
InvalidOperationException - object is currently in use elsewhere - red cross

Hello I have a C# desktop application in which one thread that I create continously gets an image from a source(it's a digital camera actually) and puts it on a panel(panel.Image = img) in the GUI(which must be another thread as it is the code-behind of a control. The application works but on some machines I get the following error...

.NET framework penetration among home users?

It's hard enough to find reliable numbers as to general adoption of the .NET framework. This questions concerns an even more specific case: what's the situation among home users? I am wondering wether .NET is a good choice for a desktop application when targetting home users? Assuming the application in question is a small-medium sized...

How important is size in an application?

When creating applications (Java, run on a normal computer). How important is program size for users? For example, would it be necessary to replace .png's with .jpg's, convert .wav's to .midi's, or strip down libraries to save space, or do users generally not care if my program is 5mb when it could be 50kb if stripped down? Thanks. ...

Are web applications more portable than desktop applications?

I often hear people praising web applications (as opposed to desktop apps) for their portability. Indeed, making a desktop application available on multiple operating systems is difficult. However, I'd think web-applications have to deal with portability issues equally well, only between browsers instead of operating systems. Or is it no...

Problem with deploying an application that is using sql server 2008 express

I've developed an application for my college project in Visual C# which uses SQL Server 2008 Express database. My application is desktop-based. But the problem now is deploying the application. Is it required that a SQL Server 2008 be installed on the client machine (with my tables and data inserted) or can I just have the .mdf file expo...

How do I store desktop application data in a cross platform way for python?

I have a python desktop application that needs to store user data. On Windows, this is usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\AppName\, on OSX it's usually ~/Library/Application Support/AppName/, and on other *nixes it's usually ~/.appname/. There exists a function in the standard library, os.path.expanduser that will get me a user's...

software which can stream any flv file

i know this is not programming related, but i have a scenario. Each video streaming site has a flash video plugin and upon doing the view source i can find the link of the flv file it is streaming. Now i wanted to make an application or work on an existing one, where i can copy and paste the url of the flv file and it streams it for me....

Handling forgotten passwords when designing desktop applications

Hi. I'm in the process of creating a traditional desktop application, and I'd like to enable the user to protect the application with a password. I was wondering what people tend to do in terms of helping the user if they can't remember the password? I don't want them to be locked out of the app entirely because of it. If I were creat...

How do I launch application one from another in C#?

I have two desktop applications. After closing the first application, the first application will start the second application. How do I start the second application after finishing first application? My first application creates a separate desktop. ...

Which is a good method for Desktop & web application integration?

I have designed a desktop application in c# and web application in php. my desktop application requests data by calling php file and some portion of desktop application showing web forms using web browser control. both process takes too much time. is there any other method speed up this two processes ...

How to structure a large Ruby application?

I'm considering writing a (large) desktop application in Ruby (actually a game, think something like Angband or Nethack using Gtk+ for the GUI). I'm coming from a C#/.NET background, so I'm a little at a lost for how to structure things. In C#, I'd create many namespaces, like Application.Core, Application.Gui, etc). Parts of the applic...

Non-trivial desktop apps that use Ruby?

I'm about to start a project developing a Ruby desktop application. I expect to to be fairly big and I want to learn techniques for dividing code among modules and other techniques for managing complexity. Most large apps I've looked at are Rails apps, but these aren't very helpful, because most of the work is done by Rails itself. What...

App started by logged off XP user can seen on desktop of a different user

This is a coding question. Please read it before you flag it as belonging on ServerFault as the last one I wrote got thrown over there in less than 5 minutes. I'm testing my win32/c++ application on XP which has the latest service packs. It contains two administrative user accounts both without passwords. I log in as User1 and start my ...

From Web Developer to Software Developer - What to Know?

I'm a web developer who is trying to get into software development. What should I know about desktop applications before I develop and deploy one? I understand that this question is a little vague, but if it helps, I'm looking for answers similar to "What should a developer know before building a public web site". ...

Persistent Storage Cocoa/MacOSX

When writing an application for MacOSX, using Cocoa/Objective-C, I'd like to be able to store the data entered by the users. There will only be one user per installation at the moment; however, I'd like to get an idea of how storage methods change if it were multiple users per installation. In the case of 1 user per installation, shoul...

How can i make a tray icon in Linux using C++?

In Windows I can use Shell_NotifyIcon(). What is the linux equivalent of this function? Is it different in GNOME (gtk) and KDE (qt)? Can't find any tutorials in the Internet. ...

How can I load my own custom component into an AIR application?

I created separate own canvas component for Home page, Contact page, Rules page etc. In my main application it has link button like Home,Contact,Rules in application controller(child state) . <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="903" height="508" backgroundImage="@Embed(sour...

what are good libraries for map feature?

we are planning to have feature similar to Google maps like feature in our commercial desktop application. can anyone suggest any such map libraries? this application needs both drawing facilities and features that would help in showing the map too. the application will be in C# and hence if the libraries need to be .NET based. ...

Recommendation needed for good database for Delphi desktop app

I am creating a desktop application written in Delphi and I am looking for a database for my application. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of available options. I'd really appreciate some recommendations and insights from other developers based on their experiences. Critical factors Low or no buyin cost. No distribution fees. E...

Light weight text/code editor that can open .SLN, and .CSProj Files

I'm using a weak computer that's chokes when I open too many programs (Out of my control). So I want to have a lighter way to open Visual Studio solution files and csproj files. I sometimes like to keep projects open for code reference easy access to files I care about. edit my custom msbuild tasks (don't compile thru the I...