
text comparison/difference algorithm

Is there a c# library/algorithm that compares 2 texts and displays what is different in them? ...

Prolog list difference routine.

I am trying to implement a list difference routine in prolog. For some reason the following fails: difference(Xs,Ys,D) :- difference(Xs,Ys,[],D). difference([],_,A,D) :- D is A, !. difference([X|Xs],Ys,A,D) :- not(member(X,Ys)), A1 is [X|A], difference(Xs,Ys,A1,D). When trying: ?- difference([1,2],[],D). I get this error: ER...

What's the difference between std::string::c_str and std::string::data?

Why would I ever want to call std::string::data() over std::string::c_str()? Surely there is some method to the standard's madness here... ...

Difference between defining a member in __init__ to defining it in the class body in python?

What is the difference between doing class a: def __init__(self): self.val=1 to doing class a: val=1 def __init__(self): pass ...

Difference Between Object And NSObject

Hello, I'm learning Objective-C and as I can see, in some tutorials they use Object(imported from objc/Object.h) and in others i see the use of NSObject(imported from Foundation/NSObject.h), but what are the main differences between they? Regards. ...

RSync: How do I synchronize in both directions?

Hello! I want to use rsync to synchronize two directories in both directions. I refer to synchronization in classical sense (not how it is meant in rsync manuals): I want to update the directories in both directions, depending on which of them is newer. Can this be done by rsync (preferable in a Linux-way)? If not, what other solution...

Readable way of knowing if there is at least one difference between two Map<Long, Integer> in Java ?

I have two maps of type Map<Long, Integer>, one named "old" representing the old state of an object, and the other named "new" representing the new state of the same object. Is there a simple & readable way of knowing if the old state and the new state are different (ie. if the state has changed)? Ideally, I'd like some "java.utils" or...

What is the advantages an interpreted language has over a compiled language?

Possible Duplicate: Whats with the love of dynamic Languages I have already read this, but I do not get it. What use is making your own interpreter. Also, it says platform independence. After all the degree of platform independence is limited by what all platforms your interpreter can run on. So, I don't see any advantage. Als...

Difference in compiler design for OOP languages

Hello. I'm doing a research on how the design compiler for an OOP language differs from traditional imperative languages. I'd just like some topics to send me on my way, and if you wish, you can explain them. For eg. I found that the type table is built differently. ...

What is the difference between ~ and ! operator?

Please let me know the difference between ~ and ! operator in java. ...

Saying "C & C# are equal by functionality, but not by concept"

An argument has been raised in my class regarding C and C#. I stated that it's correct to say that C & C# are the same (meant: same by functionality, but not by concept). Different by concept: C# meant to be easier to program with than C. C is more descriptive. Same by functionality: Everything you make with C# - you can also make with...

What's the difference between "::" and "sys" schemas?

As far as I know, BOL exmaple on fn_trace_getinfo used to use :: instead of sys schema in the example like following From SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_getinfo(default) To SELECT * FROM sys.fn_trace_getinfo(default) Are there any differences between those two? And what does :: mean? ...

how are wpf and silverlight different?

can anyone tell me what is the difference in wpf and silverlight, what features has been added and removed from wpf in order to get silverlight. ...

Using 'diff' (or anything else) to get character-level diff between text files

Hi everyone, I'd like to use 'diff' to get a both line difference between and character difference. For example, consider: File 1 abcde abc abcccd File 2 abcde ab abccc Using diff -u I get: @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ abcde -abc -abcccd \ No newline at end of file +ab +abccc \ No newline at end of file However, it only shows me that were...

Is there a difference between using "this" and "prototype" in Javascript here?

Hi, Is there a difference between the two codes below, I presume not. function Agent(bIsSecret) { if(bIsSecret) this.isSecret=true; this.isActive = true; this.isMale = false; } and function Agent(bIsSecret) { if(bIsSecret) this.isSecret=true; } Agent.prototype.isActive = true; Agent.prototype.isMale =...

How do I choose between innerText or nodeValue?

Hi, When I need to change a text within a span element, which one should I use and what is the difference: var spnDetailDisplay=document.getElementById('spnDetailDisplay'); spnDetailDisplay.innerText=sDetail; or var spnDetailDisplay=document.getElementById('spnDetailDisplay'); spnDetailDisplay.childNodes[0].nodeValue=sDetail; ...

Difference between \n and \r?

Whats the difference between \n (newline) and \r (carriage return)? Edited to add: All the answers are fairly predictable, but I'd be interested to know if there are any PRACTICAL differences between \n and \r. Are there places where one should be used over the other? ...

Comparing ruby hashes

Hi I have two ruby hashes (which are essentially models) and am trying to find the differences between them, one is an old instance of an object where the other has new values assigned to some attributes. I'm trying to determine which keys have changed, but there doesn't seem to be anything built into the Hash for this. I can think of...

Convert dates to hours

Hello all, I'm trying to work with dates for the first time, I did it something about that with Flash but it's different. I have two different dates and I'd like to see the difference in hours and days with them, I've found too many examples but not what I'm loking for: <?php $now_date = strtotime (date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // the cur...

Get Diffrence Between Two Times (Unix Epoc)

You know when it's late in the night and your brain is fried? I'm having one of those nights right now, and my function so far is not working as it should, so please take a look at it: (I should note that I'm using the PHP 5.2.9, and the function / method DateTime:Diff() is not available until PHP 5.3.0. <?php function time_diff($ts...