
Find the parent Dialog of a Button

I have an alert dialog which contains a button. The button is defined in some XML and the layout is set using Dialog.setContentView(). The button has a listener class and I want to know how, if at all, I can access the dialog from the onClick(View v) method. The reason for this is simply that I want to be able to dismiss the dialog - ...

[ANDROID] Showing Dialog after another Dialog: HANGS

Hi! I have a really weird problem, which I am unable to debug so far... Thing is...my app needs to download something to work. So in the beginning of the onCreate() method, I check if that something is already downloaded. If not, I pop a dialog up asking the user to download it. if (!isInstalled) { showDialog(DIALOG_INSTALL)...

Setting background color of Win32 dialog button (not owner-drawn)

Is it possible to set the background color of a dialog button in Win32 without using an owner-drawn button? The following paints the background of every dialog item except the buttons (not owner-drawn): case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: HDC hdcStatic = (HDC)wParam; SetBkColor(hdcStatic, bgEditC...

JFace question: Disable some entries in ListSelectionDialog?

I have a ListSelectionDialog. Something like this for instance: Now what I'd like to do is to have some items permanently selected and disabled (Basically I'd like to indicate to the user that these are part of the "core" selections and are not optional). Is there a way to do this? ...

How to customize a TimePickerDialog?

I'm looking to create something EXACTLY like TimePickerDialog (look and feel) in Android, but it would be for MINUTES/SECONDS, not HOURS/MINUTES. Therefore AM/PM would not be relevant and would therefore allow MINUTE to be greater than 24 (making the max 59). Is it possible to change the TimePickerDialog instance in any way to reflect t...

jquery ui dialog title bar icon

How do you add an icon (floated to the left on the title bar, like windows in Windows) to a jQuery UI Dialog? ...

How to have a one-time only Dialog box

I am wondering how one would create a dialog box that only pops up when the app is first opened. For example, I have an Android app on the market. When I update it, I would like to implement a box that pops up that displays what has been updated in the app and will not pop up again until the app is updated again. Thanks! ...

Android dialog management

Hi all! I'm developing an android app (if you want more info http://www.txty.mobi) and I am having some problems with dialogs management. I'm quite new to Android so the way I'm doing things completely wrong. If the case please just say so pointing me to the right documentation to follow. Background: The main blocks of the app so fa...

Displaying an android dialog out of application

I have an application that is designed to pop up a question when a phone call ends using a BroadcastReceiver and a PhoneStateListener. My problem is, when a call is received while the user is not currently using my application, the dialog is not displayed until the application is manually started. I would like either for the dialog to b...

Android: Modal dialog with changelog for app shown only first time after install

Hi, A lot of Android apps now display a modal dialog with the changelog (text) of the application (what's new in the latest version) the first time after it is installed or updated. Does any one have example code on: How to display a nice modal dialog suitable for scrollable text How to make sure the dialog is only shown once Fo...

How do I set the position of a dialog so it is centered in it's parent frame?

I have a dialog class with a constructor like the following public SampleDialog(JComponent parent, String title){ super((Frame)SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class, parent), title, false); setLocationRelativeTo(parent); init(); } However, this positions the dialog so that it's upper right hand corner is in the c...

Set spinner within custom dialog

I'm getting a NullPointerException while attempting to create a Spinner within a dialog and can't seem to debug it because the code looks solid. Wonder if anyone else has any idea. Any help is greatly appreciated. protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { Dialog dialog; switch(id) { case DIALOG_SEND_PM: ...

Admob ad won't display in an dialog themed activity

What i have is a simple activity with some content inside of it. Right below that I have an admob ad. And it works great. However, when i add android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" to the activity in the manifest the activity still loads, the content loads, but then the ad will NOT load. If i simply delete android:theme="@android...

Prevent component from opening a pop-up window in own .NET application

In my application, I have a component, which opens a pop-up window (save dialog). There's no legitimate method for disabling that dialog. Killing it by timer is not reliable way. Is there any accurate way for preventing the dialog from opening? ...

Has anybody used any jquery dialog boxes with the colorbox plugin

I want to open a dialog box from inside colorbox. Which dialog plugin works well within colorbox? ...

Theme.Dialog view size problems

I'm trying to create a basic AlertDialog using an activity with a theme of Theme.Dialog. However, I'm having an issue with the size of the dialog. My XML is currently this: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <TableL...

Android's maps library throws NullPointerException when animateTo is executed while a dialog is shown

I've been struggling with the runOnFirstFix() method for quite a long time. And maybe the problem is in that first line that says Running deferred on first fix. The thing is, when the first fix gets executed and I am displaying some dialog in that moment, it crashes quite frequently. I've extracted the following from the logcat: I/Map...

Android: Dialog etc restore after rotation changed

How to restore the dialog etc after rotating the screen? For example, pop up an alertDialog to tell user some information. then the user rotate the screen to another orientation. How to restore the alertDialog? Can any one guide me to do it? Thanks! Appended later: I looked into the android source code and find these things: Dialogs ...

Android: How to start an Activity from an alert dialog

I need to start an activity when the user chooses an item in an alert dialog. How do I get the context to pass to the intent constructor in the following code... builder.setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { Intent i = new Intent(<WHAT DO...

Override click in android preferenceactivity

Hi everyone, In my app I'd like to show a warning when using a certain preference in my application. I've tried using the PreferenceActivity.onPreferenceTreeClick and the onPreferenceClickListener, but neither seems to work. I've got the latter example below. Could anyone shed some light on this please? @Override protected void onCreat...