
Websphere 6.1 - Classloader.getResource returning URL instance failing to convert to URI

I have create one utility which reads all files stored in the directory on classpath. The directory location is configurable through properties file. When I am trying to read the directory location using URL url = XXX.class.getClassLoader().getResource("com/abc"); //abc is directory on classpath. URI uri = url.toURI(); //This fails with...

Group information for Microsoft COM Principal

Java programmer in a COM world, apologies in advance if the terminology isn't quite right. My Java app is going to receive a message from a COM component written by some folks who are COM developers. They want to include in the message some Principal information. On the basis of that information I'm going to make an authorisation decisi...

How to clear directory contents in c++ on Linux (basically, i want to do 'rm -rf <directorypath>/*'

I am writing a c++ program on Linux (Ubuntu). I would like to delete the contents of a directory. It can be loose files or sub-directories. Essentially, i would like to do something equivalent to rm -rf <path-to-directory>/* Can you suggest the best way of doing this in c++ along with the required headers. Is it possible to do this...

.NET : Set Active Directory security via Web.config only

Our application requires Active Directory for users to access it. Our goal is to split the business logic and the security. Here is what I try to do but did not succeed yet : 1) Connect to Active Directory via web.config. 2) Specify groups needed for each .aspx page in the web.config file. (e.g.: index.aspx = admin, users) 3) Redire...

Showing page based on operating system with NSIS

I'm working on an NSIS script in which I have two directory pages. One gets the directory for the program install, and one gets the directory for putting any data. The reason for this, is that with some of the control issues in windows 7 and vista involving the Program Files folder, I want the data to be placed outside of the Program Fi...

How to create a directory with multiple levels in one call in Java using FTP

I am using the FTPClient library from Apache and cannot figure out a simple way to create a new directory that is more than one level deep. Am I missing something? Assuming the directory /tmp already exists on my remote host, the following command succeeds in creating /tmp/xxx String path = "/tmp/xxx"; FTPClient ftpc = new FTPClient...

Best method for comparing windows directory names

Possible Duplicate: How can I compare (directory) paths in C#? I have a filename and a directory name and I want to determent if the file is in the directory. My first thought was to use string comparison and check that the filename string starts with the directory name string. However, that would fail in the case where the di...

C# Log4Net - dynamically change log directory programmatically

I read through most of the related topics regarding changing log directory programmatically, but the answers were a little advanced. My problem is trying to dynamically change where my log file is saved from my C# application. I have a text box with a browse button to choose where it should be saved. Anyone have an idea or can point me...

Need Help Creating Multiple Directories in Makefile

I have the following block of code in a makefile: param_test_dir: @if test -d $(BUILD_DIR); then \ echo Build exists...; \ else \ echo Build directory does not exist, making build dir...; \ mkdir $(BUILD_DIR); \ fi @if test -d $(TEST_DIR); then \ echo Tests exists...; \ else \ echo Tests directory does not e...

how to list all files of a directory in python

how to list all files of a directory in python, and add it to a list? ...

I have create a user account with "user password type: Crypted Password" is there any way I can script

I have create a user account with "user password type: Crypted Password" is there any way I can script it to "user password type: open directory" I've use perl-ldap to create user account but I don't know how to change user password type to open directory, is there any way to do that? USING APPLESCRIPT, PERL BASH....etc? thanks ...

What’s the best way to calculate the size of a directory in VB .NET?

I need to calculate the directory size in VB .Net I know the following 2 methods Method 1: from MSDN ' The following example calculates the size of a directory ' and its subdirectories, if any, and displays the total size ' in bytes. Imports System Imports System.IO Pub...

JS > FTP > web directory > filelist

Hi, Is it possible to use Javascript to invoke a FTP call to a specified URL and retrieve all files in this webdirectory? ... ...

Cross-platform compatible directory creation in C++

I need to dynamically create directory based on input filenames in C++ and it must be cross-platform compatible. I am also familiar with the boost library. The input to the directory creation function will be a string with the following prototype: void createDirectory (std::string name) Sample code would be much appreciated. ...

iPhone Documents directory maximun size

Hi! I'm just wondering due to new personal project which is the limit (in MB or GB) of documents directory of my app. I just wanna save a lot of photos, so, has documents directory a limit for archiving downloaded photos? Will Saving 300MB of photos produce slow downs on 3G? If there is no limit, I think that limit shoud be the 8 16 32...

File Upload Failing Mysteriously in CakePHP

I'm trying to upload a file to my server using the CakePHP file upload form helper. I am currently running CakePHP 1.3 on my development computer (Mac OSX). When the form submits, it has in the variables that are passed to the controller its temp name: /var/tmp/name and then its name as the name of the file. However, when I try to rename...

Is the format of (p)sftp's dir/ls standard?

I'm putting together something to download some files over SFTP. I'm using Putty's psftp.exe command. When I do a dir/ls in Putty, is the format of the output standardized, either by SFTP or by Putty itself? Or is it just whatever free-form text the server happens to send in response? I ask because I believe in FTP (way back when!), ...

.htaccess redirect from directory it's in to specific subdirectory without filename

Hello, I have a server. (Apache). On this server there is a subdirectory (subdir1). In this subdirectory, I have an .htaccess file. How can I set up this .htaccess file to redirect me from the directory it is in (regardless of what the directory is called) to a specific subdirectory? Redirect {current .htaccess directory} {current .hta...

C++, console Application, reading files from directory

I have a directory and I want to read all the text files in it using C++ and having windows OS also using console application I don't know the files' names or their number thanks in advance ...

git how to revert to specific revision

I have a git project. I just made a commit, then I deleted some directories. ops, my bad. Now I want to restore those directories that I have deleted. how do I do that? ...