
what's a good enterprise level pdf generation solution?

I'd like to find a replacement for Crystal Reports. Oh how I dislike CR. Ideally I'd like to find a PDF generation tool that has the following: Solid API in .NET Speed: we'd like to generate 1000-2500 pdfs per day WYSIWYG editor hotlinking of image files (logos) good widow/orphan control reasonably good typography control (kernin...

To Convert MicrosoftOffice Docs+PDF+Images++Audio/Video into Swf file

HI, I want to convert MicrosoftOffice Docs(.doc,.docx,ppt,xlsx,xls) +PDF+Images++Audio/Video into an swf file. The idea behind this project is to open the documents on any machine which have a flash plugin. I want to do this in VC++. ...

SPFileVersionCollection - why versions are sorted in mixed order?

SPFileVersionCollection and SPListItemVersionCollection versioning seems inconsistent to me. Inconsistency wouldn't be a problem to me, but sort order is. SPListItemVersionCollection I can understand versioning of ListItems as they are stored in descending order: SPContext.Current.ListItem.Versions.Count -> 5 SPContext.Current.ListIte...

Write a *.doc or *.rtf file from a c/c++ application

How can I write to/generate a *.doc file programmatically using c or c++? Is there a (open source/cross platform) library to do this? If this is not possible, can write an *.odt file and then convert it to *.doc? Thanks in advance! EDIT: Anders Abel commented that *.rtf file type is an option, so any suggestions on this one are also acc...

How do I access the Document Class' properties from the time line in AS3?

I am building your standard slideshow flash header for a web page. There are three main parts: The Slideshow class A controller class that is used as the projects Document Class Some linking timeline code. The slideshow class has all the functionality, so I used the Document class to create a new instance of the slideshow and ke...

Simple implementation of N-Gram, tf-idf and Cosine similarity in Python

I need to compare documents stored in a DB and come up with a similarity score between 0 and 1. The method I need to use has to be very simple. Implementing a vanilla version of n-grams (where it possible to define how many grams to use), along with a simple implementation of tf-idf and Cosine similarity. Is there any program that can...

OnWorkflowItemChanged for document library item - determine if metadata or file has changed?

In SharePoint Workflow - for a document library how do I determine if document metadata or document itself has changed? Both SPListItem.Versions and SPFile.Versions are added when i only change metadata (like file title). Also SPFile.Length changes if I only change metadata. ...

simple web based document management app - with workflow

hi.. conducting a broad search for an "open source" php web based app that allows for a basic workflow process for moving docs from one user to the next, based on the role/access control of the user. the idea, is that a doc can be submitted to the site. a user who's assigned a roleA for the doc is notified that the doc is ready.. the u...

Client side javascript, creation of several elements and show each asap

Client side javascript code create some elements (about 50-100) in cycle: for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var obj = document.createElement("DIV"); obj.innerHTML = "<span class=\"itemId\">" + list[i].Id + "</span><!-- some more simple code --> "; mainObj.appendChild(obj); } There is some problem wi...

CouchDB - Sorting documents by position

Hello, what is the best practice to sort/order multiple documents by user defined order (position) in CouchDB? Solutions I thought about: Every document has a "position" value, starting from 1 to n. The view would emit this value. Problem: If one document is sorted, all other documents with a greater position have to updates. This co...

how to check-out document in document library programmatically in sharepoint

how to set a document in check-in/out mode programmatically by using webservices or objetmodel in sharepoint ...

Flash AS3 undefined property MouseEvent in document class

Hi guys, this is my first time trying to use document classes in AS3 and im struggling. I am trying to add event listeners to a 2 levels deep movie clip, waiting for a click however i am getting the following error. ERROR: Access of undefined property MouseEvent package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import

flash as3 document class and event listeners

I think i have this document class concept entirly wrong now, i was wondering if someone mind explaining it.. I assumed that the above class would be instantiated within the first frame on scene one of a movie. I also assumed that when changing scenes the state of the class would remain constant so any event listeners would still be r...

Document Visualization in android?

Is there any document visualization toolkit available for android? ...

Is there an efficient way to query a document database?

Since document databases store records in tree like structures the fields will never be at set positions. Does this make querying a document database inefficient, or would indexes just be used as with a normal relational database? ...

simple document server built over Apache HTTP server

Hi, I want to build a simple document server. The requirement for now is : provide a hierarchical directory structure for placing documents (like pdfs, doc files) that is accessible through a browser, and provide the facility to search for documents by name and then be able to download them from server. Right now, placing documents ca...

ItemAdded Event for document library in sharepoint 2007

hi I am having a document library in share point 2007, I want to validate certain custom properties before a document is uploaded Or Properties are entered when Edit properties event is cliked. I am trying to validate the fields at ItemAdding event whne a documetn is uploaded , however when EditForm.aspx opens up for editing properties,...

Sharepoint checkin/checkout

We have a sharepoint based application that uses a custom database for storing metadata/files (which could also be on a file share) My question is how can the standard file checkin/check out option in document library be customized? The javascript file ows.js in the layouts folder contains the functions that provide checkin/check out/...

MOSS - Rendering template for document library

Hi, I have created: A custom content type that inherits from document 0x0101. A custom list that is based on my content type. I have also set so that the id for the rendering template is set to my own developed template. The problem is that when i click on "New" on my new list it will automatically go to the upload.aspx and then to ...

folder structure for project documentation

Hi all, I saw some questions raised about the folder structure of source codes, but I never see the question about folder structure of project documentation. I googled it and still do not see many articles talk about. Here is one To quote some of its wor...