
Error Log Database -- For many apps

I have a bunch of existing client/server applications that are currently chugging along. Once in a while, a client will want to add on some type of web-interface to access part of their data. These are typically custom, although some are "generic"; but everyone has their own "instance" in its own VM. What I want is a centralized area to...

thoughts on configuration through delegates

i'm working on a fork of the Divan CouchDB library, and ran into a need to set some configuration parameters on the httpwebrequest that's used behind the scenes. At first i started threading the parameters through all the layers of constructors and method calls involved, but then decided - why not pass in a configuration delegate? so in...

Doubly Linked Lists and Trees: To use or not to use?

I've always been taught that the more pointers you need in a piece of code, the less elegant it is. Also, I know that the only data structure that you 'need' is a singly linked tree. As a result, I've always tried my best to avoid such atrocities as doubly linked lists and doubly linked trees. Is this true? Is code really inelegant if...

Alternating Designs For Loop Results

I am looking to create alternating designs for the content of each post returned in my loop. In short I want the first post to display left align, next right align, and so on. I have not been able to find a way to do this. Any ideas? ...

Design alternative? Composition and construction

So I'm using composition to bring together a collection of objects, all of which are derived from a base class, lets say Component. E.g: class Component { public: Component(); ... private: int m_address; ... }; class SpecializedComponent: public Component { public: SpecializedComponent() ... //and so on }; class Specialize...

Devloping a chat application in python

I want to develop a chat application similar to FUNCTIONALITY This website picks up two random people who are logged into the website and then pairs them for a chat session. Now if one of the party A disconnects then the other party B is informed and then the party B is connected to a different party. I want my application t...

Table Structure for Multiple Histrory

i want to create table to keep histroy of the ammendments & history of the object. for That i have created two column Primary Key ( Id & update date) I have 3 more date columns to maintain history & Status Column for Actual object history. Status , StatusFrom , Statusto, UpdateDate & NextUpdateDate UpdateDate & NextUpdateDate is for ma...

javascript diagram editor (with xml export)

i have to do a webapp where the user designs a diagram using javascript and then can export it to an xml (the connections between the boxes). is there anything available? ...

Tagging content system - with i18n

The Idea is to have a tagging system between Users and Content(images, videos, posts) Kind of like the tagging system here on SO with questions. I like the achievements system on SO, meaning that after a certain amount of points a user can start making his/her own tags. Same Idea for my system My current table design looks like Tag ...

Storing user access level in a database.

I am storing a list of "Users" in a table. The business logic of the application will have a reference to an object with all the data in this table for the currently logged-in user. And be able to allow the user to perform operations if they have the correct access. I'm wondering what is the best way to store "access levels?" One way I...

ASP.NET MVC and Providing Third-Party API

I'm developing a web app. This is more of a line-of-business app rather than a web site. I'm using ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server 2008, and I've purchased LLBLGen. I need to provide an some sort of API to third parties. For instance, if this was a medical app, third parties might need to CRUD patients, retrieve complex reports, engage certain k...

Is using the XML datatype as a DataTable acceptable?

For some reason I feel like I'm going about this the painful way. I have an INSERT xml list. I'm using XML because I need to pass in more than one dynamic value. Since we're saving the event, I already have that ID. What I won't know is the Group or Room ID, so I'm using XML to essentially pass in a datatable. Here is an example INSERT...

Design ideas: Multi-Paged GridView with hundreds of pages

I have a 5000 items SORTABLE gridview. It splits them into pages of 20. Everything works perfectly, only looks like $%#%. I have a pager that looks like: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ... 290 (The ... is real and not me being lazy for the sake of the question) Now, I know for sure that people don't navigate beyond 6-7 pages but I need all the recor...

How to create skype like message window?

Hi all, I am just trying to design skype like message window , for this I have taken the NSDrawer element. It contains : a table view on left, menu items on top, text field on right bottom and text view at central portion on right side. Using text view I can play with string being displayed but I cannot draw the line between messages or...

How to create a gradient background which works with most/all browsers ?

Here is what I want to make, somehow: 1- A gradient background from top and down. There should be 2 colors, lets call them color1 and color2. 2- I want the gradient to be about one page, so it starts on top with color1, and then ends about one page down with color2. 3- Then I want color2 to continue all the way down for whatever size ...

Alternative to "master" and "slave" in entity relationship?

Example: I have two tables in my database called classA and classB, and one table called classA_classB. The last one just defined two int fields with foreign keys to link between classA and classB. So one classA can have many classB, and many classA can link with the same classB. Simple stuff, so far. The problem is, in my special case,...

How do you structure a java program?

For quite awhile I have been trying to make a simple "game" in Java that is really just an applet with a square and a grid. What I want it to do in the end is the user clicks and the square will move to where the user clicked rounded to the nearest grid square. The problem is I am a self taught beginner and I am having a hard time figu...

C# - I know, I know, another question about Dispose (more related to design)!

Possible Duplicate: Should I Dispose() DataSet and DataTable? OP comment: I would like to say that the "Should I Dispose() DataSet and DataTable?" link isn't a possible solution. It's a good link, but this is more design related. Instead, ignore that the exposed property is a DataSet and replace it with something that should ...

Display header based on last page viewed - Wordpress

I need to create a php call that will recognize the last page a user navigate from and display a header associated with the page. Example: User navigates to post from page 1 then header 1 appears, but if the navigate to same post from page 2 then header 2 is displayed. Any ideas. I am lost on where to even start. ...

Snake Game Design Question

I'm trying to make a snake game with additional functionality where snake can eat different types of food some of the foods will give it special powers for some time. like that For designing diff. food i'm making a food interface. And all types of food implement it. So that using only Food's ref. i can create any type of food. The only...