
How do I get Rails to exclude some bundled gems from plugin-loading?

I have a Rails application that uses Bundler for dependency management. I've got the following in my Gemfile: # default group: gem 'json' group 'development' do gem 'my_profiler' end group 'test' do gem 'mocha' end group 'deployment' do gem 'foo' end I call Bundler.setup(:default, RAILS_ENV.to_sym) and Bundler.require(:defaul...

WiX CustomAction Third Party Library Dependency

I implemented Custom Action DLL that needs to run when the product is being unistalled or reinstalled. Custom Action DLL (C++) references third party library which is a COM object that needs to be also registered. I have 2 questions: 1. How do I include third party library into installer package? I'd prefer if the file were not visibl...

How do you build one piece of the Android platform?

I want to enhance Android app and I've cloned its source from During compile I find dependencies on platform components external to the tree, for example* It turns out that most of these are resolved in platform/frameworks/base.git. Which raises several questions: is grabbing a pi...

Unit Testing in Qt with Highly Dependent Functions

I'm new to unit testing. I want to code unit tests in Qt, but my functions(login, request etc...) heavily depend on other resources such as a server. How can I supply a block box in this situation? Do you know any open source project which I can examine unit test classes for similar situations? ...

Can someone show me what a good dependency matrix looks like and specify why?

I would like to start using DSM, but not sure how to get started. What does a good dependency matrix look like and why? How does it work? ...

Death of the Repository?

I have been hearing a lot about the death of the repository pattern. People using listen when such influential people such as ayende: speak. This is a direction which i really don't understand and hence my post. Maybe i don't get the point because of my li...

Makefile dependencies with regular expression

hi, I have a list of RPM file names (like "package-1.0") that will be the dependencies of a make target, but some of them have the architecture x86_64 and others have i386. what do I do to match them? I need something like: target: $(addsuffix .[i386|x86_64].rpm,$(shell cat packages_file)) but that won't work. I could use: target: $...

Should I bundle source and class files in the same JAR?

Separate Jars When creating JAR files, I've always kept the source separate and offered it as an optional extra. eg: Foo.jar Foo-source.jar It seems to be the obvious way to do things and is very common. Advantages being: Keeps binary jar small Source may not be open / public Faster for classloader? (I've no idea, just guessing) ...

Maven: Packaging dependencies alongside project JAR?

I've like Maven to package a project with run-time dependencies. I expect it to create a JAR file with the following manifest: ..... Main-Class : com.acme.MainClass Class-Path : lib/dependency1.jar lib/dependency2.jar ..... and create the following directory structure: target |-- .... |-- my-project.jar |-- lib |-- dependency1.ja...

How do I get a diagram of the dependencies between my C# projects

I have a fairly complex application which has been broken up into multiple components. Each component has a solution file which contains a bunch of projects. So I like to think of this as a component has multiple projects/dlls in it. There is also a "common" component. All the other components depend on "common". So a compile goes like t...

Different compile-time and runtime dependencies

Why it is common practice to keep compile-time dependencies and runtime dependencies different? Why not to use same dependencies all the time? Even if you don't need some libraries when you compile your code - they'll just be ignored. The obvious answer is to avoid collisions, if so how can they happen? ...

Trying to create a package for debian with java

Hi, I'm trying to create a package which depends exactly on sun-java6-jre (other variants don't work in this case) and build-depends on sun-java6-jdk. Unfortunately pbuilder doesn't want to work this way: it installs openjdk-6-jre as a dependency it returns pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: sun-java6-jdk which is a virtual packag...

What is a good way to plan a series of events that occur within less than a day?

Hi there. I'm looking for something, like MICROSOFT PROJECT, for tracking projects comprised of complex series of events, most of which occur within a single day. I was thinking "project management software" because I still need to track dependencies, predecessors, etc. All of the apps I've tried recently have no capacity for dealing...

How to do opposite of of preference attribute android:dependency?

Is there XML attribute that does the exact opposite of android:dependency? What I would like the dependent preference to be enabled when the other is NOT checked and disabled when it IS checked. edit: maybe the issue isn't with android:dependency maybe there is an xml attribute that I can add to make the default for that preference di...

C# - Application to show all dependencies between functions?

Is there some kind of an application that analyzes source code and graphically shows all the connections between function? I need it for a legacy code I'm working on - It's huge , functional and badly written... :( ...

Graph visualization of existing .NET code

I've seen that VS 2010 Ultimate can generate model graph from existing code. But VS 2010 Ultimate version costs 11K US$, way too much for my budget. Is there any good alternative to do graph visualization of .NET code? ...

Good way to Django-based website, installing prerequisites if needed

Consider a website build using python and django. In many cases it uses 3rd party modules beside standard python library - such as pytz, South, timezones or debug toolbar. What is standard or just convenient way to deploy such application to production hosting with all the prerequisites (timezones, etc) installed automatically? I'm new...

why might rails-2.3.5 not reload some files under app in development mode?

Hi, I've added a subdirectory app/renderers after Railscast #101. The classes in that directory are not getting reloaded by my development server. It's driving me a little bonkers. I've read everything I could find on forcing it to reload lib and/or plugins but this seems to be a different case since "everything under app should be rel...

Ivy custom url resolver

I am trying to create custom resolver in my ivysettings.xml file: <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver="default"/> <resolvers> <chain name="default"> <url name="scala-tools"> <ivy pattern="[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy-[revision].xml" /> ...

Dependency management by external tools versus IDE sugar

I'm using Intellij IDEA IDE. Instead of using it's internal build and dependency management tools I prefer external tools (ant+ivy if it matters). I want IDEA be able somehow catch on the flylibraries that were retrieved by dependency manager, index them and obviously provide ide sugar (code suggesting and so on). Is there plugin or any...