
Resumable File Upload

I am in the design phase of a file upload service that allows users to upload very large zip files to our server as well as updates our database with the data. Since the files are large (About 300mb) we want to allow the user to limit the amount of bandwidth they want to use for uploading. They should also be able to pause and resume t...

How to allow a user of the class X to choose an implementation of the interface the class X is using?

I've got a question about design. I have a class CodesTree that is building some sort of a binary tree according to data provided and the algorithm it's using needs a priority queue (nota bene also implemented using binary tree). There may be different implementations of a priority queue so I would like to allow the user of my class to c...

Calling Webservices via code security for logging onto service (.NET / WCF)

My web app is going to call a webservice. I'm looking for best practices / guidance for logging onto the webservice so I know that an authorized user is trying to access it not just anyone. ...

IOC and dynamic parameters...

I have read some posts on here about not mixing parameters when passing into a constructor, but have a question. I have classes and they all depend on a company parameter, all of the methods are dependent on the company. I do not want to have to pass the company in on every method call, I would like to pass that into the constructor. ...

Question about server socket programming model

Hello, Over the last couple of months I've been working on some implementations of sockets servers in C++ and Java. I wrote a small server in Java that would handle & process input from a flash application hosted on a website and I managed to successfully write a server that handles input from a 2D game client with multiple players in C...

Top down and Bottom up programming

Hi all, Why do we say language such as C is top-down while OOP languages like java or C++ as bottom-up?. Does this classification has any importance in software development? Thanks. ...

Web Service to return complex object with optional parts

I'm trying to think of the correct design for a web service. Essentially, this service is going to perform a client search in a number of disparate systems, and return the results. Now, a client can have various pieces of information attached - e.g. various pieces of contact information, their address(es), personal information. Some of ...

new project - webforms v silverlight v wpf

Hi just about to get the dev team to start looking at the next version of a CRM type SOA based application and the thorny issue of Application Front End came up. Currently the application is a composite application using Web Forms (.net2) Sharepoint 2003 InfoPath * BizTalk *Not FormsServer though - was before FormServer as we hack...

Object datasource or code-behind: which is better?

I know that it's a subject that can raise a lot of debate, but I'd like to know what people think the various pros and cons of using Object Datasources are. I'm doing a project right now with another programmer who's experience and comfort level are all rooted in classic ASP, and I'm unsure of which way is going to a) get the job done qu...

Viewmodel security in mvc

Is there a difference in terms of security between these two models to be given to View? Ie. in the second example can a webuser/hacker access the methods in any way? public class ObjectViewModel { public PropertyA {get;set;} public PropertyB {get;set;} public PropertyC {get;set;} } public class ObjectViewModel2 { ...

How to design DB table / schema with ease?

Is there a simple method to decide on what fields and indexes are needed for each table in an app you design? For example, if it is a webapp that simply lets people create lists (any number of lists, and users can create "things to do" list or "shopping" list), and the user can assign other users to edit the list, and whether the list i...

Tech Innovation and Products - who should be the one to bring it up?

So - The typical thing I hear alot is only do what the customer wants, business requirements. These tend to be about the "functioning" of the system - there may be some technical requirements - "must be web brower based", "Must be persitantly stored" But who in your opinion specifys WebForms v WPF v SilverLight Performance is a busi...

What's the good time balance between designing an application and coding it?

The question might seem trivial, but it's an actual problem: when you're working on a project, do you do any kind of architecture design before actually starting coding? Do you spend much time working together with a customer to get a detailed specs/usecases/mockups? During coding, do you alter those architectural decisions made before...

SSAS - Inferred Dimension Attributes - are they necessary?

I have a cube with fact tables that have a parent-child relationship: Person - Case. Some dimensions are inferred from the parent, e.g. State in the example below. Person does not have a foreign key to the State dimension, but Case does, and through the Person-Case relationship the State is inferred. By doing it this way, I end up with ...

Synchronisation between SQL Server 2008 Express and VFP tables

I'm looking for advices and suggestions on how to synchronise data between two databases. The first database is a SQL Server 2008 Express that run on disconnected laptops (no network or internet access). The second database (main) is a VFP 9.0 that run on a server. When the user connect their laptop on the network, I want the synchroni...

Silverlight developer wants to gain some designer chops - where do I start?

I'd like to reskin a Silverlight app to be more visually compelling. Unfortunately, I went to school for computer science, not design, and I have trouble deciding if two colors even match. How do I get started? Let me add that time and money are both factors so pursuing a design degree isn't an option (though it might be ideal). EDIT...

How do I architect and implement self-serve custom reporting?

What type of architecture, design and software would one need to provide something similar to the excellent custom report functionality provided by google analytics. To be more specific we want to user to be able to specify dimensions and metrics from a list and generate a report. Do we need a data warehouse? Do we need OLAP? Would ...

Data modeling with levels of detail, some of which are absent

I'm doing a data model for a roller derby league to track their matches. I track things like lap times, penalties per lap, penalties per period, and penalties per match. The problem is that in some cases, I will only have the overall data; I might have "penalties per match" for one match and "penalties per period" for another. So at the...

I have my requirements for a mvc web application, now what?

I’m working on a project and have developed the high level user requirements for what the system must do. This project is a php mvc web application built on the CodeIgniter framework. Now I’m trying to take those requirements and break them down further into controllers/actions. What is the best way to do this? I was thinking of cr...

Designing an Asp.Net App that supports SubSites

I'm designing an ASP.Net application that must support 'SubSites'. The idea is to have a super admin manage all users, global application settings and SubSites. Each Subsite has a few of its own settings (such as a local admin, logo and welcome message) and each SubSite has its own list of registered users. This is very similar with...