browse path / click-though issue

I have Raize 3.0 installed in D2007. For whatever reason, I can't seem to get the Ctr-click to work for loading up it's units, even though that feature works fine on all my other Delphi and Third-Party components. Here's what I have for Raize on the Library Path: $(ProgramFiles)\Raize\RC3\Lib6 $(ProgramFiles)\Raize\RC3\Source ...and t...

App That Uses SDK BSODs in Delphi 2007 But Works in C#

I'm coding an application that uses a third party SDK (OCXs). I use the SDK in C# and it works just fine. However, I can create the simplest test application with the same objects from the SDK in Delphi 2007 and it compiles ok, but BSODs on the same machine when it gets to a certain point. I've run some other test applications that us...

Vista application thumbnail

By design, the toolbar application thumbnail on Vista does not update when an application is minimized, since the minimized window itself is not redrawing. For a monitoring application I have, it would be useful to update the application thumbnail while the application remains minimized. I am using Delphi 2009. Can anyone suggest a good ...

Exception in Delphi App: EOleError Could Not Obtain OLE Control Window Handle

I'm coding a Delphi application using Delphi 2007. I'm using a third party OCX and when I try to show a form from the main form I'm getting an exception: Exception class EOleError with message 'Could not obtain OLE control window handle'. The form that I'm trying to show was created manually within Delphi with the OCX dragged from the...

Number to words in Rave Report

I have managed to design a report the way I want but I am not able to get Rave Report to print/convert Grand total to Words like for example if the grand total is 1,200.00 it should print One Thousand and Two Hundred only. Is something like this possible in Rave Report? ...

MS Word Ole Automation, ADO and foreign characters

I'm trying to export WideString texts from the database (ADO / MS Access) to the MS Word document (Delphi 7), but foreign characters are not correctly transferred (i.e. "è" instead of "č"): while not ADOQuery1.Eof do begin WordApplication1.Selection.TypeText(ADOQuery1Text.AsVariant); // TWideStringField WordApplication1.Selection.Ty...

How would you create a console application from an existing object oriented API?

I have: existing object oriented native code API (non GUI) GUI application that works with this API The goal: To create an additional console application that lets user do some set of workflows (similar to ones of the above GUI app) by typing commands. This app should be "stateful" - available commands and their results would depen...

Delphi transparent proxy for a TCP connection

Anyone know of any examples of a TCP sockets proxy application written in Delphi? I am building a small broker application that needs to listen for socket connections on a given TCP port, read a XML data packet sent over the connection, serve the request via TCP to a server chosen from a pool of available back end servers, and deliver th...