
Cocoa Application with Menubar but no Dock Icon / switch menu

Hi, This is yet one more of those "how to switch from running with a dock icon to running without one" questions with a twist.. I don't want the dock icon but I do want a menu bar when the application is at the front. Is that possible? Running an application with LSUIElement set to 1 in the plist will launch the application without a d...

App will not launch from drawer after phone is removed from car dock

I am creating a replacement Car Home app for Android 2.0+ devices. The app needs to launch when the phone is inserted into the car dock, as well as terminate when it is removed from the dock. It also needs to be able to be launched from the app drawer. I'm having a problem right now where once the phone is inserted and removed from the...

replacement for clock app

the least thing i like on the nexus one is the useless app it runs when on the desktop dock. I already wasted a good day searching for the 3 topics below and failed to find anything. Is there any replacement for it already available? Is there source code for the original one? Is there documentation on how to replace them? ...

Overriding Home button for a Car Home replacement app

I have been working on a replacement for the stock Car Home app for a bit, and I am completely stumped on how to override the Home button so that my app will be brought back to the foreground whenever the phone is docked. This is the way that Car Home works, so there must be a way. It seems that BroadcastReceivers won't work, because th...

How to launch java application from Dock, Mac

I have created a Java Swing application. It works fine. I have created application file (.app) for that application using jar bundler. But the main problem is that my application does not open if I click it on the Dock. I am using Mac OS. How I can launch my application by clicking on Dock Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

Hide Java application from command-tab application switcher and dock in OSX

I have a java application which has a tray icon in the top menu bar of OSX. When I minimize the application I would like it to disappear from the dock and the command-tab application switcher and only be in the tray. I've seen other OSX applications do this, so I do believe it is possible, but as a newbie to OSX I have no idea how to ach...

how to get the pid_t of the running in max os X

Hello, More or less everything is in teh title, I am looking for a way to get from a cocoa application, pid_t of the running Thanks in advance for your help, regard, ...

Dropping files on application icon in Dock

I have been hitting the wall on this issue for a few days now, and cannot for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong (or if this is some kind of bug): I have a custom Mac application (in Java, if it matters). It essentially takes a specific type of document bundle, does some processing on it, and sends the results to a server. ...

How can I make a window like the Mac OS X dock's stack?

Hello SO'ers I'm looking to create a window object that looks just like the Dock's Stack. (The grey square one, not the leaning list of pisa). Complete with title, transparency, navigation buttons, large icons with subtitles, and pointy-arrow bit on the bottom. The NSPanel "HUD" didn't really fit... I'd like the thing to pop-up when ...

How to dock a windows form in C#?

Hello everyone, I just would like to know if it is possible to dock a windows form on top of the user screen? I have been trying to do this by manually setting the position of my form to the coordinates I want. But using this method, however, allows the user to change the position of the form just by dragging it. I want to make the for...

Does iPhone support audio in via dock connector

Fisrt , sorry my bad English I'd like to play audio on iPhone / iPod via dock connector the model is audio in from dock to iPhone, and audio out from iPhone is't possible ...

custom behavior for the application icon in the mac os x dock

hello, I am trying to modify the default behavior of teh dock when you click on an icon of a started application. By default it bring the main window of the application to forefront. What I would like to be able to do is to be able to perform a custom operation when the icon is clicked. Any idea to achieve this? Thanks and regards, A...

XML GUI in Python

I'm working on a project where someone wrote a PyGTK GUI that uses docks from GDL. He has the GUI saved as an XML file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <interface> <requires lib="gtk+" version="2.16"/> <object class="GtkUIManager" id="uimanager"/> <object class="GtkWindow" id="mainWindow"> <property name="title" translatable="yes">Title...

cocoa : dock like window

Hello, I am looking to create a NSWindow behaving like the dock window: - Appears when the mouse cursor stays at one edge of the screen - Does not takes the focus (the app having the focus keeps it) but reveives mouse events Any idea on how I can implement this? Thanks in advance for your help, ...

Making a graphical element "dock-like"

Specifically, what I am try to is overlap my element on top of everything, including the desktop, similar to the taskbar in Windows. I have a Windows Form Control that looks kind of like a tab. its like 50px wide by like 150px in length. What I would like to do is have that control appear in front of all windows, including the desktop it...

Recommendations for a docking library for Delphi / C++Builder?

My team is currently thinking of moving our existing MDI-based application to a more modern, docking-based approach. We're still thinking, but we'd like to move it to something like VS2010's docking and visual look: This has the following features: Shows a blended outline where the window will dock Docks into tabs, as well as side-...

Debugging an iOS app with an external accessory connected via Dock

Am I missing something glaringly obvious or is there no way to debug an iOS app which uses an external accessory that's connected via the 30-pin dock without using a bucket load of logs etc. I want to be able to use things such as breakpoints and Instruments. Is there a way to remote debug perhaps, over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth? Note: Yes, I ...

cocoa: know the position of the app icon in the dock

Hello, I need to show a special menu when the dock icon is hovered. In order to do this I need to find a way to get the coordinate of the app icon in the dock. Do you know how I can get this info? Thanks and regards, ...

[Cocoa] Is it possible to change the Dock icon of an app so it remains when it is not running?

Is it possible to badge a dock icon and have the icon persist when the application is quit? iCal does this, but I have not seen it anywhere else. ...

Hide menubar and dock after fullscreen video in WebView

I have a cocoa application which is a fullscreen webbrowser using WebView. Initially the menubar and dock are hidden, and cannot be accessed, which is how I want it, but after a fullscreen window such as a video is displayed, the menubar and dock reappear and stay there. Any idea how to prevent them from reappearing? ...