
Is it advisable to load display advertising in an iframe?

Some display advertising campaigns are very JavaScript heavy and it has a jarring effect on page load time because the ad is generally inline JavaScript - the useful parts of the page doesn't render until the ad did its thing. A solution seems to be to load the ad in an iframe in order to display useful content to a user while the ad lo...

Display values of multidimensional array returend from function

function sitemap_galerija($tablica) { require("include/konekcija.php"); if($tablica == 'kategorije') { // Connect do database ... while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) { $kategorija['naziv'][] = $row["naziv"]; $kategorija['naziv_url'][] = $row["naziv_url"]; } return $kat...

How to display avi video with gstreamer?

I want to write an object tracking program which needs to play the tracked result. As gstreamer is a good multimedia frame work, I want to use it in my demo program. But I don't know how to implement video display in detail. Can any one help? Avidemux plugin could separate the audio and video part from an avi file, but what to do next? ...

Php tags display

There are 4 tables used for storing tags: tagovi, tagovi_vijesti, tagovi_blogovi, tagovi_dogadjanja Structure od table tagovi: id - name Structure of table tagovi_vijesti: id - vijesti_id - tag_id The same is for other two tables. On main page I display tags from all three tables this way: $sql = "SELECT T.id AS id, T.na...

UiTextView doesn't display text on iphone os 2.0

Hi, My text view shows the text when i am using iphone OS 3.0- but for some reason it will not show the text on OS 2.0. I can get the inputed text on OS 2.0 and even save it to file, and then restore the text but still- the text is not visible on OS 2.0. I have tried changing the scrolling properties and the font and the color and the hi...

sIFR 3 HTML text does not display, .sIFR-alternate causing problem

It seems my sIFR 3 text does not show HTML text if the Flash text is not displayed. Here's one of the pages in question: http://www.jeremyschultz.com/client/orchardplace/website/beta/volunteer/ One person has reported not seeing anything when viewing this page, and I can recreate it by removing the Flash text with Firebug. Testing wit...

How to decorate a row in table using displaytag

I am using display tag to display values in a table. I want to color a specific row in the table based on the values in the column say 'Y' then color row with red color. How can i do this? I have been looking up the documentation for display tag which uses decorator class and addRowClass() method, but its too confusing. Is there a method...

Problem with EditText background (android)

I have a problem with EditText background like this <EditText android:id="@+id/edit" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="35sp" android:singleLine="true" android:layout_marginLeft="5px" android:layout_marginRight="5px" android:layout_marginTop="5px" android:textAppearance="?android...

Encountering display errors while using UIViewAnimationTransitionFlip

Hello I have 2 views, one login and another home. On clicking the signin button in my login view, on successful login, the user is redirected to the home view. Flip transition is implemented to acheive this. The problem is after the flip has occured, the home view layout is not displayed correctly. The view seems to drag itself above a ...

Drupal theming a row in a view's display

I'm trying to theme a single "display" in a view. What I'm trying to achieve is to have some control over how the row is rendered (eg. print the fields in the row, and maybe add some text in between. along with some divs for styling purpose). I've looked for days for the template to edit. I've used even the Theme Developer and the View's...

videoDisplay metadatareceiced ready totaltime

I'm building a video player that run's FLVs and cannot overcome the fact that flex foes not fire the metadataReceived event sometimes. Sometimes it does and sometimes it does not. therefore the total time of the FLV remains -1. I understand its a known bug , I'm researching about it for a long time now , but could not find a good worka...

How to change display mode programatically or using a script?

I am using a monitor that is using a DVI connection. Sometimes it loads to a black screen and I need to press ctrl alt f4 or f1 (can't remember) to get the display working. Is there a way to do this programatically or via command line? There are tons of third party apps for changing every display setting but the one I need. ...

Need to set 1 span's style to display:block on page load for an image gallery made up of span's set to display:none

i have some javascript in the head of a page that controls an image gallery where the user clicks a thumbnail image and a larger image and some text are revealed in a span. there are 10 of these thumbnails per page and i need to find out how to set the 1st thumbnail's hidden span to "block" on page load. <script type="text/javascript"...

Program display even while computer locked?

I have a program that occasionally pops up on the screen and displays a message, using vb.net. Is there a way to have it run and display even if the computer is locked or no one is logged on? Thanks. ...

Pressing the back button does not trigger <body>'s OnLoad

Hey all, My checkout cart displays (1) an animation for "Processing Order..." after the 's been (2) submitted and the card is being processed in a php script. However, there's a bug triggered when the user has reached the "order accepted" page, and pressed the back button. The "Processing Order..." animation is still displayed. (1) The...

IE7 problem with elements

Hello, I got list. In every browser looks good. But in IE7 there's no line-break after displaying three elements. Any hacks? ...

Visual Studio weirdness

Hi guys, I have no one else to count unless this fantastic community, I know this is a non-programmer question but I can't figure it out why this is happening. To a client I developed, using 960.GS a layout with a simple login user page / choose product / register products using .NET (ASP.NET 3.5) and all was ok, they agreed and I star...

MSVC Unicode not displaying English

Hello. My problem is that my Unicode c++ program that I'm writing in MSVC express is displaying all strings in an Asian font. I cannot myself figure out how to make it display in English. Thank you for your time. ...

Digital or LCD-like display class?

I remember seeing a tutorial on Sun's site that had a class for a digital-like display, but I can no longer find it. How would you make numbers appear like a digital clock, using Swing? ...

IE prompt about unsaved form data

I'm having an unexpected "annoying" popup in IE7 (and possibly other versions). As expected IE prompts you about unsaved form data when closing the window which is fine. But I have a form inside a div and now when I toggle the display CSS style between none and block, IE thinks I'm closing the form with unsaved data and shows the warning...