
javascript function document.location working incorrectly

When I change on proxy-server page from (I add javascript, that call document.location), result of the document.location is some url of advertisement:

gwt click event document

i need to register a cross platform and version independent click event to the document. that means i have a two text box and submit button but when i click outside of the two text box and submit button then alert will be displayed .how can i achive this by gwt document.get().addMouseClick ??? ...

Best document format for addressbook in CouchDB

Hi guys. I really tried, tried so hard but i cant understand couchdb :( I must record the contact of several people, should i put every contact in a single document ? "1th documet" { "names" : [ Jake", "Lock" ] "numbers" : [ "Jake's number", "Lock's number" ] } Future records: "1th documet" { "names" : [ Jake", "Lock", "K...

XML documentation to context sensitive help

These days a number of commercial and open source tools have been developed for this purpose. However(unfortunately), non of them meet my requirement for specific problem I am dealing with. Currently, I am working on a project that exposes a different classes and functions to user as scripting interface. the user can use the objects from...

Alternative to latex / a way to typeset good looking documents from Java to PDF

I'm working on application in Java that will maintain database of song lyrics in plain text and print out some songbooks/chordbooks(that is create PDF file from selected songs). I was planing that the Java application will generate source code for pdflatex and after compiling this source user will get PDF file. Lately I've run into a lo...

Including a plain text file with XSLT 1.0

How can I include the content of a plain text file in a result document from within an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet? I.e., just like document(), but without parsing it: <xsl:value-of select="magic-method-to-include-plaintext(@xlink_href)" /> I am almost sure, that this doesn't work without extension, because: there is a special XPath functio...

Strip the first page of a Word Doc using PHP

Hi all, I'm trying to strip the first page of a MS Word Document (may be .doc or .docx) using PHP. I've had a search round and couldn't find much, other than libraries that help create .doc files, but none that have the ability to read in a .doc and manipulate it. Thanks, Andrew ...

How to find with javascript if element exists in DOM or it's virtual (has been just created by createElement)

Hello. I hope a topic is self describing. I'm new on your site, it helped me much times but this time i was surprised not to find an answer on internet. The question is quite simple. Say, i have an element created in code: var elem = docuemnt.createElement('div'); ... I wish sometime to check have i placed it into the DOM bef...

Print perfect web word processor ?

Hi, I'm looking for a web based word processor. I'd like something that prints exactly what the user sees on the screen. It's for an internal app so i don't need something available only throught the Internet. Thanks. ...

Delete field using curl in couchdb

Hi guys. I searched and didn't found, can I delete a field of a couchdb's document using curl ? The most I can do is delete a document :( curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5984/users/jack?rev=1-cee2abbbe4afefa9b3b5db10260c0c94 Thanks. ...

Opening Word Document from IE

Hello all, I'm opening a word document through IE on a local network, it opens up fine but if a document is password protected then it should prompt for the password which it doesn't. Is there something that I should be doing to get the password prompt? The way I'm opening the document is by a link on a web page e.g. <a href="\\path\...

EXSLT date:format-date template without document() XSLT 1.0

Hello guys, I'm using date:format-date template EXSLT file I'm using XSLT 1.0 and MSXML3.0 as the processor. My date:format-date template EXSLT file's declaration is: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:date="

Scribd style document rendering on ASP.NET

Hi, I have large documents (HTML or Text) (think legal documents/regulatory documents etc.) that need to made readable i.e. paged, with some rich-text markup, allowing user highlighting and annotation etc. I was thinking of using a Scribd style rendering or as on (see here). Any thoughts how I can go about it? We are on AS...

Why Document DB ( like mongodb and couchdb ) are better for large amount of data ?

I am very newbie to this world of document db. So... why this db are better than RDBMS ( like mysql or postgresql ) for very large amount of data ? ...

SOAPUI: Document Type Webservices Testing.

Hi , I am new to SOAP UI usage. I would like to test one of the webservices generated using weblogic 8.1 SP 6. The webservice is a document type webservice. Is there any way to test this webservice using SOAP UI ?? Or is there any tool which helps to test document type webservices?? Thanks in advance. ...

Why are my JavaScript variables not persisting across functions?

I have the following JavaScript in my HTML page referencing an HTML form on the page: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var myForm = document.myForm; function validateForm() { if (myForm.myInput == "") alert("Please input some text."); return false; } myForm.submit(); } function showFormInput() { ...

Can Sharepoint document library support folder versioning?

Will the sharepoint document library support folder versioning? For example, I have a document library with a folder say, 'My Folder'. Can i create a new folder with the same name so that there will be multiple versions of that folder. ...

iPhone App Update and Documents Directory

When i update my app I'd like the user to still be able to access their old files. What will the contents of the Documents directory be after updating? Any tricks or tips shared would be most appreciated on this process. ...

iPhone Simulating App Update at home before going out in the big bad world

this is a follow on from this question and the link given it seems that when an app is updated all of the files in the documents directory are copied into the updated apps documents directory and also anything in Library/Preferences. Whats the best way to simulate this for testing purposes? Just copy the files in ApplicationSupport/iPho...

When a li is appended, does it not become a part of the ul "for real"?

I have right now this code: <ul><li class="listitem">text<li></ul> jQuery: $('.listitem').click(function() { $("#elname").text($(this).text()); $('#slists').css('visibility','hidden') $('#elname').css('visibility','visible') $('#elname').css('display','inline-block') }); This is supposed to hide a div and it does,...