
I need a new tool, other than Visio, any ideas?

(This is not a repeat of the question "Is there the substitute good tool of Visio?") I really do not have a problem with Visio for technical diagrams, except it seems thats all its good for. Its really good for producing those intimidating "techie UML diagrams" and "Scary looking technical work-flows". I need a tool that I can use to ...

How do I get a list of commands starting with a certain key (combo) in Emacs?

I can use C-h c (describe-key-briefly) and type a key combination and it will return me the function bound to it. But I'd also like to type only a prefix of a key combination and have it list and describe all functions bound to key sequences starting with it, like "all bound keys starting with C-x". ...

How to integrate MSDN Library, SQL Server Books Online, and Windows SDK Help?

The Short Version: I want a single, comprehensive MSDN Library, up-to-date and integrated with F1 help in all Microsoft development tools. The Long Version: There are at least three products that want to install documentation on my workstation: Visual Studio 2008 wants to install MSDN Library. SQL Server 2008 wants to install Books ...

Equivalent of LaTeX's \label and \ref in HTML.

I have an FAQ in HTML (example) in which the questions refer to each other a lot. That means whenever we insert/delete/rearrange the questions, the numbering changes. LaTeX solves this very elegantly with \label and \ref -- you give items simple tags and LaTeX worries about converting to numbers in the final document. How do people de...

Simple OCR programming tutorials/articles

I'm interested in simple OCR methods and algorithms. And with simple I mean simple! Best would be a tutorial/article/documentation without dependencies on 3rd party librarys if that's even possible. I would really like to build up my knowledge from the ground up. The programming language doesn't matter. Thanks in advance! Edit: An ...

How can I describe a web service in plain english?

Hi, I'm looking to document a few simple web services to a (mostly) non-technical audience. The rub there is "mostly". Some are very technical, and I want the form of the documentation to be correct and not to alienate them. I can't claim to be hugely technical myself, but what I want to get across is the content of the data that is e...

Good way to document various process flows in application?

Hello, I'd like to create a simple central documentation that visually shows various processes and dependencies in my ASP.NET MVC application, for example how a service is called when my "Signup" action method gets POST data, decryption and verification happens, and finally everything is stored using the repository and the email service...

Technical documentation with deeply nested enumerated lists

I'm stuck in a software documentation culture I can't change, and software documentation is expected to have deeply nested sections that look like this: Some section This paragraph has some text. Some other section This paragraph has more text. Higher-level section Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I'd li...

Xcode Developer Documentation Link Hover Jumps To Top

I don't know how I got into this state, but the Xcode documentation window has been exhibiting this strange behavior of "jumping to top" whenever I hover over a link in one of the doc files. For example, I'll be scrolling down to, say, the methods of a Class Reference, and as soon as I hover over one of them, the doc window jumps right ...

How to build good documentation with REST API in Rails?

Currently, I am working on building RESTful web service in Rails. I am looking for some ways to build a good documentation in my Rails RESTful web service. I found some ways to do it: Wiki like Twitter API RDoc WADL (I'm not sure if anyone is currently using it?) Could anyone gives any recommendations? ...

How do I create an arbitrary link in YARD documentation?

I'm trying to create some links in my YARD documentation. I can get an HTTP link: # I like { Stackoverflow} renders as <p>I like <a href=""&gt;Stackoverflow&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt; But an email link: # You can email the {mailto:[email protected] bugs} list gives me a warning: [warn]...

Where can I find documentation for TouchXML?

I would really like to see some (complete) reference documentation for all TouchXML classes, methods, etc. Where can I find it? Thanks! ...

Documenting CakePHP components

I'm mostly concerned with documenting Controller actions, e.g How would you recommend documenting these? I'm less interested in the method of generating the documentation (e.g. phpdoc or doxygen) and more a style of doing it. Should I list the parameters and return values as if I were documenting...

How do you use RESTful APIs from PHP?

I've tried searching but I can't figure out how to access data via a RESTful interface. I'm looking for just example code that shows someone access some data from some imaginary web service using its API. A simple "how-it-works" explanation would be helpful too. ...

How do I maintain high-level documentation along with phpdoc generated documentation?

For my first open source project (shameless plug: mtChart) I currently have two different types of documentations: HTML files generated by Doxygen from the phpdoc-comments within the code The wiki pages on Google Code (Or simply put: Additional text files) The Doxygen files are really great, but I miss the possiblity to add 'high-lev...

What is the #1 best example of Technical Documentation that you have ever seen? What was it that made it so effective for you?

I am of the opinion that the quality of the documentation of a language (programming language, API, Harware/Technical specification etc) has a direct correlation with the long-term popularity of that language. Good documentation can not only provide an 'all-in-one desk reference'-type resource for developers but also help to build a com...

CSS framework for documentation?

Hello, I am writing a document for a Rails application that I wrote. Apart from a word document, I need it to be a web document as well. And since I do not have a lot of time, I was wondering if there is a CSS framework that will help me facilitating the process. So is there a CSS framework that is specifically designed for documentat...

Software Enviroment Documentation Checklist

Hi, I work for a insurance company. We have our own development department made-up of almost 150 people plus some providers (outsourcing and custom made apps pretty much). In our company my team have made what we call non-fucntional logic libraries. That is, software libraries to handle things that are horizontal to all the development...

What group collaboration/information tools are useful?

Being part of a company with hundreds (if not thousands) of developers arrayed over a wide range of projects, it can be very hard to get the information you need from the right person about a piece of software you are working on. What kinds of tools (and practices) have you found useful for finding answers, knowledge transfer, documentat...

Track programming progress on a project

Sometimes, I work on projects for a week or so and then get side tracked for a few months doing something else. It's sometimes a pain to go back to the code and figuring out what I was last working on. Any suggestions on how to document unfinished projects that are going to get sidelined for a few months? For the most part, I do, php a...