
ERD diagram and SQL relationships linking user, project and dataset tables.

Hi guys, I have several tables in my ERD which which I would like to combine in a relational manner. I have several use cases, but I completely lost track of what kind of relations to use between the tables. Every user can work on multiple projects. Every user has one specific role per project (Manager, Contributor, User) Every proje...

Adding dividers into jQuery-ui slider.

I have a slider that goes between 1 and 4. Is there any way I can mark out where 1, 2, 3, 4 live on the slider to make clicking exactly on them as easy as possible? So instead of... ====[ ]======== I have 1===[2]===3===4 ...

Is it better to take object argument or use member object?

I have a class which I can write like this: class FileNameLoader { public: virtual bool LoadFileNames(PluginLoader&) = 0; virtual ~FileNameLoader(){} }; Or this: class FileNameLoader { public: virtual bool LoadFileNames(PluginLoader&, Logger&) = 0; virtual ~FileNameLoader(){} }; The fir...

how to determine that one instance of a service is down and launch a new instance

Hey I have the following situation: a WinService which is processing some stuff from a queue, writing to other tables (during processing) and after it finishes it deletes the entry and moves to the next one. I would need a mechanism to determine if the instance is alive and going and if not to start or wake up a second instance. What I...

Swing rich client in a multi tier context

We're in the analysis/early design phase of a future Swing application where persistance is provided by a database (probably an alternative between Oracle and mySql depending on the customer's money). Basically, the application will feature two kinds of modules : One "admin" subsystem to feed and maintain a set of referential data ; X...

How to display a table (rows and columns of data) in an iPhone native app?

I want to display a table like the following in an iPhone app ` Recommendations History Current 1 Month Ago 2 Months Ago 3 Months Ago Strong Buy 29 27 27 26 Moderate Buy 5 4 4 4 Hold 3 4 3 3 Modera...

When designing something in OO..

..where do you begin? As a basis for any design - for instance a package - where do you as a developer start. I start by mapping out the requirements and breaking them down into sub categories and from this objects and methods. Usually takes a while before I start drawing it out by hand - then that goes through a few versions. But I a...

Splitting objects into their most fundamental parts..

Not sure if the title captures what I'm trying to say here. When designing in OO should I be splitting my objects up into their most specific areas - so if I have a factory object that deals with creating objects but later on i come across a way of creating objects for another purpose even though they may be the same objects is it worth...

TinyMCE Skins, Better than the

Hi! Are there better looking TinyMCE skins except the one of and I couldn't find one that has: buttons for ALL features a nice layout ...

What are the disadvantages and advantages of having a low level design

What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating a LLD ? Edit : I dislike making an LLD so I wanted others opinions on it. ...

How does DispatcherServlet work if we have multiple XML Configuration file ?

Questions How does DispatcherServlet work if we have multiple XML Configuration file so how does Spring Application Context loads them and acts on them ? Scenario: In my case, we have an application that is supposed to global that is application should have AP{Asia-Pacific}, EM{Europ-Middleeast}, CA{Canada} and LA{Latin America} Versi...

php loan application design help needed

I find one of my weaknesses to be applying the theory I know in actual projects. One such theory is application design. I have never formally designed an application before beggining to code. I am developing a simple microfinance loan application for a client and I for once want to do things properly. Hence I am trying to design the syst...

Library design practices that work while doing development in Microsoft .net technologies

I was looking for a book or msdn article for developing a framework/library which extends the .net framework like here. Where can I find good design guidelines? ...

General question about information a scheduler 'dashboard' should have

Sorry for another non programming question, but I'm using Quartz.NET, a scheduler for .NET applications, for a Windows Service which allows users to schedule transferrig of files that match a regular expression from various sources - for example the user may schedule a job to occur every day at 6pm that transfers the files from a networ...

MVC Abstract Base Controller Override parameter type for modelbinding

For simplicity's sake, lets say I have the following Abstract Base Controller Class: public abstract class RESTController : Controller { public abstract JsonResult List(); public abstract JsonResult Get(Guid id); public abstract JsonResult Create(object obj); public abstract JsonResult Update(object obj); publi...

How to implement DRY principle in ASP.NET web app

Hi, I'm soon to kick off a web app using ASP.NET that allows for the manual entry of new data and update of existing data. The company has an existing template that uses a 3 tier structure with standard user interface, business layer and data layer. However they may go with ASP.NET MVC2 if they can find a good enough reason to switch fro...

Choosing colors for application

What is the best way to choose colors for LoB app, i need to style TreeView, dropdown's, textboxes and a pivot grid, so i need a bunch of colors, tried Kuler but it gives only 6 colors. So the question is how to do it without designer? ...

designing picture puzzle.

I am planning to develop a jigsaw puzzle game. Now I already have images and image pieces, so we don't need algorithm to cut the image in pieces. On the UI side there would be two sections First section contains the broken images in random order. Second section contains the outline of the full image. User need to drag and drop the the...

Exposing aggregation through the interface vs. delegation

I have an Employee object which aggregates a few other objects, such as HRData and AssignmentHistory. In the past all of this logic was contained directly in the Employee object, but for testability and manageability I've split it to use aggregation. However, instead of exposing the aggregate objects directly, I've used delegation so tha...

Are there any provable real-world languages? (scala?)

I was taught about formal systems at university, but I was disappointed how they didn't seem to be used in the real word. I like the idea of being able to know that some code (object, function, whatever) works, not by testing, but by proof. I'm sure we're all familiar with the parallels that don't exist between physical engineering and...