
Hyperlink display problem for different browsers (Firefox vs Internet Explorer)

Here is how I give a url to my asp.net hyperlink in c# reportHyperLink.NavigateUrl = "\temporary_reports\" + "department_report" + "_" + numberOfTicks + ".xls"; This is how it is displayed in internet explorer. http://myportal/temporary%5Freports/department%5Freport%5F20091126%5F11%5F25%5F56%5F914.xls This is how it is displayed in ...

Command Line XML Diff Utility for Solaris

Can anyone suggest a command line xml differencing tool for Solaris? I want to call one in a regression test script, so it's important that the tool can be called from the command line and return a status to indicate whether the files contain any differences. The tool must have an option to ignore attribute order. Thanks, Dave ...

Asp.Net and Sql Server Time difference in days, hours, minutes...

I am working on a issue tracking application with asp.net and sql server 2005. While tracking the issues I am storing the deadline as datetime in the database and also if someone posts a message in the message board the posting date/time is also getting stored in the db as datetime. Now my requirement is to show the issue deadline as "2...

Prolog difference routine help!

I need some help with a routine that I am trying to create. I need to make a routine that will look something like this: difference([(a,b),(a,c),(b,c),(d,e)],[(a,_)],X). X = [(b,c),(d,e)]. I really need help on this one.. I have written a method so far that can remove the first occurance that it finds.. how ever I need it to remove...

Recommendation sought for basic string difference algorithm

Hello, I'm looking for an algorithm that takes as arguments two strings, source and destination, and returns the steps required to transform the source string to the destination. Something that takes Levenshtein distance one step farther. E.g., Input: source "abc", dest "abbc" Output: insert 'b' at position 1 in source Input: source...


What is the difference between: HTML SHTML PHTML Why and when i'll use which one? ...

Date Difference in php?

Is there a quick way to calculate date difference in php? For example: $date1 = '2009-11-12 12:09:08'; $date2 = '2009-12-01 08:20:11'; And then do a calculation, $date2 minus $date1 I read php.net documentation, but no luck. Is there a quick way to do it? EDIT: I will put up the whole answer (for some people who might curious of ho...

Difference between dates in javascript

how to find difference between two dates ...

Differences Between MATLAB 4.2c And The Lastest One

I'm now learning a bit of MATLAB and I have two versions of it. Version 4.2c, that I use on my emulated Windows 3.11 and the lastest one, that I use on my Windows Vista. Here is a screenshot of it: Then I want to know: What are the main differences? There are any difference in the language itself? New librarys will work? ...

Place dots where a word is misspelled

Hello, I'm creating a web app in PHP where people can try to translate words they need to learn for school. For example, someone needs to translate the Dutch word 'weer' to 'weather' in English, but unfortunately he types 'whether'. Because he almost typed the right word, I want to give him another try, with dots '.' on the places wher...

Polarized shift of percentage values

Hi I have this in AS3 differencePercentage = Math.round(((Pay.init / Pay.current) * 100) - 100); and that gives me the difference in percent between initial and current pay, but it's reversed. When it's positive i.e. pay is above the initial value it says -X%, and when it's below it says X%. Is there any obvious way I'm not seeing to...

Delphi Compile and Build produce different binary on same project

Hi there. In a fresh VCL application Compile and Build operation produce same binary and map file (with minor differences at the end of .exe file even if "include version information in project" option is switched off - already discussed). Map file is same bite to bite. But wen I add any third-party component the binary and map(!) fil...

Calculating the time difference in an php/mysql/javascript system

I was wondering what the best way is to calculate the difference in time from now to a certain point, lets say the countdown time. I have an auction that has a closetime at a certain point, this time is stored in an mysql record in the format " DATETIME 00-00-000 00:00:00 ". This record is called closetime. Now on my website i have a j...

Is there any functional difference between c# sealed and Java's final keyword?

In Java final applies to more than just a class. So, I wonder: is there any functional difference between the two keywords? Thank you, and sorry for a relatively noob question. A quick Google search did not satisfy my needs. ...

What application can I use for finding the differences between two source code files?

Possible Duplicates: Best file comparison tool Best Diff Tool? Duplicate: this is a duplicate of Best file comparison tool and many others. While it may be fun to post our favorite diff tools, I recommend we close this question as a duplicate, and answer in the original question. What application do you use for comparing tw...

ArrayList and Array difference

With reference to MSDN, It is stated that "You can set the lower bound of an Array, but the lower bound of an ArrayList is always zero" If i declare an array a[10], the lower bound is always a[0]. Is this the lower bound specified there? If yes, How can we set the lower bound of an array, Since the index of an array always starts with...

What is the Difference between PHP and ASP?

ASP is a Compiled Language or isnt it? sure it is. PHP is a Interpreted Language. I also developed once an asp app with the VS 2008 IDE. But there is a Big difference between ASP and PHP. What are the Differences? ...

PHP to calculate the number of office hours between two dates

We run a service that's based on a 2 business day SLA, so if the request is submitted at 1pm on Monday it should be completed by 1pm of Wednesday. So in the database I have two MySQL timestamps YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS, and need some way of working out the time between the two dates in working time, based on office hours of 9am till 5pm. Ca...

How can i see differences between two .sdf files?

I need a tool that show me the differences between two .sdf files. Is there something I can download or do I have to write some code? ...

Boolean Difference between text files on Linux?

Are there any command line linux utilities that will give me the boolean difference between two text files? Meaning: File-A: Apple Pear Orange Banana File-B: Pear Orange Running % program File-A File-B -o output output: Apple Banana Edit: Awesome, thanks guys! ...