
Design Question: Which is Better practice?

Hello, I have 3 different web servers which handle user data (username/passwd/email/etc.). I have 3 different web service calls respectively, so I've created 3 different classes which calls for the same information (getUsername, setUsername, getEmail, setEmail, etc.). From the main class I instantiate each webservice-call objects and whe...

Scala: Suggestion for an idea for a hands on session

I want to give a Scala presentation and I want to do it by taking an application and evolve it from something which uses java idioms to something that uses the power of scala (traits, pattern matching, implicit convertions, functional programming). I'm especially interested in something that demonstrates a design change, rather than sy...

Returning to a prototyping phase (for adding and testing functionality)?

I think there's a code structuring conflict between extending (or maintaining) the existing functionality and adding completely new functionality. The best approach for adding new functionality is prototyping - you want to keep everything closer together, separate it from the old code, and fiddle with new stuff until it starts producin...

Can we consider a design pattern as a tier in j2ee application

Recently i got this question in my interview.. He had asked me about N tier ,I was telling him about 3 tier applications Suddenly he asked me Can i have 5 tiers :) I told him may be but i never used that.. IV: Ok now tell me what can be the 5 tiers ME: BLa bla After the interview i asked him for the answer and he gave me a example lik...

suggest me well designed opensource web apps in .net

I found architecture of good and interesting. Are there other very well designed opensource web apps written in .Net ? ...

Which diagram I should change in UML?

Hi, Can anyone tell which UML diagram I should change if there is a slight change in the design of application. The change is -> Earlier the application was using Active directory for authentication now I want to use the Membership provider instead. I want to keep the change minimum in diagrams. Thanks ...

C++ design problem

I have a class hierarchy as such: Entity Stationary Tree Creature Bear Crow And I have a World and a Player. When the Player bumps into something it gets a call to handleCollision(Entity* entity) and then depending on what it is different things happen; if the player bumps into a tree noth...

Concurrent system modeling tools

I'm currently taking a course in concurrent software design, and we're focusing a lot on modeling. I see the value in this, but I am not sure if the tool we are using is horrible, good, or somewhere in between, because I can't find any other examples. We're currently using LTS Analyzer, with some more information here. So my questio...

UML for C programming language

UML is most commonly used for modelling system by using C++. In my projects C is the implementation language. I am looking for resources on UML strategies which are applicable for C. I want to use UML during design and represent the different aspects of the system. ...

How does a rule system like the one used in Outlook Express work in theory? How could it be done?

I'm curious about this: In Microsofts Outlook Express (or Outlook, don't remember well, I'm a Mac user), they have something really cool. Generic rules: You can configure a set of rules to automatically sort or delete your emails, for instance. It's incredible powerful and easy to use. These rules looked pretty much like this: "If em...

Having troubles setting the appearance of a web control

hi I'm trying to set the appearance of a Login web control, but I'm having quite a few problems. As far as I can tell, I've set everything correctly, but for some reason control still isn't displayed correctly: a) The width of the two TextBox controls ( with IDs UserName and Password ) should be equal to 70% of table's width, but it...

Exposing multiple assemblies as single API

Didnt really consider this aspect till I started building my solution... To simplify, my application exposes an API to be used by other applications. The API is conceptually comprised of two parts: "Action" classes, and data type objects. Each of these is in its own project. (I'm not asking now about class design, thats a whole separ...

Domain entity validation code inside or outside the object?

Where would you place validation code for a domain entity? Inside the class itself in a method like Validate() or outside in the context where the object is being used? Or both? ...

Design Question: Which is Better practice? (part 2)

Hello, I've got a web interface from which I will gather user data (username,pass,email,etc..) and the backend has to provision these data into 3 other systems (SystemA, SystemB, SystemC). The provisioning is being done by 3 different APIs one for each system (A,B and C). My current design in the backend looks something like this: ...

Atomic file write operations (cross platform)

How do I build up an atomic file write operation? The file is to be written by a Java service and read by python scripts. For the record, reads are far greater than writes. But the write happens in batches and tend to be long. The file size amounts to mega bytes. Right now my approach is: Write file contents to a temp file in same d...

Gui Design Help - MFC

Hello, I need to design a Task Manager, not like windows task manager, but a more generic one. like "i should take my kid to school" kind of task. So, i need to design an appropriate scalable gui ? (in the future there might be hundreds of tasks) Can someone suggest a place/app to look at ? in addition, and on related subject : I op...

What approach/design path should to take when building a totally new system?

This application I'm tasked with is basically a CRUD system for what will likely amount to about a dozen tables. The technology is likely ASP.NET WebForms + Ajax Ctrl Toolkit + jQuery on the front side, and SQL Server on the backside. This app will likely never be used by more than 10-20 users at a time as its a single-tenant system; ...

Simple model of blog post

I want to have a site that is a simple blog so I created a model: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :title, :body end I want to use Markdown but without HTML tags. I also want always to keep database clean and my idea is to use before_save()/before_update() callbacks to sanitise my input and escape HTML. I do...

When to use Abstract Factory and when to use Factory Method?

Could someone give me clear samples on when it's best suit to use de AF rather than the FM design pattern? AF:Abstract Factory FM:Factory Method Best, ...

How do I deal with business-object collection having millions of records in database ?

Here's the scenario. I have an application. Underlying database tables have millions of rows. Say table 'Books' has millions of rows. In the Application design, I have a custom business object Book and custom-collection BookCollection, to represent collection of books. We have written a tiny-ORM which is responsible for mapping between...