
Height iframe in div problem

I'm having troubles fitting the iframe in the exact height of the div. The problem isn't that is won't fill the complete div but it exceeds beyond the div. This is what i have now CSS *{margin:0;padding:0} html, body {height:100%;width:100%;position: relative;} #header { height:100px; width:100%; background-color:#FF0000; } ...

Difference in performance between img tag elements vs divs with background images?

Are there any differences in performance or load/caching behavior when displaying images in img tags vs divs with image backgrounds? My example: I have a site with many overlapping images, some of which I will need to load dynamically with javascript. One issue is that I need to anchor the images to the right of the element, so that...

How to display .NET string in a div and include line breaks?

I have a list view that does something like this in the ItemTemplate: <div><%# Eval("QualificationDescription") %></div> My problem is that QualificationDescription has line breaks in it, if I put it in a TextBox it will display them but if I put it in a div it does not. Is there anyway to get the line breaks to show in a div? ...

Div Layer should be placed over a Flash movie

There is a flash application that I want to embed on my site. On top of that flash application there should be a div layer. But what happens is that the flash movie always appears over the layer. Can you help me to place the div layer over that flash application? This is the code for the flash application: <object style="width:420p...

Trying to scrape the entire content of a div.

I have this project i'm working on and id like to add a really small list of nearby places using facebooks places in an iframe featured from touch.facebook.com I can easily just use touch.facebook.com/#/places_friends.php but then that loads the headers the and the other navigation bars for like messges, events ect bars and i just want t...

div height using css(ie6 obviously)

I hate fiddly css and formatting, everytime I think I have cracked it, another problem comes up and I just ended up trying things out until it works - like a noob. Oh well. I have three 3 divs, one container, and two inner divs. One of the inner divs has text that can vary in height, the other is just checkbox, but for stylign reasons I...

Hidden DIV and id naming structure

Hi all, I have a script that displays one div at a time while hiding the previous shown div. When a button is clicked, the counter variable increases by one and the naming of the div id's are "step1", "step2", "step3", etc. Here is the script: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var counter = 0; $('html...

div tag that opens downward on mouse click

I have a current webpage that is broken into two sections. The top section contains various controls for filtering content on the webpage, and the bottom section contains a grid of the content. What I want is encapsulate the filter controls in a div tag that initially is completely hidden except for a button link that will say somethin...

Getting a relative positioned DIV to take up the remainder of it's parent's vertical space

I'm working on a web application that has a couple widgets positioned all the way on the right using a container DIV with absolute positioning. The first (top) widget is small but with a dynamic/undefined height. The second (bottom) widget contains scrollable content and must stretch to fill the remaining space of its parent DIV. I'm ...

XHTML: Placing DIVs in A tags

Hello! Is it alright to place div tags inside anchor tags? Will contents of the div redirect the page to the href of the anchor tag? Thank you. ...

Changing DIV dimension with jQuery

Hi, I have the following div in my markup <div id="sectionContent" style="position: absolute; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; z-index: 1; top: 56px; bottom: 6px; left: 8px; right: 8px; width: 722px; height: 624px; visibility: visible; display: block;"> <div id="actionArea" style="text-align...

How to position a DIV on DOM ready after it has been created

Hi, I am trying to create a page where I can attach sticky notes at runtime exactly as explained in this tutorial. I have converted the sample in ASP.NET MVC 2 (which is the technology I am using) and everything works fine. So I have a DIV in my view <!-- Contains all the notes and limits their movement --> <div id="notesDesktop" sty...

Is that possible to display divs next to each other without floating ?

I want to put several divs next to each other (in one row). All divs have the same height. Here is how this can be done using float: left. Is that can be done without using float ? ...

why does the containing div not recognize the height of the items within?

how can my containing div (boxes_blue) recognize the height of the items within? #boxes_blue { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 175px; border: 1px solid brown; clear: both; } #boxes_blue_each { float: right; height: 100px; width: 100px; padding: 10px; border-left: 3px solid #fff; background-color: #004964; color: #fffacf; text-transfor...

let background div stretch all the way down to the bottom off the page

Hello people, Is there a css trick to let a div stretch down to the bottom of the screen without visible content in it. Or do I have to resort to javascript? Thanks, Richard ...

jQuery select the parent of a div

I have this html: <div class="vt ddsitem"> <a href="url"><img class="pt" id="xyz1" src="url"></a> <div> <img class="updown" src="images/updown.gif"> <a href="url"><img class="bin" src="images/bin.gif"></a> </div> </div> <div class="vt ddsitem"> <a href="url"><img class="...

My js lightbox feature is canceling out my hidden checkbox toggle div

First off sorry i had to add -- to my links because of spam prevention;) Here is the file with the hidden div "yes" checkbox toggle working perfectly>> --http://myvirtualltciguy.com/help/Checkbox_Toggle.html This is the .js file that makes it work>> --http://myvirtualltciguy.com/jquery/check3.js Here is the file with the lightbox fe...

JQuery how to select next id with selector

The html: <div id="videos"> <a href="javascript:loadAndPlayVideo('QXoIMTjk9Xg')"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/QXoIMTjk9Xg/default.jpg" id="thumb_QXoIMTjk9Xg"></a> <a href="javascript:loadAndPlayVideo('nWubfMkDfVs')"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/nWubfMkDfVs/default.jpg" id="thumb_nWubfMkDfVs"></a> <a href="javascript:lo...

Div's overlapping

I have a list of div pairs: MainDiv's and infPanel Divs. I need to put infPanel div's upon MainDiv and eliminate distance between MainDiv's. The best decision that I see is to set image in MainDiv with background option and just put infPanel inside MainDiv, but because of some technical requirements it is better to post image through jus...

Can't get a block of div tags to arrange themselves right.

I'm using this block of code (mostly copied from a PHP.net comment here - http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecolorat.php) in order to read in a picture, scan it pixel by pixel and output the picture as a block of div tags in a table-like fashion. Here's what I came up with... <?php $img = imagecreatefrompng("image1.png"); $w...