
Is it correct to export data members? (C++)

As the title suggests, is it correct or valid to import/export static data from within a C++ class? I found out my problem - the author of the class I was looking at was trying to export writable static data which isn't supported on this platform. Many thanks for the responses however. ...

How do I compile an ASP.NET website into a single .DLL?

I have finally finished my web site. I published it and I was surprised at the results. Although the App_Code compiled into a single .dll, every pages code behind compiled into it's own .dll. How do i make it so that it is one .dll? Also, is it possible to compile everything (SubSonic,AJAX,etc) into that same single .dll? ...

Embedding assemblies inside another assembly

If you create a class library that uses things from other assemblies, is it possible to embed those other assemblies inside the class library as some kind of resource? I.e. instead of having MyAssembly.dll, SomeAssembly1.dll and SomeAssembly2.dll sitting on the file system, those other two files get bundled in to MyAssembly.dll and are ...

Adding Boost makes Debug build depend on "non-D" MSVC runtime DLLs

I have an annoying problem which I might be able to somehow circumvent, but on the other hand would much rather be on top of it and understand what exactly is going on, since it looks like this stuff is really here to stay. Here's the story: I have a simple OpenGL app which works fine: never a major problem in compiling, linking, or run...

Referencing different versions of the same assembly

If A references assembly B 1.1 and C, and C references B 1.2, how do you avoid assembly conflicts? I nievely assumed C's references would be encapsulated away and would not cause any problems, but it appears all the dll's are copied to the bin, which is where the problem occurs. I understand the two ways around this are to use the GAC ...

Retrieving DLL Metadata from VBScript?

Using only VBScript (launched from Windows Scripting Host) can I pull the DLL metadata from kernel32.dll? Specifically, I'm looking for the version info and the architecture specified in the DLL header. Can this be done without any dependencies? ...

.NET - Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and Interop.Excel DLL

Hi, When I add a reference to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on my computer, Visual Studio adds this to the project file: <COMReference Include="Excel"> <Guid>{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}</Guid> <VersionMajor>1</VersionMajor> <VersionMinor>5</VersionMinor> <Lcid>0</Lcid> <WrapperTool>primary</WrapperTool> <Isolate...

Update a dll without stopping the service

I would like to update a dll for a server process without stopping the service. How do I do that? A bit like how asp.net automatically picks up new dlls placed in the bin folder. ...

How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

Does Dependency Walker work with managed apps? I've downloaded the latest and tried profiling the app, but it just exits without much of an explanation. If it doesn't work with .NET, then is there some other tool that would help me debug a run-time DLL loading issue? ...

Native VC++ using external (not project) dll reference how to specify path to dll

I have a native VC++ project that uses a dll (which is not in a project). Now, I must to put the dll in one the "Search Path Used by Windows to Locate a DLL" link but I don't want the dll to sit in the exectuable or current or windows or system directory. So my only option according to that is adding the path to the %PATH% environment...

How to make consistent dll binaries across VS versions ?

For instance, winsock libs works great across all versions of the visual studio. But I am having real trouble to provide a consistent binary across all the versions. The dll compiled with VS 2005 won't work when linked to an application written in 2008. I upgraded both 2k5 and 2k8 to SP1, but the results haven't changed much. It works so...

What are underscored symbols in a VB DLL?

I have a C++ app in VS2005 and import a VB DLL. IntelliSense shows me all the symbols in the DLL as expected but it also shows all (or nearly all) of them again with an underscore prefix (no @s in them though). Why is this? What are the differences between the underscored items and the normal items? ...

What is the actual function of the C# project setting "Allow unsafe code"

I was wondering if the C# project setting "Allow unsafe code" applies only to unsafe C# code in the project itself, or is it necessary to set this option when linking in a native C++ DLL? What about linking in a managed DLL that itself links to a native DLL? What does this option really do, under the hood? ...

Unmanaged DLLs in C++

I've been reading many a tutorial/article on unmanaged DLLs in C++. For the life of me, however, I cannot seem to grasp the concept. I'm easily confused by the seeming disagreement about whether it needs a header file, how to export it, whether I need a .lib file and what have you. So, let's assume I have just a function like so: publi...

Get string return value from C DLL in Delphi

I have a legacy DLL written in C that contains a function that returns a string, and I need to access this function from Delphi. The only info I have about the DLL is the VB declare for accessing the function: Public Declare Function DecryptStr Lib "strlib" (Str As String) As String I've tried the following without success: Declarati...

How can I call a DLL from a scripting language?

I have a third-party product, a terminal emulator, which provides a DLL that can be linked to a C program to basically automate the driving of this product (send keystrokes, detect what's on the screen and so forth). I want to drive it from a scripting language (I'm comfortable with Python and slightly less so with Perl) so that we don'...

C#: How to include dependent DLLs?

I am using a 3rd party API which is defined in 2 DLLs. I have included those DLLs in my project and set references to them. So far so good. However, these DLLs have at least one dependent DLL which cannot be found at runtime. I copied the missing DLL into the project and set the 'Copy to output' flag but without success. What should I...

DLLs that require registration, used in different programs

How do you organize installing different programs if these programs use the same DLLs which require registration. The problem: if the user uninstalls the program that is installed later the other program will stop working as the registry entries now point to the missing DLLs. One possible solution is placing the common DLLs in a comm...

Do any .NET DLLs exist that implement luac's functionality?

Does anyone know of any DLLs (preferably .net) that encapsulate the lua 5.1 compiler? I'm working on a .net project where part of it needs to compile lua scripts, and i would rather have a DLL that i could send script code to instead of sending the script to a temporary file and running luac.exe. Edit: I'd need a .NET library that impl...

How can I use a DLL from Python

What is the easiest way to use a DLL from within Python? Specifically, how can this be done without writing any additional wrapper C++ code to expose the functionality to Python? Native Python functionality is strongly preferred over using a 3rd party library. ...