
How to understand the design and code flow of any product quickly?

I have switched to a new company and I am working on a product that has a huge code base without documentation. I want to quickly get acquainted with the design and the code flow of the product so that I may become a productive member ASAP Slowly and steadily one does gets to understand the code, but what should be the best and smart wa...

What is the cleanest way to center a div absolutely (H+V) inside a browser window?

I need to build a webpage of just a humble content (a logo and some text) to be show in the center of a browser window. How do I best achieve this effect targeting today web browsers? ...

How to stress test a web portal using Selenium and any other open source -Cloud Test?

There is a website portal ,say W1 .Let's say the no. of users accessing are 3000.Can you please give me the detailed framework/design of how this portal can be stress tested remotely in a cloud setup using Selenium RC and/or any other open source.I am not getting any solution. Please help. ...

How to stress test a web portal using Java and any other open source -Cloud Test?

There is a website portal ,say W1 .Let's say the no. of users accessing are 3000.Can you please give me the detailed framework/design of how this portal can be stress tested remotely in a cloud setup using Java and/or any other open source.I am not getting any solution. Please help. ...

what is the proper way to share information between Generic Lists

I have a couple of generic lists with completely different types of data. In my generic lists I have created methods to do all the processing that makes sense from that level - that is I have the member function perform a summary and return a value or set of values. One of my reasoning for basing this calculation in the generic list is ...

How can I do a cloud setup to stress test a website portal?

Can you please give an architectural/design flow of the system which will be able to achieve this purpose? Please note that I am looking to use as less money as possible for this activity...which means I am trying to build the cloud with opensources/servers etc but rying to avoid service providers like Amazon. ...

How to obtain Dual Tone signal from DTMF IC6847?

I have to obtain dual tones from DTMF 6847 chip.Which pins are to be shorted to obtain different sets of frequencies so that I can see them on the oscilloscope? Please help. ...

Provide Programmatic Access to All Data Available in String Form: toString()

Bloch said: Provide Programmatic Access to All Data Available in String Form. I am wondering if he means to override toString() which should involve 'all data available'? I think the 'in string form' means that the string is for human reading, so override toString() is enough for the advice. Am I correct? ...

A better way to describe CRUD in a web application?

Hello, We've been refactoring our web-based admin application (again) and got a bit stuck when describing the permissions involved in what we used to call CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations. We've found that simply trying to describe an action/permission in terms of CRUD doesn't really apply to a web-app. It seems that CRUD as ...

Several C++ classes need to use the same static method with a different implementation.

I need several C++ classes to have a static method "register", however the implementation of register varies between those classes. It should be static because my idea is to "register" all those classes with Lua (only once of course). Obviously I can't declare an interface with a static pure virtual function. What do you guys sugges...

What is ‘power-to-weight ratio’ of an API?

In Bloch’s presentation, he said designer should look for good power-to-weight ratio for API. Moreover, he also stressed that ‘Conceptual weight more important than bulk’. I guess the weight is for ‘Conceptual weight’, bulk is for number of methods of a class. But I couldn’t understand what ‘Conceptual weight’ is, what ‘power-to-weight ...

What is the difference between design and architectural patterns

Hi, What is the difference between design patterns and architectural patter? How they are different? What are different types of Architectural patterns? ...

Attaching row-level signals in django?

I have two models, a definition: class Indicator(TimestampedModel): some_definition_data = models.IntegerField() and an instance: class IndicatorInstance(TimestampedModel): indicator = models.ForeignKey(Indicator) some_instance_data = models.TextField() I want to attach event code (signals) to Indicator definitions. I s...

Differences between MVC and MVP Patterns

Possible Duplicate: What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference? Can somebody explain me the difference between two design patterns for a web application in .net. I am very clear on MVC Pattern and whenever i think of MVP i always feel its is same as MVC. Please clearly explain the difference between a controller and prese...

Helper methods in C#: Static or non-static?

I've got a class with some functions which realistically are just 'helper' methods that client code could do itself with other public accessor properties/methods, and I'm undecided as to whether I should define these as properties with a getter, instance methods, or static methods that take the instance as a parameter. In addition, I've ...

Default/Common Ribbon Icons

I'm starting in WPF Ribbon development and it is very nice! My problem is to find (FREE) basic icons (like file save/open/etc, cut/paste/etc). Have you got some suggestion? ...

gpl licence concern

when you use and edit something under GPL licence ? say a program or website design template , how should I write the copy rights now of the new product ? p.s "licence are PITA I never get the sooo many terms and regulations!, i just need simple human answer please." ...

What's the best design to follow for this API in this case?

I'm building an API that post a given message to different platforms (Twitter, FaceBook...). The problem is that for each platform I may change the wrapper that allow me to post the message. For example, in C# I can post a message on twitter using the yedda API or the CsharpTwitt API, for FaceBook I'll use others APIs... Hence, I have ...

Application Color schemes

I am working on a new UI for an existing application, currently in VB6, and have been told to make it look better / pretty. Is there anywhere I can get some good ideas around colour schemes for a business application which are not 25 shades of grey? FYI: I am working in WPF. ...

Where to place joining classes?

Abstract example: If I have a system with domains of "Fleet" containing a "Vehicle" class, and "Customers" containing a "Driver" class, where would you place a joining class (which would detail lifecycle, insurance claims, and other information about the relationship)? Fleet and Customer concerns are equally important to the system and v...