
Is it possible to dock the "Find/Replace" window in Eclipse?

I could have sworn I saw it once before in a screencast where someone had the find/replace window docked in their Eclipse environment. However looking through the list of options in "Window > Show" the closest thing I can find is the Search window. I find that I use it quite a bit and with larger monitors these days I figure I could af...

How can I dock parent window after opening the child window.

Hi, I am using multiple window,xaml files in my aplication. The parent window is ParentWindow,xaml. On click of one of the button in this window I am opening the child window named Ancent.xaml. Now once I open this child window, I want to dock the parent window. Can u tell me how can I do this? ...

WPF Docking library

I need to use an existing WPF docking library. There are several libraries: AvalonDock .NetBar SanDock ActiPro Infragistics does anyone has any experiance with one of those libraries? Can you recommend one of them? ...

Docking in wpf .net 4.0

Hi there, is there a built in possibility in .net 4.0 to dock a WPF window into a container?? Something like in Visual Studio would be great. thanks! ...

CSS or Table 'Dock Layout' Solution for Non Scrolling Header?

I have a variable height header that doesn't scroll with the content below it. The content will act like a regular web page, with overflow=auto, constrained to the size of the viewport. I have yet to find a table-free CSS solution, and using tables overflow doesn't work correctly - the bottom table row is not constrained to the viewport...

Docking and Anchoring on a Windows Form application.

Hello! I'm developing an app for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above, with C# and .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2. I have a WinForm with two panels inside (upperPanel and bottomPanel). I want that upperPanel always fill 2/3 of form's height, and bottomPanel fills 1/3 of form's height. Both panels will fill completly form's width. I've used t...

Maximum Width and Height in Silverlight

In general, how does one set a control to take up the entire Height and Width of its container? I am new to Silverlight and was surprised that the controls don't have a Dock property (unless I am missing something). ...

How to dock CPaneDialog to MainFrm and.. ?

Hello, I have problem with CPaneDialog. I tested with SetPaneSize MFC feature pack sample projects. What is weird is that CPaneDialog can't be docked to MainFrm while CDockablePane can be. The CPaneDialog is also a child class of the CDockablePane, but it can't be. Only DockToWindow( &other_CPaneDialog_instance... ) is possible. If I ca...

WPF Dockable Windows Like iGoogle

I'm looking for a dockable windows/panel control in the style of iGoogle. All of the ones I have found so far all have a fixed length on the height of your window/panel but I want to be able to have windows of varying length like iGoogle. The best I have found so far has been a control libarary called BlackLight which does not have the ...

WPF Window Docking

Hi, I am having multiple windows( .xaml files). I want to dock one window in other. Say, I am having a ParentWindow.xaml. On a button click in ParentWindow I open ChildWindow.xaml. After opening ChildWindow.xaml, I have to dock it in the ParentWindow.xaml. How to implement this? ...

AvalonDock autohide to side of pane instead of window

I have the following AvalonDock XAML: <ad:DockingManager Name="DockManager" Background="White"> <ad:ResizingPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <ad:DockablePane ad:ResizingPanel.ResizeWidth="300" Name="LeftSideBar" SelectedIndex="0"> <ad:DockableContent Name="Connection" Title="Connection" IsCloseable="False"> ...

CSS for docking/sliding panel on a web page

Hi, I would like to display any validation error messages on a web form similar to compilation error messages in visual studio that slides up from the bottom when there are errors. the error message panel should overlay on top of the form without taking extra space and can be closed if required. how to achieve this with the help of CSS...

Implemeneting a multidock window system (like blend, visual studio) in WPF

How would you go about to implement a docking toolbox windowing system as seen in Expression Blend where you can dock toolbox windows in a lot of ways beneat each other, overlapping as tabs or as floating top level windows. My system should behave pretty much the same as in Expression Blend. Also the way I get visual cues where the toolb...

Window docking advice for Mac

Hi, I'm from a Windows programming background when writing tools, but have been programming using Carbon and Cocoa for the past year. I have introduced myself to Mac by, I admit it, hiding from UI programming. I've been basically wapping my OpenGL code in a view, then staying in my comfort zone using my platform agnostic OpenGL C++ co...

Silverlight: Docking of controls

Is it possible to dock Silverlight based controls like Windows Forms control ? For example I want to use a tab control, which I want to use as a control for page navigation ! Unfortunately I don't find a "Dock" property :-( ! ...

Free docking controls that can be docked into third party app.

I have a application(not mine) that uses AxXtremeDockingPane by CodeJock to add dockable panels to the application. AxXtremeDockingPane has a method called AttachToWindow(int handle) which when called will create a docking manger into the window with the handle supplied, which can be any application. I was wondering if there are any ot...

GUI framework Java

Hello, I am looking for some framework or toolkit (style drag and drop) for creating gui in Java. I need to do quite complex application with dockings, toolbars, tables etc. Which one would be best? ...

JavaFX - good or not? I need docking in it.

Hello, I have just explore javaFX. I am now programming modul based application by netBeans platform. I have minimal UI now, but I am going to do quite complex GUI. Is javaFX good for me? And if yes, how I can implement docking in main window? (i think about usage of JFX becouse I want good looking app) ...

WPF Docking windows like VS2008 IDE

I'm sure a lot of people would like to be able use this in their apps. Anybody know where to get or how to implement the Docking windows in VS2008, like the Solution Explorer and Properties windows? ...

Docking using VCL: How to make vertically docked Forms prevail over horizontally docked Forms?

Hi I am using docking (VCL) in Delphi 7. In my main form, two other forms are docked: One vertically at the left edge, one horizontally at the bottom edge. Problem: The form docked at the bottom edge takes the full width of the form, limiting the height of the form that is docked at the left edge. I would like the opposite behaviour: ...