
Should web pages look same in different browsers?

There is a common fetish in web designer world that all pages should look pixel by pixel same in all browsers. I doubt if there is any good in this practice. People are different and they have different needs. There is no single the best font rendering and there is no ideal one size fit all font size. So I believe that web should be writ...

WPF design question (custom control or mvvm)

Here is the scenario: I have a visual that displays some data The data to the visual can come in one of two ways Via user input through the keyboard or mouse Via some backend source Both these data inputs can be of one of two forms Control data or Raw data for simple display Control data causes changes in the visual Raw data is sim...

Writing applications with Scala actors in practice

I've now written a few applications using scala actors and I'm interested in how people have approached or dealt with some of the problems I've encountered. A plethora of Message classes or !? I have an actor which reacts to a user operation and must cause something to happen. Let's say it reacts to a message UserRequestsX(id). A conti...

Writing applications with Scala actors in practice II

Because my first question was so long, I'm asking this as a separate question. It's another one about the architecture of an actor-based application. Keeping track of message paths through an Application Let's take a piece of Java code: public void deleteTrades(User user, Date date) { PermissionSet ps = permissionService.findPermi...

What is the major authority (ies) for big C++ projects?

For many years, I have been re-reading John Lakos's classic Large-Scale C++ Software Design. Not only it was the first guidebook of this kind, but it also revolutionized on how systems, developed in C++, are build, managed in an efficient fashion to this day! Do you feel his ideas are outdated now? Some C++ techniques in the book are ...

What are some techniques for understanding object interaction

When starting a new application what are some ways to decide what objects you will need, what they should do, and how they should interact with each other? Is this a job for a white board, or is it easier to just start coding and move stuff around as needed? ...

Writing the interface to a web service API

I'm beginning to design a web-based API and the very first issue—how will users interact with it—left me at a loss. This is an API that is only going to be used by other folks within our company and will be used by people who have some programming knowledge, so there's a good bit of leeway in all respects, and it needn't be simple enoug...

Help in designing a tree structure - Tension between functional and OOP

Hi, I've been learning f# in the previous days, writing a small project which, at last, works (with the help of SO, of course). I'm trying to learn to be as idiomatic as possible, which basically means that I try to not mutate my data structures. This is costing me a lot of effort :-) In my search for idiomatic functional programming,...

Report Metadata in a Collection of [Telerik] Reports

I have a rapidly growing set of Telerik reports in my web project. My data providing strategy is that each report has an companying text file containing a SQL query. I handle complex filter criteria, like long 'x is in(y,z,a,b,c....)', or '((x=1) and (x < y))', repeated a hundred times, by doing text substitutions on a text file query ...

Code Design / Testability How To?

My team is designing a library that is wrapping calls to Active Directory to search and return a list of people. We have a person class that wraps up the information for a person found. We then use the List to wrap them up. When we call the search it uses the internal System.Directory library and returns a SearchResultCollection objec...

A good mobile-page-design principle

In one of y projects, I need to create many web pages to mobile devices. I found this field very confusing, especially when you need to meet various devices. I would like to collect some "Best practice" advices on how and what is good for a mobile web in terms of GUI and technical design. Also, it will be good to hear what language ...

which data model storage strategy ?

I am trying to come out with a good design for the storage of a data model. The language is python, but I guess this is fairly agnostic. At the moment I envision three possible strategies: Object database The datamodel is a network of objects. When I create them, I specify them as descendant from a persistence object. Example: class ...

Migration solution for singletons in an OSGI environment

I'm working in a JEE Environment in which each application is in a war file of its own. In the WEB-INF/lib of each application war file there is a common jar that is shared by all applications. This common jar contains several Singletons which are accessed from many points in the code. Because of the war-file boundaries each application ...

In Multiple inheritance, which class should be listed first, My-App-Class or Language-Framework-Class

In Python, while designing a multiple inheritance subclass, should I place my app class first or language/framework/third-party class first? Based on your experience which do you recommend: 1) My app class before a native or third party class class MyClass(MyAppBaseClass, SomeLibraryOrNativePythonClass): or 2) A native or third p...

How do I make an info bar at the top of the page like on

Im seriously jealous of the person who designed this website and in particular the 'info' bar at the top of the page that notifies you every so often. I very much want this on my website, does anyone know of a downloadable script that resembles something like this? (php) An answer from the stackoverflow design team would be nice! ;) ...

Floating point calculations with latitudes and longitudes of varying precisions

Background: I receive a long and lat as parameters to a web service. They are typically up to 6 decimal places. When a new request is received, I calculate the distance between the last recorded loc and the long/lat in the params of the request. If the distance is greater than a certain threshold of miles apart, I update the current loc....

Use system namespaces for class libraries: good or bad

Hi, Is it a good idea to use "system namespaces" in my class libraries? Sample: namespace System.Web { public static class RequestExtensions { public static bool IsPost(this HttpRequest r) { return string.Compare(r.HttpMethod, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0; } } } The advantage...

Anyone managed to use Expression Blend for productive Designer & Developer Collaboration?

I'm an MVC fan from way back and used Maverick.Net for my web sites long before ASP.Net MVC came along. One of the utopian goals I had for MVC was that I'd be able to break the horrible practice of designers doing their thing in Dreamweaver and emailing over the HTML to the developer who had to spend time fiddling around with it to massa...

MVC Specification

Of all MVC-capable GUI toolkits, which one do you think has the best spefication and which one the most drawbacks ? In which one do you find your code easy to maintain and extend? Which is one do you find crippled (if any) and for what reasons ? I' m mainly interested in Qt and Cocoa but i would like to hear about others too. Thank you...

What is Eclipse's structure?

I appreciate the flexible structure of Eclipse. I really want to know what programming language is used to write such software, and what design concepts are used in it to make it so flexible. ...