
One Vs Multiple Objects - Java or any other OOP

Let's say I need to design a system for a collection of books. And let's assume I have millions of books and for simplicity we don't need to add or remove books from the system. I can create a Book class and initiate an array in the size of the collection: Book book = new Book[number of books]; In this case, Book would include fields...

Position a button over another using CSS

I need some advanced CSS help here. I have a login button and a register button, I only want one to show up at a time. If the user is not logged in, the register button should appear on top of the login button. We have a complex & crazy backend which will generate the code for the register button if the server thinks the user is not logg...

How do I implement a periodic digest of messages?

My system sends out messages to users (email, sms, etc). It currently sends it for every event (which is only once a day at most), but I'd like to add in a form of digest to it where a user can select to have a weekly or monthly digest of their messages. I'm looking to see if there are any existing opensource solutions for this, or exist...

Help me design a flex selection list, please.

Let me briefly describe the problem I'm trying to solve, and see if somebody can provide a better solution than I have. At the bottom of it, I'm trying to craft a UI that allows the user to select a subset of a set of columns; there is a set of columns M that the user has to choose from, and they can choose 0..m of these. Additionally,...

Design question : having trouble with identifing my classes

I am halfway through an OOP project in the finance industry, and I'm looking back at my design decisions. I've solved some problems using patterns, and I'm particularly proud of those, but elsewhere I seem to lack a bit of rigor. My own use cases are extremely high level, since the actual input done by the user doesn't even compare to th...

Binary data under 20KB : BLOB or filesystem ?

I'm developing web app that user can save his/her work to server. The data will be saved is in variable-length binary form, it's size mostly under 20KB (sometimes little bigger < 100KB). The data will often be changed / updated. I have 2 options saving the data in server: as BLOB (mysql) or as filesystem with reference to its filepath s...

Design consideration for desktop application object.

I am involved in a project to build an application from scratch. In past i have used the application objects as provided by some UI frameworks (Qt, MFC etc.). Now I require to design the application class. Mine is a desktop application that shall run on Windows, Linux. I am collecting other specific requirements. But I want to know In...

Programatically generating UIButtons and associate those with IBAction

Hello, How do I do if I want to programatically generate a set of buttons and then associate those with IBActions? It's easy if I add the buttons in Interface Builder, but that I cannot do for this case. Thanks in advance! ...

When to use layouts and when to use activities?

I'm writing a game for Android. My GUI has the following basic screens (i.e. the information and interactions required on each of these would take up the whole display): Main menu (let you start a new game, enter settings, see high scores, see about screen) Game screen i.e. where the actual game is played. Settings screen. High scores...

Java ORM related question - SQL Vs Google DB (Big Table?) GAE

I was wondering about the following two options when one is not using SQL tables but ORM based DBs (Example - when you are using GAE) Would the second option be less efficient? Requirement: There is an object. The object has a collection of similar items. I need to store this object. Example, say the object is a tree and it has a co...

What's a good approach for allowing users to define their own custom types?

Say you’re designing an application that, by requirement, allows a user the flexibility of creating custom types (for managing his data, whatever it may be). One way of handling this is to define a schema which allows us to use metadata for defining these types. This often means the resulting db schema will have some way of storing key...

UI Question, Should there be one way and only one way to close the form?

When designing a form I have the option of putting a close button at the bottom of the form. The form will also have a close form "x" button in the upper right corner of the window as provided by winforms. Based on the principle of "There should be one and preferably only one obvious way to do it" I was thinking the close button should ...

Where can I find a graphical designer for linq

Hello, I'd like to allow my users to design and linq queries even if they don't know linq. So I am thinking about having "SQL management studio" like window with the list of tables, fields and relationships and let the user drag and drop. I could write it myself but it looks difficult. Is there a better way? Is there a solution some...

Designing software and what programmers want

Hey, I'm working for a company and my job is to serve as a liaison/go-to guy between people who are asking for a piece of software and the software engineers. More precisely, my task could be described as follows: a client wants some sort of new tool/plug in added to their software. Now, my job is to write a clear and thorough report t...

Using multiple hyperlinks as submit and input

Need the three "Options" to be hyperlinks that submit the "choice" form. When submitted, I would like the value to be the text of the option selected (i.e. value=Option1, Option2 orOption3) and all three to have the same name. (i.e. name = Options) I saw this and some other posts here, but did not work with my set up - many "hyperlink i...

most sensible way to do this?

I want to add a user score like they have on hacker news where the value of the comments on someones news submission and someones comments are added up and a score appears beside their username so i have 3 tables users/stories/comments what would be the best way to do this in php/mysql? i was thinking... 2 queries one to get all the ...

How do you identify a design pattern when reading source code?

Is there way to better identify design pattern in source codes, esp. if you are not familiar with all of the patterns? What's the best way to identify them? ...

Open source libraries to design directed graphs

I'm going to need to write a program that takes a list of persons and connects them together in a directed-graph-like manner. The GUI aspect of the whole project is very important. The graph must allow a lot of interaction. Such as selecting several people and hiding the others, moving them around. Additionally, the software will need t...

Algorithm design and analysis separation

Should the people who analyse the output and results of an algorithm be aware of its design? By analysis I mean finding cases where the algorithm failed and returned bad results. ...

best practice with tagclouds or tagCloud logic ?

what are some good tag Cloud logic that you had come up with? like fontsize = factor * percentageOfOccurance .... ...