
Displaying the size of a file in CListCtrl

I am working in Windows MFC application..In my design am displaying the file details (type,name,size) in a CListCtrl control. I found those file details using FileStatus but when I try to display, I am not able to display the file size since its an integer. I tried CListCtrl::SetItemText and I also tried to type cast but its not working....

WPF add a clock to my GUI

Simple Request - I want to be able to display the current time within my WPF application window. Are there free controls out there for this? Just need to display the time, nothing else. ...

How to read a display name from a DLL?

In the registry and in theme files you'll notice a lot of references to DLLs when it comes to display names. For example: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default] @="Windows" "DispFileName"="@mmres.dll,-5856" I've opened the mmres.dll file in PE Explorer, but I don't see any display names. How can I retrieve the actuale d...

How to set delay for display tooltip on birt chart for long time ?

I'm using birt to create report chart, I want to show tooltip on chart. How to set delays to display tooltip for long time ? Thank you in advance. ...

In Sharepoint I want to display a message when an item is selected from the dropdown list and hide when it is clicked again.

I am new to sharepoint. I have a dropdown box with 5 items in it. When I select anyone of them from the dropdown box, I wanted to display a short discription of that selected item below. And when i click on it again the discription must hide or when i select another item from the dropdown box a discription of that message should be dis...

cron that needs a display

I m trying to run a cron which involves opening a graphical program and thus needs a DISPLAY set. I have tried the following: * * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /opt/firefox/firefox -print .. It does not work and even if I try it on my console the above command does not work. It just sits there doing nothing. Now, the on...

In which order should user messages (comments/chat) be displayed?

A typical chat widget will have a log of messages displayed in chronological order with the most recent message at the bottom. An input field is usually displayed below the log. Comment systems, like those on YouTube, seem to vary. Some display most recent comments up top, while some display most recent comments at the bottom. The lo...

Axapta: Validate Access to return value from display method

The Dynamics AX 2009 Best Practice add-in is throwing the following error on a display method override. "TwC: Validate access to return value from the display/edit method." Here is my display method. display ABC_StyleName lookupModuleName(ABC_StyleSettings _ABC_StyleSettings) { ; return ABC_Styles::find(_ABC_StyleSettings.StyleID...

Sporadic/random page display problems

This is for a website written in PHP (with very minimal JS, only used for a drop-down menu), using CSS, and a mySQL DB. 95 percent of the time my pages display fine. But occasionally as I click back and forth between pages, the page I've just clicked to does not display properly. It's always the same pattern of non-display when it happe...

get the file size of a CFHTTPStream

Hi, How to get a file size of a CFHTTPStream. Suppose a file called "http://testserver.com/test.jpg " is available to read. Here I need to get the file size "test.jpg", this I need to display progress while using CFReadStreamRead. Or in other words I need how many bytes are available in the server before the start of the read process. ...

Adding A Visual Timer To A View, iPhone

Hello all, I have a view (splash screen) which displays for two minutes: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { [viewController showSplash]; } - (void)showSplash // Show splash screen { UIViewController *modalViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init]; modalViewController.view = modelView; [se...

Float align display:inline problem

<div style="display:inline;"> <textarea rows="10" cols="50"></textarea><br /> <div style="float:right;">remaining characters: 300</div> It is not working in either firefox or IE. The text remaining characters is not within the "inline" bounds instead goes 100% out of the containing div. what is the best way of accomplish something ...

AppleScript how to get current display resolution?

Hi, I'm trying to get the current display resolution of both of my displays depending on where the mouse cursor is. i.e. when the mouse cursor is on the first display I want to get the resolution of this display. With a shell script I can get both resolutions: set screenWidth to (do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | ...

problem with form elements when div is faded in from being display : none (IE problem)

hi! on a webpage I've been working on I have a problem which I seem unable to solve. I have a div with display set to none which I fade in. it contains form-element which are not being shown the way they are supposed to when wieved in IE. you can look at it at http://www.orrmyr.se Thanks for you help Martin ...

IE select visible although its parent is hidden

I have a dynamic HTML document, and in a particular point of time it has a markup similar to this (but, of course, a lot more complex): <div style="display: none"> <select><option>some text</option></select> </div> <div> Some text </div> and my problem is that in IE 6, the select is still visible even though its parent is set ...

Jquery - How to get the style display attribute "none / block"

Is there a way to get the style: display attribute which would have either none or block? DIV : <div id="ctl00_MainContentAreaPlaceHolder_cellPhone_input_msg_container" class="Error cellphone" style="display: block;"> <p class="cellphone" style="display: block;">Text</p> </div> I know that there is a way to find out if the DIV...

C# Special Characters not displayed propely in XML

Hi..i have a string that contains special character like (trademark sign etc). This string is set as an XML node value. But the special character is not rendered properly in XML, shows ??. This is how im using it. String str=xxxx; //special character string XmlNode node = new XmlNode(); node.InnerText = xxxx; I tried HttpUtility.html...

How do I prevent Window resizing when the Workstation is Locked then Unlocked?

We have an application that is run in multi-monitor environments. Users normally have the application dialog spread out to span multiple mointors. If the user locks the workstation, and then unlocks it, our application is told to resize. Our users find this behavior frustrating, as they then spend some time restoring the previous layo...

Getting data is fast, but Flash displaying php data is slow, why?

In my database(mysql), I have a table which has 50k data(rows/records). I do a test using firebug, after playing the game, the call to load_score.php and save_score.php is around 380ms (millisecond). The save_score.php just a normal inserting, nothing much. The load_score.php, I use this query: SELECT name, score FROM `highscores` WH...

How to display barcode in iPhone

Hello, I need to show barcode string(example :1001847983) into barcode image in A UIView.Does the iPhone SDK supports barcode fonts ? I don't need reading the barcode, I just want to show the string in barcode lines. Thanks In advance Raghu ...