
MySQL - Disabling the query output and showing only the total execution time taken

I have a stored procedure which I want to test for speed in a production environment. So I created a new stored procedure which calls this for a 100 times, each time with different parameters. My question is: how can I disable the output that the MySQL command line prints as I am sure that this adds to the total time. So, to recap, from ...

How do you disable a WPF ListViewItem in C# code?

I'm used to the old Winforms way of doing things.. Apparently WPF ListViews are full of... XmlElements? How would I do something as disable a ListViewItem? foreach (XmlElement item in this.lvwSourceFiles.Items) { //disable? } ...

using JS to lock out a div

Hello, is there anyway I can use jQuery to lock out a div, ie, make the div grey out, on the submission of a button? $('#buttoncancel').click(function() { $('#radiodj').hide('slow'); } ); Currently, that hides the radiodj div as you can see, but how do I make it so that the div becomes greyed out/disabled, using jQuery? ...

how to enable or disable anchor tag using jquery

Please Help how to enable or disable the anchor tag using jquery ...

jquery link tag enable disable

I want to disable the link during onloading, for the code given below <span id="addlink">"<%= f.add_associated_link('Add Task', @project.tasks.build, :class=>"add") %></span> please,suggest some answers if you have i tried with the below samples but not working $("#addlink").attr("disabled", "disabled"); and $("a.add").hide(); ...

Will a disabled text field submit when a form is POSTed?

If I submit a disabled text field via POST, what will the resulting value be on the action page? For example, I have: <table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0> <tr><td> <input type="checkbox" id="chk_$item" onClick="javascript:handleClick('$item')"> </td><td> <input type="text" id="txt_$item" name="addresses[]" value="$it...

No Magento Header & Custom Navigation

I can't seem to figure out how to disable the header as a whole. I have installed the blank theme, and have been playing in the page XML, but to no avail. I also cannot seem to switch from 2columns-right to 2columns-left, even though i've run searches for every damn file that includes the phrase and swapped it. I'm wondering if it's just...

iPhone dev - Passing arguments in a selector

I have a barButtonItem that calls an action which swaps two views in an animation block. I disable the barButtonItem at the beginning of the action method that it calls, and the I want to enable it when its finished, so that the user can't flip the view again before it has finished flipping. It does this in a UIView animation block, so...

jquery - Activate and deactivate hyperlink

suggest me some sample codes to activate and deactivate a hyperlink on clicking it. i tried some of these, but no result 1) $("a#click").onclick = function() { return false; } 2) $("a#click").attr ('href', '#'); 3) $(#document).ready(function(){ $("#disabled a").click(function () { $(this).fadeTo("fast", .5).removeAttr(...

Disable Copy/Paste into HTML form using Javascript

Is there a way using Javascript to disable the ability to paste text into a text field on an HTML form? E.g. I have a simple registration form where the user is required to input their email twice. The second email entry is to verify there are no typos in the first email entry. However if the user copy/pastes their email then that def...

Visual Studio disable TRACE in debug mode

For a C++ project that I'm developing in Visual Studio 2005, I would like to disable the TRACE output option while running the code in debug mode. I have searched the internet about how to achieve this, but no luck. Is this even easily achievable? If so, how? Thanks in advance. Update #1: #define USETRACE 0 #if !USETRACE && DEBUG ...

Disable libraries in Java?

Assume I have a webpage where people submit java source code (a simple class). I want to compile and run the code on my server, but naturally I want to prevent people from harming my server, so how do I disable java.io.* and other functions/libraries of my choice? A regexp on the source code would be one way, but it would be "nicer" if ...

Disable Image loading on WebBrowser-Control C# .Net 2.0+

I am using vs2008 and I would like to disable image loading on my webbrowser control but I dont see any solution except for the WebBrowserEX which doesn't seem outside of .net 1.1. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks! ...

Disable assertions in Python

How do I disable assertions in Python? That is - if it fails, I don't want it to throw an AssertionError, but to keep going. ...

ASP.NET - Client-Side OnClick Event of Button is Breaking Page Validation

I have a button on a form that saves a unique value to my database and to prevent the user from submitting twice and getting an error I added some JavaScript logic to do a client-side disable of the button after it is clicked. Functionally this all works, but it created an unexpected side effect that field Validation is being fired on a...

What's the best way to "turn off" a javascript function triggered by an event on the page

I have a nav element that onmouseover I'd like to disable the onmouseover of nearby images. I was thinking that I'd just loop through and collect the images and set their onmouseover to '' and then onmouseout of the nav element set the images onmouseover back to what it was. Is there a better way to just get the images onmouseover func...

To disable a send button if fields empty by jQuery

How can you disable the send -button if there is one or more input -fields empty? My attempt in pseudo-code if ( $("input:empty") ) { $("input:disabled") } else // enable the ask_question -button I have been reading these articles without finding a right solution Official docs about empty: this is like not relevant because ...

how to create disabled effect on <input>,<select> and <img> with jQuery?

Indicates to user that it's not editable ...

jquery disable sortable

Hi All , I want to disable sorting of source_element .how can i do so? function dropMembers(){ $("ul.present").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', containment: 'window', items: 'li:not(.notSortable)' }); $("ul.usrlist").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', dropOnEmpty: true, co...

Disable/Enable buttons. Flash AS2

Flash CS4, AS2 I am making a Flash tour. I have 3 sections: About, Rentals, Neighborhood. All the sections are within MCs on the same Frame. I am using conditonal statements on the Nav buttons to turn the visibility on/off in order to navigate the tour. However, now when the same button is pressed, the MC toggles on/off. I want to dis...