
Divs will not float

I been trying every way possible to try and float the sidebar to the left and have it fit beside the content div, but it seems IMPOSSIBLE for me. Please help. HTML: <div class="index-page"> <img src="images/hosting-header.png" width="458" height="179" alt="Hosting Header"> <h1> Welcome to Elektrik Host! </h1> ...

How can I check if two elements/div belong to the same parent?

Hi I am working on this piece of code for a shopping cart $('.addtoCart').click(function() { //get button id var cartID = $(this).attr("id"); //get check box id var checkBoxID = $('input.cartLevelChecked:checked').attr("id"); //get parent id var levelListID = $(this).closest('li').attr("id"); if...

divs and background images

so here is the problem i'm trying to solve, i want to use a background image that is 500px wide for my divs that has a drop shadow on the right edge however i want the text to stop and wrap after 475px and i still want the entire image to show up to include the dropshadow. is there anyway to accomplish this? html code: <!DOCTYPE html P...

How do I span two divs side-by-side for the full screen width?

There are a lot of questions regarding side-by-side divs. I didn't miss those. But I need something that spans the whole width of the screen. This is the situation: I need three divs positioned side-by-side. The left, middle, and right divs we'll call them. The middle div holds the header contents of the site and is a fixed width (800px...

if a div is 100% width by default

If a div is 100% width, should I still put in width: 100%;? I look at a lot of code and it's always in there even though by default a div is 100%. ...

divs being messed up when using relative position and using the auto center method

i am trying to get my site to auto center a div that has a bunch of divs inside of it on the page by using a set width and defining a margin of 0 auto; if i set my inner div elements to absolute positioning everything lines up properly but it doesn't auto center, but if i set the positioning to relative the inner divs stack on top of eac...

With jQuery, how to draw square Divs inside the document, clicking a point in the viewport then moving the mouse?

Hi to all, I want to draw inside the DOM squared Divs, clicking a random point in the viewport then moving the mouse with this effect... http://www.vegabit.com/test/example_create_div_on_mouse_move.jpg in jQuery... and without any plugin... Thank You in advance! Max ...

ONLY Visible Div form elements will get submitted

I have used a JavaScript to hide the DIVs containing form elements.... <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function showMe (it, box) { var vis = (box.checked) ? "block" : "none"; document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis; } //--> </script> When certain checkbox(s) are selected the respective DIV(s) are shown or get visible........

horizonal and vertical alignment of div

I am using JQuery. I have a div that contains a table. I have 4 rows in the table each with one col. Each row contains a line or two of text I want to make each row with height = 100 px and have the text centered horizontally and vertically. can this be done? Thanks! ...

Css - Div causing white space at the top of a page

I have narrowed down the culprit to either a SPAN or a DIV in lines 27-33 but cant quite get it... if i remove the span that makes the font below the press muted, it fixes the spacing issue at the top of the page but makes that text way to large u.neighborrow.com/items/indexb <div id="slide_one" class="bg"><!--slide #1--> <div class=...

overflow: hidden not working

Hey all, I am having a tough time with overflow: hidden. Basically I am trying to hide the overflow of an unordered list which is located in a div. I have no idea why this isn't working though. Instead of hiding it, it breaks my li's from a horizontal layout to a vertical layout. The unordered list is carousel and the container is list. ...

Overlap two Divs using float

I need to create following page layout using Divs. http://jsfiddle.net/6Lanq/ (please use horizontal and vertical scrollbar to see the exact picture. we have four zones) I accomplished it using nested divs and float but nested divs are not what is required. Other way of doing, that I know, is declaring "position:absolute" and setting z...

CSS: Div Positioning... help

take a look at this Code. i want the Left & Right Box (DIVs) to appear in one line.. how to do it ...

div in front of another resets jQuery hover animation. how to prevent this?

hello. i have an animate effect applied to 4 divs in order to create a blinds effect: when you hover over the first box it grows , the other 3 shrink and when you "mouseout" all 4 return to 25% of the total height. i want to insert a nested div inside each box (in front, actually with absolute positioning) in order to present some text...