
File upload with django-profiles

I'm using the django-contrib package django-profiles, and everything is working great - my only issue is that I would like the form to upload a file (for an avatar), unfortunately - the form does not upload the file. Has anyone successfully managed to get file uploads working with django-profiles? I want to avoid having to set up a sepe...

What's the best way to have different profiles for different kinds of users in django?

In my application I have students, professors and staff. Staff members do not need a profile but professors and students each need a different profile. I'd rather not implement it all myself (middleware and whatnot), so is there anyway to just have get_profile() return a different profile depending on a user's role? ...

Problems updating user profiles.

Working out editing profiles and ran into a little trouble! The following piece of code succesfully updates the mug_shot column in the user profile, but also erases all the other column data for that particular record. It's weird because Django is supposed to automatically distinguish between updates/saves. What's weirder is that everywh...

Creating Title / Slug based on PK ID

What would be the generic way to create record title and slub based on the ID? I am working with django-photologue here. I want to save a record with title and slug based on the PK. The generic problem is that I can't get the PK until the record is saved into database. On the other side, I can't save it without title and slug. What com...

Change user email in Django without using django-profiles

Hi guys, In my Django application I would like the user to be able to change the email address. I've seen solution of StackOverflow pointing people to django-profiles. Unfortunately I don't want to use a full fledged profile module to accomplish a tiny feat of changing the users email. Has anyone seen this implemented anywhere. The emai...

Django: When extending User, better to use OneToOneField(User) or ForeignKey(User, unique=True)?

I'm finding conflicting information on whether to use OneToOneField(User) or ForeignKey(User, unique=True) when creating a UserProfile model by extending the Django User model. Is it better to use this?: class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True) or this?: class UserProfile(models.Model): us...

How can I add user profile support to a google app engine app?

I have a Google App Engine app based on django / django_appengine that I wish to modify by adding user profile support to it, because the basic user model is a bit simplistic for my situation. What's the best way to do this? ...

Different user profiles with django-profiles & django-registration

My USER_TYPES = ( ('D', 'Demo' ), ...