
how to simplify code documentation process - visual studio C#

I'm wondering if there is any shortcut in visual studio to generate automatic documentation for a method or class. For example when I write a method: public void MyFunction(int d) { } I want generate the following structure: /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="d"></param> ...

What format is your documentation in?

I am going to be writing documentation for two web services that I developed, and I started wondering what people on here do for documentation. Do you create it in an HTML file so it can be viewed in the browser? Word document? Wiki? What do you guys/gals use? I was originally leaning towards creating an HTML page since it seems a l...

Win32: Link to HtmlHelp() API documentation?

Can anyone find a link to official MSDN documentation on the HtmlHelp() Win32 API call, and parameters? Microsoft, it seems, is going to great lengths to keep the API call a secret. ...

How to create diagrams for papers.

I want to create some diagrams for some papers. Diagrams will contain some text, e.g. some console output. I need images for using also in html files. There is TikZ so can create images like this: http://www.te...

How could I represent a interrupt (for microcontrollers) in a flowchart?

Does anyone have any visual examples? ...

Are there any PHP DocBlock parser tools available?

I would like to build some smaller scale but hightly customized documentation sites for a few projects. PhpDocumentor is pretty great but it is very heavy. I thought about trying to tweak the templates for that but after spending only a couple of minutes looking into it I decided that it would be too much work. Ideally I'd like to see s...

Adding Comments to Web Service interface

How to add comments/description/information about the web service methods so that the person who will invoke it will know what the method is for , what are the useful params etc. so the invoker will be able to read these. ...

Java Class comment

Hi, The developer guide in my company says class comments should go before Package statements, i.e it sould be the very first thing in a java file. I just find it a bit old. Isn't it normal practice to put class comments after import and above class declaration? Puzzled Sarah ...

Is there a preferred way to document methods implementing an interface?

I wonder if there's some way of doing this, or even if it should be done? My thoughts soon went to using method attributes as it's a kind of metadata, but I'm unsure if there are any for this purpose. Right now, I'm simply using XML comment <remark> tags to tell when a method implements some interface. But this is of course no structured...

Writing Rails project documentation

Hi to all. Give me an example, that's you can describe as "well documented project on Rails", or "best practices of making documentation for Rails project" (with link to github, or other same site, if it possible). And, what tools do you prefer to use for writing documentation of your project? ...

Self organising Maps - Explanation required in layman terms

Hi, I need to develop a flash tutorial on Self organizing maps (in neural networks) to make people understand it easily. I need some good example so that even a beginner can understand it easily. Please help me with some examples, links with simple examples. Thanks in advance ...

Corporate Wiki Organization - Technical Documentation

Corporations have documents describing various aspects of their technical systems, including: Custom Applications Custom Development Frameworks Third Party Applications Accounting Bug Tracking Network Management How To Guides User Manuals Software Tools Web Browsers Development IDEs Graphics GIMP xv Text Editing File Transfer n...

What to put in a python module docstring?

Ok, so I've read both PEP 8 and PEP 257, and I've written lots of docstrings for functions and classes, but I'm a little unsure about what should go in a module docstring. I figured, at a minimum, it should document the functions and classes that the module exports, but I've also seen a few modules that list author names, copyright info...

Enabling full documentation for J2EE in eclipse

I'm new to Eclipse and am using it currently to play with J2EE. When using Ctrl+Space for types/functions from the regular Java libraries I get a full description (i.e. general description of the type, what are the arguments of the method for, etc.). However I don't get the same for J2EE types. For example, when using Ctrl+Space on met...

Where can i find good documentations about HTML5

I'm looking for good documentation about HTML5 does anyone know where I can find this ? ...

Documentation of available Ant tasks for Android?

I just accidentally discovered the ant task for test coverage reports with emma. I'm now looking for a target that only invokes the unit test and generates unit testing output. Is there a list with the available ant targets somewhere, or is it possible to look them up somewhere inside the code of the SDK? ...

Documentation of a software project

I am working with a team that works on a very large software project, we have tons of Documentation that is written in MS WORD format with nohyperlinked indexes, no search ability. Everyday we waste our time trying to find the exact document or reference. I was thinking if there was way or even a professional tool that would convert al...

Component Level Documentation

I'm trying to make good on a promise I've made to provide a decent set of documentation for a C# component that I've written. I've done some googling and found templates for software design at high and low level. The problem is that all of the templates seem to be geared towards a complete system design as opposed to individual compone...

What should "Solution Architecture" document describe ?

We're going to build a Solution which includes acquiring data through mobile phones(J2ME) and laptops(browser based data acquisition), uploading the same data to back-end servers(built with J2EE) and then analyzing the same data including generating various types of reports. This solution will include a CMS for building the website and v...

How to Pretty print VBA code?

I need to "pretty print" VBA code into a Word document, retaining the color scheme from the VBE editor. I've been looking for free programs or methods to do this, but found nothing usable so far. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...