
css div issue in ff and ie

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text...

How to create a DIV inside another DIV?

I was trying to create DIVs inside div. But i am facing problem in centering the div. I followed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114543/how-to-center-div-in-div Using the approach suggested in above question, the DIV was centered horizontally but not vertically. http://jsbin.com/oyemu4 For the time being i am using margin-top: ...

wrapping span tags inside a div css

I have a couple of div tags nested withing each other and a few span tags nested like below:- <div id="leftcol"> <div id="tagcloud"> <span class="mytags"><a href="">tag1</a></span><span class="mytags"><a href="">tag2</a> and a few more spans of the same type </div> </div> Now the issue is that spans overflow their container div tag.Ca...

Custom Selectbox (jquery script) - Non FF div scroll problem

Hi folks, I need a little help... After read and search for a while I discover a good jQuery plugin to deal with the selectbox custom style problems. I made some small modifications to make it work as I want. The plugin hide the custom select and append some div and ul tags. In Firefox 3.6.10 it works really nice, but in Chrome (6.0.4...

Max div height in Internet Explorer

How can I have a div of static 60px height in Internet Explorer? ...

firefox dosen't support div width

I have a problem with Firefox to show this: (But IE show correctly) <div id="main_div" dir="rtl"> <div dir="rtl"> <div class="outer_div" dir="rtl"> Text! </div> </div> <div dir="rtl"> <div class="outer_div" dir="rtl"> Text! </div> </div> <div dir="rtl"> <div class="outer_div" dir="rtl"> ...

How can I refresh a Div in javascript instead of the whole page?

The code below works and is good but I am going to place it into a DRUPAL page and I would like it to refresh the "DIV" instead of the whole page. Can someone help? Thanks! document.write("<div class='box1'><center><h1>Telling Time Worksheets</h1></center><div class='box_number_holder'>") var nums = [01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,...

Fill Screen with multiple DIVs

Situation: I am currently working on a website-design which requires me to fill up the entire screen with 60px x 60px DIVs. They are merely like tiles on a wall except that it is required to have that many of them, because each one has to get its colour changed to a random value upon hovering. Problem: If the monitor resolution changes,...

div/span and sprites

I am replacing most inline images on my sites with a sprite. The sprite class would contain some basic css: .sprite{ background-image:url(...); background-position:...; width: 16px; height:16px; } I saw that nesting div inside of an anchor tag is not a good idea. <a><div class="sprite"></div></a> I've tried to add sprites to span ...

Float in div tag dosen't Work in Firefox

In IE show correctly but in FF Doesn't Show correctly: <div class="main_div" dir="rtl"> <div class="outer_div" dir="rtl"> <div class="textformatting" dir="rtl"> <div class="inner_div"> text </div> <div class="inner_div"> Image </div> </div> </div> <div class="outer_div" dir="rtl"> ...

[Javascript] Getting the URI used to load a div on a page?

I have a div on a PHP-generated page loaded through jQuery's .load() function. This div contains a long list which has been paginated (links for page 1, 2, 3... 25, etc.). I'd like to write a function which will preserve the variables in 'search' portion of the URI (which is to say at the end of the URI: ?foo=1&bar=pancakes) and stick ...

Multiple onClick events firing

I have several divs that are nested within each other. Each has it's own onclick event. So, imagine that it's like a sandwich, the bottom layer is bread (this layer is geographically larger than the ones that are nested inside),then there's lettuce and then tomato on top. So, it looks like this: --------------------------- | Bread ...

html div with text on top and bottom

I need to create a <div> of height 200px that has some text at the very top and the very bottom. This needs to work in all major browsers. I've tried various combinations of alignment/vertical-alignment with no luck. ...

IE7 anchor tag problem

Hi, I am having a weird problem with a webpage in IE7. The structure is as follows: <a id=".." href="...."> <img id=".." src=".."/> <div class=""> <em> <img class=".." src=".." alt=".."/> </em> <div class="..">My text</div> </div> </a> Everything is "clickable" except the img inside the em tag....

Generate "table" with <div>

Hello, I'd like generate the representation below by <div>. The constraints : the full size = 100% the first + second column = 50%, the 3rd + 4th column = 50% the first column is smaller than the second, the second take "the rest of the place", same for column 3 and 4 :) the 3rd lines, combines 2 cells the last line combine 4 cells do...

Is there a better way to do this?

This is the basic idea: http://i51.tinypic.com/1zwcbgn.jpg So I made it like this (notice it is fluid): http://twomuchwork.com/test Is there a better way to do this than the way I did? ...

Fade in AJAX loaded content?

var request = new Request({ method: 'get', url: 'onlinestatusoutput.html.php', onComplete:function(response) { $('ajax-content').get('tween', {property: 'opacity', duration: 'long'}).start(0).set('html', response).set('html', response).tween('height', [0, 650]); } }).send(); Before I load the desired content into...

Float divs with variable heights (arrange)

Hello! I'm having a simple problem concerning the arrangement of floating divs with variables heights. The goal: http://i.imgur.com/yngM5.jpg The result: see below, can't post more than one link - I just have div containers with css float: left; and no height defined. The first red circle indicated that my technique fails, althou...

CSS Content Not increasing with Content

Hi everyone! I have a CSS Question I want this div to automatically expand vertically as more and more content fills it. I thought that omitting it's height setting in the style would do so but it hasn't seemed to fix it. My CSS .box{ -moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; background-color:#433B39; background-image:none; color:white;...

How to create an inclined (not levelled) slideshow?

Hi, is there a way to create an image slideshow that is rotated by say 5° ? I'd prefer a non-flash solution. Thank you! ...