
alternative of `die()` in php

I have the following script <?php echo "I am alive<br>"; die("I am dying<br>"); echo ("Dead"); ?> The output that I get is I am alive I am dying Is there any way (alternative/substitute of die()) using which the execution of the remaining script be continued? EDIT : Sorry I have got what I wanted and have vot...

WWW::Mechanize::GZip triggering __DIE__ signal...why?

It's taken me a while to track down a sudden problem with my code, but it appears that WWW::Mechanize::GZip is somehow triggering my $SIG{DIE} handler. Consider this code: use strict; use WWW::Mechanize::GZip; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print "WTF??? WHY IS THIS BEING TRIGGERED?\n"; }; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::GZip->new(); $mech->ge...

Appropriate use of die()?

Note: I am using output buffering. It's just wrapped in the head() and foot() functions. I create pages in my current PHP project by using the following template: <?php include 'bootstrap.php'; head(); ?> <!-- Page content here --> <?php foot(); ?> Is the following example an appropriate use of die()? Also, what sort of problems mi...

CodeIgniter: View doesn't load if I use die() function.

Hi, I have the following code. Checks if the user is logged in or not. When the variable $is_logged_in is not set or is False, I load a message view. Unfortunately, at the same time the system loads the restricted content view. So I used die() function, and now only shows a blank page. What can I do to only load the message view when t...

PHPUnit: continue after die, expect "die" or somehow handle die() ?

Hi all. I'm writing some unit tests. The system I'm currently testing is a web-app in an MVC framework. If we want to render pages without the site-skin system we've traditionally run our code as usual, but printed a "die();" statement at the end of the function to exit before the rest of the website renders. Well now that we're addi...

Newer version of "... or die(..."

A long time ago I used to use "or die" in my PHP code. Especially like this: $q = mysql_query('......') or die(mysql_error()); Obviously, that's pretty shameful these days, but the X or Y principle still speaks to me. So I though I'd try this: $r = $this->exec($query) or throw new Exception('FAIL'); but that results in a parse erro...

What is the correct way to die with an error but without a stack trace in perl?

I am writing a perl script, and in the part where I am checking the options that the user supplied on the command line, I want to exit with an error explaining what was wrong with the options. In this case, there is no need for a stack trace to go along with this error message. So what is the best way to die with an error message but no ...

Can I catch exit() and die() messages?

I'd like to be able to catch die() and exit() messages. Is this possible? I'm hoping for something similar to set_error_handler and set_exception_handler. I've looked at register_shutdown_function() but it seems to contain no context for the offending die() and exit() calls. I realize that die() and exit() are bad ways to handle errors....

php OOP Exceptions or die()?

I am developing some project. And I want to control different errors. I know that in all popular frameworks and php projects there are different Exceptions. But I think that is not required work. If the error is occured we can make die() with our message. 1. What are the main pluses of Exceptions? 2. Can I control my errors with die()? ...

How can I make Perl die if a warning is generated?

I would like my script perl to die whenever a warning is generated, including warnings which are generated by used packages. For example, this should die: use strict; use warnings; use Statistics::Descriptive; my @data = ( 8, 9, 10, "bbb" ); my $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new(); $stat->add_data(@data); use warnings FATAL ...

How can I redirect output of die function to a file in Perl?

I want to redirect the die messages to a separate file so that I can compare that file later to determine what went wrong. But this code gives me errors: $ cat test.pl use strict; use warnings; my $log = "msglog.log"; die $log "DEAD$!"; $ perl test.pl Missing comma after first argument to die function at test.pl line 5, near ""DEAD$!...

Java setter, getter (rolling a die)

I have some questions about java. There are two questions in the code (I left them as comments). Also what is the purpose of using setting and getting methods? Could you please explain it very briefly. I am a beginner. Thank you :) public class Die { private final int MAX = 6; private int faceValue; public Die() { ...

die() on single elements

I've attached some live() listeners in order to automatically make ajax calls for every link with ajax in the url: $("document").ready(function() { $('a[href^="/ajax"]').live('click', call); }); function call(e, context, link) { e && e.preventDefault(); link = link || this; if(typeof link == "string" || !$(link).hasClas...