
Extracting doc comments from C# source file

Does anyone know of any tools that allow you to extract comments directly from a .cs file in to some simple text or even the clipboard? Even better if such a tool could work at the method level too. I am not looking for something like Sandcastle that works at build time, I am looking for something that works on single source code files....

Traceable/documented calculations

We are about to redesign our calculation engine, and want each step in the calculation to be traceable/documented so that the user can get a complete report on what amounts make up each total. Are there any patterns or good examples on how to implement 'traceable' or 'self-documenting' calculations? ...

Help generation tool with MS Word and C# xmldoc support

Hello. I'm looking for a help/documentation generation tool which would satisfy such requirements: it should support xmldoc comment produced by c# compiler or (even better) directly support sandcastle it should support importing of MS Word documents. it should support creating links from conceptual documentation to reference documenta...

Where is the good documentation for Catalyst?

Hello! I have a problem with understanding the Catalyst MVC framework. I have read a Catalyst book and documentation from CPAN for Catalyst, but I am still a noob and don't understand how to work with this. I am looking for good examples and documentation for Catalyst that describes how to work with classes, databases, and templates. ...

Is there an API in .net to read XML comment documentation file.

In this question I see that microsoft ships the XML documentation files for the BCL. I wonder if anyone knows if there an API within .net that can be used to look this up at runtime. I know we can parse the files manually using the XML api. The use case is that we allow custom (read 3rd party) types/assemblies to be used in our system, ...

Qt-style documentation using Doxygen?

How do I produce Qt-style documentation (Trolltech's C++ Qt or Riverbank's PyQt docs) with Doxygen? I am documenting Python, and I would like to be able to improve the default function brief that it produces. In particular, I would like to be able to see the return type (which can be user specified) and the parameters in the function br...

How do you avoid redundancy in documentation comments?

We just started using StyleCop and the one thing I'm having a hard time with is the documentation requirements. I don't want to debate the usefulness of the tool, I'm just wondering if anyone has any guidelines or ways of thinking about documenting methods that makes the comments actually useful. I find that my comments often contain a l...

Reference Prefixes in .NET XML Documentation

I've been attempting to fully document all types, methods, properties, etc. of a class library using XML comments but have run into a curious effect involving the cref attribute (used by see tags for example). Going by the advice of this MSDN page as well as following various other examples on MSDN and other websites, it seems that whene...

Is it possible to copy code from Visual Studio and paste formatted code to OneNote?

Is there a way to copy code from visual studio (C#) and paste it into OneNote, without losing the formatting? I was able to do this, but only if I copy from VS, paste to Word, copy from Word, and then paste to OneNote. ...

HTML Doc Tool for Delphi 2009

Is there any free HTML creating documentation tool that fully understands Delphi 2009 features like generics and anonymous methods? I tried DelphiCodeToDoc but it crashes while parsing the source code. ...

Documentation on creating a programming language

Duplicate of Learning to write a compiler and What are the best resources on designing a new language? Can you point to what you think is the best documentation on creating a new programming language (--apart from the Dragon book, which I know of already). I am interested in both scripting language and general programming language desig...

Source Code and comments for prototype development

I'm involved in a prototype development. We can't say that it's completely prototype development. It's partially following the processes defined within the organization. As far the customer concerned it's a prototype development. The problem is documentation. We don't have any time estimated and scheduled to prepare the architecture des...

Running a command with every svn commit

Is it possible to make svn run some command before every commit? I have some documentation in LaTeX in the repository and would like to have always the latest version of the compiled docs available as a pdf in the repository. The same would go with doxygen docs. I'd bet that there is some magic svn:something property or something like t...

What is a good XDOC (or C# equivalent) style of program/plug-in for SQL Server?

I'm looking for a way to properly comment my stored procedure code so that I can extract the information into useful documentation ala something like XDOC (or C# equivalent). Something that's preferably lightweight would be ideal. ...

Javascript Standard Documentation Tool

Is there a standard/tool for documenting JavasSript? I'm thinking of something similar to Javadoc. ...

What are the benefits of browser-based documentation over book-like (PDF) documentation for API/SDK docs?

I'm often encouraged to use company documentation standards when documenting my API/SDKs and programmer guides. I'm looking for rationale/examples that I can take to management to support my own experience that developers prefer documentation that doesn't look like a book. Related, what is it that you DON'T like to see in this kind of ...

Generate PDF from Documented C++ Code

I have a small C++ project (~60 classes) that I need a human readable PDF of. I tried using doxygen but the LaTeX code it generates does not compile because it's too deeply nested for the LaTeX compiler. Before I start creating a PDF or HTML document myself using the XML sources doxygen generates, I wanted to know if anyone of you know...

Documenting a DB (sql server) with visio or something better?

Hi .. been reading a few bad reports about viso and documenting DBs ,... I just want something simple to document the DB and show all the keys and relationships... Is visio the right way to go? .. its a fairly small project and visio does carry a price tag... I am using vs 2008 and this has database diagrams integrated but i don't thi...

Is PHPDoc verbosity more trouble than it's worth?

I tried using PHPDoc for the first time today and quickly ran into a problem. For every 1 line of variable declarations, I had at least 5 lines of comments. Example: /** * Holds path the remote server * @name ... * @global ... */ $myvar = ... Of course, the payoffs are nice - but this turns a 10-line config file into a 60-line ...

good c++ documentation design example?

Hello. I'm tuning documentation generator for internal purpose that generates HTML documentation for C++ classes and methods. Is it any example available of good HTML documentation design? MSDN ( like this ) looks kinda outdated, same is doxygen / javadoc / sphinx results. Anyone ever see an documentation that looks REALLY good? ...