
How do I retrieve disk information in C#?

I would like to access information on the logical drives on my computer using C#. How should I accomplish this? Thanks! ...

Similar to RAID config yet more like mirroring solution ?

I have a project where I'm collecting data in vehicles on hot swappable SATA drives in low horsepower windows machine. Drives are 750G and 1 Terabyte and will likely get larger or expand to multiple 1TB drives. After collecting the data we fedex off one drive for central collection and wish to have a backup copy remain. Initially the ...

Clear file cache to repeat performance testing

What tools are available to either completely clear, or selectively remove cached information about file and directory contents? The application that I'm developing is a specialised compression utility, and is expected to do a lot of work reading and writing files that the operating system hasn't touched recently, and whose disk blocks ...

Disk Drive properties read via WMI

I am using WMI to query some properties disk drive. Does WMI read this information from the Drive itself or does it query the registry? How do I read the properties directly from the drive? ...

How to correctly convert filesize in bytes into mega or gigabytes?

I'm using the DriveInfo class in my C# project to retrieve the available bytes on given drives. How to I correctly convert this number into Mega- or Gigabytes? Dividing by 1024 will not do the job I guess. The results always differ from those shown in the Windows-Explorer. ...

Identifying CDs

I'd like to be able to determine what music album CD is in a CD drive. For example, if someone claims that the CD in their drive is Eminem - The Eminem Show, I would like to be able to verify that the CD is indeed The Eminem Show. Any ideas? I've applied for a Gracenote developer license, but they won't get back to me for five days. Al...

Database Disk Queue too high, what can be done?

I have a problem with a large database I am working with which resides on a single drive - this Database contains around a dozen tables with the two main ones are around 1GB each which cannot be made smaller. My problem is the disk queue for the database drive is around 96% to 100% even when the website that uses the DB is idle. What op...

How to check that a disk is RAID1 on Windows Server 2003/2008?

I am usually renting dedicated servers under Windows Server 2003/2008. Those servers are said to be "hardware RAID1"; yet I am wondering how can I verify this property of the server remotely? As far I can see, disks appears as classical IDE disk from the windows disk manager, and it does not tell me anything about the RAID properties o...

Unique DVD info?

I was wondering, is there some type of disc ID i can use to search in my database to see if that disc is has been scanned or not? All disc were created by me typically burnt on windows. -edit- I could compare write time and volume label to see if the disc has been scanned but i notice if i put in certain commercial disc that fields are ...

What's the best software for checking disk health on Mac ?

Does Mac OS X have a good utility provided by default. Disk Utility doesn't seem very comprehensive. What is the best software available ? ...

How can I write a program which can test throughput of disk?

How can I write a program which can test throughput of disk in Windows systems using c++? What's the mainly steps and APIs that I can use to programming? ...

Test if disk has write access

Hi. I need to know if my program can write files to the disk (HDD, floppy, flash, CD) from where it is running. I have tried something like: {$I-} Rewrite(myFile); {$I+} Result:= (IOResult = 0); The problem is that if the disk is read-only, Windows gives me an error message tel...

lib to read a DVD FS (data disc)

I am thinking i might want to port a lib to read a DVD filesystem. I am not talking about movies but datadisc. Theres existing code for me to do raw reads from the disc. I need code that request this data and allow me to browse files on the disc. What lib can i use for this? -edit- NOTE: I am using an OSless hardware. Ppl seem to miss t...

Is it possible to delete both ends of a large file without copying?

I would like to know if it is possible, using Windows and c++, to take a large video file (several gigabytes in length) and delete the first and last few hundred megabytes of it “in-place”. The traditional approach of copying the useful data to a new file often takes upwards of 20 minutes of seemingly needless copying. Is there anythin...

Profiling disk access

Currently I am working on a MFC application which reads and writes in to the disk. Sometimes this application runs amazingly fast and sometimes it is damn slow. I am guessing that it is because of the disk access involved, hence I want to profile it. These are some questions in this regard: (1).Currently I am using AQTime profiler to pr...

Volume Size on a Quota disk

Can one get the volume total size being a normal user ? GetDiskFreeSpaceEx does return the Total Number Of Free Bytes but not the Total Bytes. So the only Total Bytes i get are those of the quota using DeviceIoControl with IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO doesn't seem to work with non admin rights. ...

Data structure/algorithm for variable length record storage and lookup on disk withsearch only on primary keys

I am looking for an algorithm / data structure that works well for large block based devices (eg a mechanical hard drive) which is optimised for insert, get, update and delete where searches are always done using the id of the data and where the data fields for any ID have a variable length. The B-Tree seems to be a commonly quoted stru...

Portability of open(...O_DIRECT) in C?

In C file I/O, the O_DIRECT flag can be used to minimize cache effects for a file being open()ed. I understand that this is not a POSIX feature, has been present in the Linux kernel since version 2.4.10, and that Linus is opposed to the interface in general. Under NetBSD, it seems to work as advertised. Example call: int fd = open(f...

IO Other Operations Performance Counter Explanation

I have received perfmon counters from customer site. We noticed unusual values in \COMPUTERNAME\Process(PROCESS_NAME)**IO Other Operations/sec**. The best explanation for the counter I came up with is:- The average rate at which the process is issuing I/O operations that are neither read nor write operations (for example, a co...

Is it possible to discover plugged disks from Java?

I'm writing a disk crawler and if the user doesn't provide an existing path the program should search all disks that are available. Does anybody know is it possible and if it is how to do that from Java? ...