
Create a C++ container that contain the filenames within a directory

I need to generate a container of filenames within a directory in C++ and it must be cross platform compatible. Someone recommended using the WIN32_FIND_DATA data structure. Is this the best option and if so how would I implement it? The user will not enter the filenames, but rather the C++ function will automatically search the directo...

Free tool to watch directory and show changes in files

Im looking for a tool that will watch directory(with sub-dirs) and give me the list of files that has changed and what has changed in them. Ive found some tools that show me files that has changed, but that is not enough for me. P.S. I dont want to write it if someone has already written it. P.S.2. Feel free to close this question if y...

Missing directory in a Maven Directory Structure with Eclipse

Hi everybody, I recently set up a j2ee development environment under Ubuntu: Eclipse (Helios) with the maven plugin (m2eclipse). When I try to create a maven project, it tells me to select an "Archetype". Then, I select an Archetype with a GroupId : "org.apache.maven.archetypes" and the ArctifactId : "maven-archetype-quickstart" (I trie...

Getting the key of a directory in the registry

How to get the key of a especific directory in the registry of windows XP? I'm using Delphi HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags ...

oracle application directory problem - jdeveloper

Hi, i'm working on a project in jdeveloper. when i try to test a db connection file, an error occurs below: C:\OA_HTML\TestDbcConn.jsp:0: error #704: cannot access directory oracle\apps\fnd\common; verify that directory is reachable from classpath and/or sourcepath i searched this file in my computer, there are some directories like t...

Create a virtual directory for file IO common dialogs from file paths

I've got an archive containing various files. Would there be a method to list out these files in directories (as dictated by their relative paths) in a common dialog (or a custom dialog for that matter) without having to extract the files or create any directory structure on the file system ? The archive reading code is at my disposal. ...

CF - Check input and create directory (device or smart

In my CF application i have a textbox where user defines a directory. I want to check if the input is valid and create the directory. The path can be either on the device itself or on a storage card. can some1 please help me with the correct solution? thanx ! ...

is there any way to find orphaned pages without having access to the server?

Let's say I am testing beta pages on my server and was too lazy to password protect the pages I put up. I am putting them up in some obscure named sub-directory. Is there any way of people seeing the beta pages without guessing around at file names or looking at the directory from an FTP client? These are all orphaned pages, there is no...

perl - file handling

Hi, I have a list of files on host machine say in directory /src/. The directory has more subdirectories. now this directory is copied onto remote machine after mounting. Now the files are preset in remote machine in directory /dst. Example. If I had /src/a/f1, /src/b/f2 I will have on remote machine /dst/a/f1 ,/dst/b/f2 Now I only ha...

Directory vs DirectoryInfo

Are they equavalent? Are they alternative? Is one of them depricated one other? Which one is working better in a ASP.NET web app. sepcially when I was to extract all files of a specific driectory recursively? Many Thanks in Advance ...

How to debug FileSource attribute of Directory in WiX?

Hello, I have got a setup project in WiX in Visual Studio 2010 and in .wxs file I've got: <Directory Id="SOLVERSLOCATION" Name="Solvers" FileSource="$(var.Main.TargetDir)Solvers"> <Component Id="CmpntSolvers" Guid="13C2AB0B-1AC1-4075-AC75-2716FE37F24A"> <CreateFolder/> </Component> </Directory> ...

Accessing directories being accessed via windows explorer

How can I get the window directories being accessed by user in C# on Windows 7? I do have a list of recent directories here but it is not realtime. Also when I start my system the list is empty. RegistryKey reg = Registry.CurrentUser; reg.GetValue(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TypedPaths") Following location ha...

iPhone 4.0 OS writing to visible file in sandbox

I was working prior to 4.0 OS with my iPhone and and writing to media/DCIM/100APPLE. I could download these files using DiskAid. This was a perfect dev solution. My provider without asking upgraded my phone to 4.0. Bang, I am no longer able to write anywhere visible. In distribution we will be using the temporary directory, no probl...

problem in showing all files of a directory

hey guys im looking for a way to show all mp3 files in a directory this is my code to get that : if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file = ".mp3" && $file = "..") { echo ' <track> <location>'.$dirPath.$file.'</location> ...

File.listFiles() and distinguishing physical folders from virtual ones

The File.listFiles() method lists the contents of a folder. On windows however, when you call the method on your root drive, it also yields some - in lack of a better phrase - "virtual" folders (Like "Documents and Settings", which got replaced by "Users" in recent windows versions). If you then call listFiles() for one of those "virtua...

A Faster way of Directory walking instead of os.listdir ?

Hello SO! I am trying to improve performance of elfinder , an ajax based file manager( . It uses os.listdir in a recurisve to walk through all directories recursively and having a performance hit (like listing a dir with 3000 + files takes 7 seconds ) .. I am trying to improve performance for it here is it's walking function:...

htaccess, Main Site Directory change

I use lunarpages for my hosting, and can have multiple websites added on. When I add a new website, it creates a directory in where my current site exists ie my site is, if I make a domain for, it now also exists at This is fine except I would like to organize it a bit better so that the si...

Web directory of RESTful web services?

Is there something like a directory, list, search engine, or index of RESTful WS in the web? Edit: What I am looking for is a list or a directory in the internet like this: Yahoo: Maps Service,,

Files in directory in C++

How to get all files in a given directory using C++ on windows? Note: I found methods that use dirent.h but I need a more standard way... Thanks ...

List classes in directory (Python)

I'm developing a Python 2.6 package in which I would like to fetch a list of all classes in a certain directory (within the package) in order to then perform introspection on the class objects. Specifically, if the directory containing the currently executing module has a sub-dir called 'foobar' and 'foobar' contains .py files specifyin...