
What approach do you use to find information on how a class/method/framework works?

I ran into a question today, where the author referenced the documentation for a particular framework but had questions about how a class actually worked. The documentation was not as clear as it could be -- turned out the information was there once you figured out that you needed to look at the parent class for a description of one of ...

How do you document your PHP functions and classes inline?

I know there are many different standards for PHP code inline documentation. Here's what I mean by inline documentation, and please correct me if there is a better term: /** * This is the description for the class below. * * @package my-package * @subpackage my-subpackage * @author my-name * @version my-version * ... */ class ...

PHPDoc documentation generator in or out of Eclipse?

I am developing with Eclipse + PDT. I've been adding phpdoc comments into my code, but actually never generated a resulting documentation in Eclipse. How should I do it - is there some functionality in Eclipse, or doc generation should be done externally? ...

Where to create a web-site map for developers

Hi! Imagine a web-designer built several mock-up html pages. Now it is time to start development according to these mock-ups. First of all I would like to know that all mock-ups are there, i.e. every link has corresponded mock-up page. I can't just click hyperlinks, because they are empty ('#' url). And secondly, I would like to have...

jcarousel: vertical flexible carousel?

Hi, I'm just trying to convert the "Flexible carousel" example ( into a vertical one. I have only changed "horizontal" for "vertical" and "width" for "height" in the <head> section of the original example (changes shown in bold): .jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarouse...

Shell documentation (bash, ksh)

is there a tool out there similar to Javadoc or POD for shell scripting? thanks EDIT: I am not looking for existing shell man pages - there is a lot of ksh/bash code we write/support, so I was looking for a nice way to communicate what's happening, whether there is a potential for code reuse, etc. all things Javadocs are good for. ...

User Documentation from XML

Hello there, I have my nice set of XML files for a user manual, which I already transform to HTML to make the online manual (simil CHM) with XSLT. Now, I'd like to make a printable user manual from the same set of XML files. I'd like to generate an ODT or directly a PDF file, but I didn't find any "quick-and-simple" tool to do that. T...

where's the documentation for the "path" task/element in Ant?

I must be missing something obvious here... I found the online documentation for the <property> task, but I can't find it for the <path> task, e.g.: <path id="client.classpath"> <fileset dir="${libDir}"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> </path> Where is <path> documented? ...

Best way to document aspx files (not code-behind)

My web app has rather large class library that is documented with XML comments which Sand Castle nicely puts together into a CHM file for me from the .dll's and .xml comment files that the VS compiler generates. The front-end piece of my app consists of hundreds of .aspx files which I can document with XML comments and with the /doc com...

Good App documentation samples

Does anybody know where on the web I can find some good samples of decent documentation. ie documentation templates, perhaps with some stubs? I have looked on the net and haven't seen anything decent. ...

Constructing graphs from documentation tags.

Hi all, Recently I've become very concerned about "dependencies" in projects / systems. I had a very bad time when somebody deprecated a database server that nobody should have been using in my company and then suddenly lots of systems stopped working because they were using that database in a hidden corner in the code and nobody remem...

Whats the most widely used documentation tool for C#?

I'm moving to C# from Java and wanted to know what the most widely used documentation tool is? What is the equivalent of Javadoc in C#-land? ...

How to format source-code in a Framemaker document?

I have to write up a technical document in Framemaker that explains various programming source-code. So my document consists of a bunch of text, followed by a bunch of source code (Java, XML) and then followed by more text, etc. This question is not about whether I should or should not use Framemaker - that is the software I have to ...

how do you draw graph for documentation or book?

I alawys noticed some very good graph in article or book that depict the system very well, almost every successful book has cool graphs. but I wonder thow they are drawn. The graphs include: memory/stack/packet network topology routine call relationship software architecture process sequence. I do not think they are from visio or ...

php security and scalablity

hi is there is any book on php site security and on scalability ...

Where can I find useful documentation for pyusb (Python USB library)?

I am trying to interact with a keyboard with pyusb but I can't find any documentation or tutorial for it. The project homepage has absolutely no information and the installed README file is pretty useless. There is no man page. I found mailing lists but the people there have way more advanced problems than me. The only useful thing I fo...

Taking Over Incomplete Software

A friend of mine wants to buy a nearly bankrupt software company and is interested in one of their incomplete software. What should he get from them besides the source code as the company is willing to provide any kind of documentation he wants. And he wants to get the most essential kind of documentation to minimize the duration of the...

Make python __doc__ property display correctly in a Windows CMD window?

In Windows, if I open a command prompt, start python, and inspect something using its __doc__ property, it doesn't display correctly. Instead of the lines being separated, I see one continuous string with the newline character every once and a while. Is there a way to make it appear correctly? Here's an example of what I see: >>> has...

Classic ASP VBScript offline reference

I don't do a slew of VB in classic ASP, so I'm looking for an offline reference I can use while I'm well...offline. General syntax and ADO goodies are a plus! Thanks in advance! ...

Migration of Test Scripts into a New Release

Hi, Overview Our company's current system test cycle involves the use of word documents for the UI test scripts and test execution log. For each new release, these documents are copied from the previous release and then modified to reflect the current release version together with new test steps where there are changes in functionalit...