
Darwin Streaming Server Log Format?

Hi, I am writing a program that will parse and manipulate logs from Darwin Streaming Servers. Where can I get a definition of what the individual fields headers mean? Are there some kind of documentation in the DSS doc files? For example, I have this as the log output header: c-ip date time c-dns cs-uri-stem c-starttime x-duration...

What is the correct way to document a **kwargs parameter?

I'm using sphinx and the autodoc plugin to generate API documentation for my Python modules. Whilst I can see how to nicely document specific parameters, I cannot find an example of how to document a **kwargs parameter. Does anyone have a good example of a clear way to document these? ...

java API documentation question

Hi everybody. I'm extremely new to java. I'm currently learning by book and have stumbled across the following problem. I noticed that for example when learning about arrays they mention that you can call "arrayname.length" to get the length of that array. I'm trying to look in the online API documentation to see what public variables/m...

Autodoc for private methods in Sphinx

I am using Sphinx for documenting my python project. I have the autodoc extension enabled and have the following in my docs. .. autoclass:: ClassName :members: The problem is, it only documents the non-private methods in the class. How do I include the private methods too. ...

iOS Private API Documentation

Is there a web site or project documenting private APIs for the iPhone SDK? ...

Mercurial scripting with python

Hello, I am trying to get the mercurial revision number/id (it's a hash not a number) programmatically in python. The reason is that I want to add it to the css/js files on our website like so: <link rel="stylesheet" href="example.css?{% mercurial_revision "example.css" %}" /> So that whenever a change is made to the stylesheet, it ...

How have you documented a state machine for non-techincal business user audience?

We have a state machine that we use to implement a workflow. A state machine diagram fits our needs for a technical audience but I looking for the best way to present the state machine to the business units in either diagram of written format. What have you done in the past that has communicated the business process yet did not confuse...

What do the *-dev packages in the Ubuntu repositories actually contain?

My question is very basic, as is my knowledge right now. I'm a long-time Linux user, but have only recently taken a major interest in programming. I see that many popular applications in the Ubuntu repositories have -dev packages (e.g. pidgin-dev in addition to pidgin). My question is this: What is in these packages? How does download...

Describing ASMX web service WebMethod parameters

This seems like a simple question, but I haven't been able to find the answer online via many Google searches. I have a C# web service and, when I visit its ASMX page in the browser, for a particular method it always has the following: "The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced ...

how do you model your javascript ?

I'm trying to model my javascript object using visio, visio doesn't support javascript data types. Then I start thinking, how do you desing model your javascript code? Cheers ...

Do you bother writing or reading package-level JavaDocs?

I'm wondering what portion of Java developers actually invest in writing package.html files, and what they write in them. I am particularly interested in packages that can serve as your public APIs. In addition, I'm wondering whether developers actually bother to read the package level documentation when they use unfamiliar APIs, and wh...

jCarousel documentation?

Hi, Does anybody know more in depth documentation for jCarousel apart from the official site ("")? I'm having problems just changing the images width of the "Vertical carousel" example, or just changing the default skin (tango) of the "Simple carousel" example (both under IE6). Thanks in advance, ...

How do you document your database code to see dependencies between database objects?

I want to write documentation on my pet project. I have 30 tables and almost 50 views and about 30 functions (stored procedures) in my PostgreSQL database. I would like to see where tables ( which views and which functions ) are used. I would like to see where views ( which views and which functions ) are used. I would like to see if...

IEEE floating point pitfalls introductory manual

Is there a good introductory level documentation on floating point related practical pitfalls? I need to give some reading material on this subject to a fairly bright CS student. I remember seeing a good comprehensive manual somewhere couple of years ago, but now, when I need it, I can't find one. ...

Where can I find some good documentation about Haskell programming language?

I'm having problems with Haskell documentation that I found. Is not too clear and too simple. Where can I find any better documentation about this language? ...

Python Wiki Style Doc Generator

Looking for something like PyDoc that can generate a set of Wiki style pages vs the current HTML ones that export out of PyDoc. I would like to be able to export these in Google Code's Wiki as an extension to the current docs up there now. ...

Looking for Applescript documentation

I've done iPhone development for the last year without needing to learn the first thing about Applescript, but now I'm finding I want to automate some tasks. But I can't find any good documentation on the language. Even the Apple developer site doesn't seem to have what I want. I don't need a tutorial -- just a document that tells me ...

Building a Documentation System

I am part of a large organization in the insurance industry. I am currently looking at the way we manage our internal product documentation and I want to get some feedback for the community. We currently author documents using Word, Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint. If we want to create a "training manual" we simple copy and past this i...

How to generate pdf with epydoc?

I am considering epydoc for the documentation of one module. It looks ok to me and is working fine when I am generating html document. I would like to try to generate the documenation in the pdf format. I've just modified the 'output' setting in my config file. Unfortunately, epydoc fails when generating the pdf file. The error is "Er...

How should I document an existing system

Hi there, I've just started at a new job with sole responsibility for a large(ish) financial application. It's got about 800 stored procedures, 120 SQL server tables and 18 .net projects with approx 1200 code files. And no documentation other than line comments in the code. As I mend bugs and make ad hoc to the data I want to document w...