
C problem - division result is always zero

I got this C code. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int n, d, i; double t=0, k; scanf("%d %d", &n, &d); t = (1/100) * d; k = n / 3; printf("%.2lf\t%.2lf\n", t, k); return 0; } I want to know why my variable 't' is always zero (in the printf function) ? ...

How to align a Division to the right

I am trying to push my sidebar to the right of my page. When I do this my division gets pushed to the bottom of the page. Why is this? Here is my page: link text ...

How different programming languages handle division by 0?

Perhaps this is the wrong sort of question to ask here but I am curious. I know that many languages will simply explode and fail when asked to divide by 0, but are there any programming languages that can intelligently handle this impossible sum - and if so, what do they do? Do they keep processing, treating 350/0 as 350, or stop executi...

MIPS division of signed integers

I'm wondering if anyone might know how to perform a division between two signed integers in MIPS, WITHOUT using the built in division operations. In the problem specs, I'm told the divisor register, ALU, and quotient register are all 32 bits wide, and the remainder register is 64 bits. ...

Polynomial division overloading operator (solved)

Ok. here's the operations i successfully code so far thank's to your help: Adittion: polinom operator+(const polinom& P) const { polinom Result; constIter i = poly.begin(), j = P.poly.begin(); while (i != poly.end() && j != P.poly.end()) { //logic while both iterators are valid if (i->pow > j->pow) { //if the cu...

Decimal Value is Zero when it should be 0.0x

If this was previously talked about, I'm sorry, I had a hard time searching on this. I am calculating a depreciation rate. One portion of our calculation is 1/life in months. My table stores this data in a decimal field. I tried test = 1 / estimatedLife; but the result of the calculation of test (which is defined as a decimal) is 0. S...

Calculating pi using infinite series in C#

Hi! I tried to write the following program in C# to calculate pi using infinite recursion, but I keep getting confused about integer/double/decimal division. I really have no clue why this isn't working, so pardon me for my lack of understanding of strongly typed stuff, as I'm still learning C#. Thanks in advance! using System; using ...

Why does (360 / 24) / 60 = 0 ... in Java

I am trying to compute (360 / 24) / 60 I keep getting the answer 0.0 when I should get 0.25 In words: I want to divide 360 by 24 and then divide the result by 60 public class Divide { public static void main(String[] args){ float div = ((360 / 24) / 60); System.out.println(div); } } This prints out: 0.0 Why is that? Am I...

How to force c# binary int division to return a double?

How to force double x = 3 / 2; to return 1.5 in x without the D suffix or casting? Is there any kind of operator overload that can be done? Or some compiler option? Amazingly, it's not so simple to add the casting or suffix for the following reason: Business users need to write and debug their own formulas. Presently C# is getting us...

Custom "Very Long Int" Division Issue

Hey everyone, So, for a very silly project in C++, we are making our own long integer class, called VLI (Very Long Int). The way it works (they backboned it, blame them for stupidity) is this: User inputs up to 50 digits, which are input as string. String is stored in pre-made Sequence class, which stores the string in an array, in re...

divide and search for specific words

i have a text i want to divide it into equal 4 part and search for specific words that repeat in those part and display them any ideas am working with c# vs 2008 and .txt files ...

Why does a float divided by a larger float result in zero, and how can I avoid this in C#?

I was trying to divide (float)200 / (float)500 but the result is 0.0. Why is this so and how can we have 0.4 as the result? Thanks a lot. ...

Python - Number of Significant Digits in results of division

Newbie here. I have the following code: myADC = 128 maxVoltage = 5.0 maxADC = 255.0 VoltsPerADC = maxVoltage/maxADC myVolts = myADC * VoltsPerADC print "myADC = {0: >3}".format(myADC) print "VoltsPerADC = {0: >7}".format(VoltsPerADC) print VoltsPerADC print "myVolts = {0: >7}".format(myVolts) print myVolts This outputs the following...

Division, Remainders and only Real Numbers Allowed

Trying to figure out this pseudo code. The following is assumed.... I can only use unsigned and signed integers (or long). Division returns a real number with no remainder. MOD returns a real number. Fractions and decimals are not handled. INT I = 41828; INT C = 15; INT D = 0; D = (I / 65535) * C; How would you handle a fraction (or...

Division to the nearest 1 decimal place without floating point math?

I am having some speed issues with my C# program and identified that this percentage calculation is causing a slow down. The calculation is simply n/d * 100. Both the numerator and denominator can be any integer number. The numerator can never be greater than the denominator and is never negative. Therefore, the result is always from ...

Faster integer division when denominator is known?

hi I am working on GPU device which has very high division integer latency, several hundred cycles. I am looking to optimize divisions. All divisions by denominator which is in a set { 1,3,6,10 }, however numerator is a runtime positive value, roughly 32000 or less. due to memory constraints, lookup table may not be a good option. Ca...

integer division properties

hi. does the following integer arithmetic property hold? (m/n)/l == m/(n*l) At first I thought I knew answer (does not hold), but now am not sure. Does it hold for all numbers or only for certain conditions, i.e. n > l? the question pertains to computer arithmetic, namely q = n/m, q*m != n, ignoring overflow. ...

How Does Modulus Divison Work

I don't really understand how modulus division works. I was calculating 27 % 16 and wound up with 11 and I don't understand why. I can't seem to find an explanation in layman's terms online. Can someone elaborate on a very high level as to what's going on here? EDIT: Thanks for all your answers. You guys are incredibly quick. It all ma...

Doing a float division without installing additional gems?

Let's say I have these two floats: a = 50.0 b = 1048576.0 c = a/b By printing c, I get this: 4.76837158203125e-005 Doing the division with calc.exe gives me the result 0.0000476837158203125 . Is there any way of achieving the same thing with Ruby without installing any additional gem? ...

Why does this simple division between 2 floats not work with java ?

System.out.println((26.55f/3f)); or System.out.println((float)( (float)26.55 / (float)3.0 )); etc. returns the result 8.849999. not 8.85 as it should. Can anyone explain this or should we all avoid using floats? ...