
Can any one help me how to use dojo framework of ajax in my my struts2 application

I want to change the content of a select box when the values in another select box changes. Please tell me how to use dojo. How to call the struts 2 action & get the result through ajax. ...

Strip HTML style attributes in dijit.Editor (onPaste)

Is there anyway to make the dijit.Editor strip HTML style="" attributes from pasted content? If I copy text from another site, it copies it's font-size, color, etc and puts it into span tags. I would prefer to only strip styles when pasting. I already have a tried-and-tested regex to replace the content, but I don't know how to hook i...

dojo to read from xml file and display in tree structure

I am tring to display data in a tree structure using dojo.The data will be read from xml file.I am getting the correct output also if xml file is like this This is tree.xml File1 file11 file12 This the code. If i add some information into tree.xml file its giving output as : root -undefi...

I cant access the value of dojo datetimepicker tag in java script.

I am using the following date timepicker of dojo framework on my jsp, i am successfully accessing this value in my action class through beans. <sx:datetimepicker id="smon" name="start_mon" toggleDuration="500" toggleType="explode" value="%{'today'}" displayFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" cssStyle="margin-top : 15px; ...

Terminating Server request after the failed Dojo validation on form fields

Hi I have multiple form fields which are configured with Dojo validation attributes. And when the form is submitted, the validation get fired, but the form is still submitted to the action. Is there any way I can stop the form from being submitted? I looked for the example in google, but couldn't find any? Slumdog. ...

Overriding default key functionality dijit containers

So I'm having some trouble overriding some dijit default functionality. By default, the arrow keys will traverse through the container if possible (if there's more than one). It does this for dijit.layout.TabContainer, dijit.layout.AccordianContainer, etc. Now from what I see all key events are published by dijit.layout.StackContainer ...

Dojo and extending dojo.dnd.Target

Hi I'm trying to extend the dojo.dnd.Target class, but have failed as for now. I want to create several different classes that extend target that will do some different tasks for me. The effect that I have right now is when I'm trying to move an element to a target the avatar is red and it behaves like the acceptance for this target is ...

dojo.hitch scope issue in onsubmit dojo/method

I have a onsubmit dojo/method within a custom templated widget like so: try { if (this.validate()) { //console.debug(this); SubmitForm(dojo.hitch(this, this.Send)); } } catch (e) { ...

Dynamically creating onclick events in for loop - All onclick events use last element in for loop list

I have a for loop that loops through a list of messages. I'm trying to create a link for each message that has an onclick function that passes on some message properties to a popup: for (var k = 0; k < messages.length; k++) { var message = messages[k]; var lnkMessage = dojo.create("a", { innerHTML: Format...

Dojo caching issue in Spring

I am having an issue where dojo seems to be caching html and then not properly redisplaying it. If I call this function once it works fine, and it works on all subsequent calls if the parameters are unique. If I call it twice with duplicate parameters then essentially nothing happens. I'd appreciate any help. function findN...

dijit.Dialog not redisplaying in IE7 and IE8

Using Dojo verions 1.3.2. The following code is working fine in FF and Chrome, but works sporadically in IE7/8. I'm grabing a Dialog that already being displayed and just wanting to change its contents. The oDialogContents is always exactly the same, working or not. What ends up happening is the Dialog disappears but the underlay stays...

Dojo 1.5.0 Charting Legend missing

Hi, I just upgraded from Dojo 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 and noticed that my legend is now missing. Anyone else have this problem?? I keep receiving the following error: o is undefined in dojo.js line 73 This error occurs when chart1.render(); //Graph shows but error causes the rest of the code in that javascript function to not execute (So, ...

Why does dojo work when using CDN but not when using $this->dojo->setLocalPath (using Zend Dojo)?

I have been using Dojo hosted on Google's CDN. I just downloaded the development version so I can do some debugging. When using dojo stored locally, Firebug reports several syntax errors. They all look like this: SyntaxError: syntax error (no script)(""en-us"")bootstrap.js (line 601) (no script)(""dojo.cldr"", ""number"")bootstrap.js...

What is the reason spring webflow does not support dojox?

Is it because their ambition of 'progressive Ajax'? Meaning that dojox would not allow to fallback to non-javascript interaction? ...

Automation of DOH Robot tests interrumped by Pop-up message

In order to automate DOH tests during our build process, I use Selenium RC to launch different browsers (IE and Firefox) on a server placed on a different domain than the build machine. Each browser is directed to our runTests.html in order to start DOH. Sometimes, when a test that uses doh.robot starts, the following message is shown: ...

Getting Tried to register widget with id==grid but that id is already registered on My Dojo Grid

I have created a Dojo Grid that returns results from a .Net WS based on search criteria from the browser. The grid works fine the first it is populated, but if I make another search attempt. It throws the following error Tried to register widget with id==grid but that id is already registered I understand what the error means, it means...

How to pass Java Date object to dojo DateTextBox through Spring MVC and back to Java?

I wonder how can I pass a Java Date object from beans --> hibernate --> Spring MVC --> dojo and back to that Date object that would be stored in the database using hibernate. I have tried, in beans class, creating getter and setter that return/get String by parsing the value to dojo friendly format (yyyy-MM-dd). When the date from the d...

Dynamic height and webkit-transition

Hi, I use CSS3 to animate my page, but I have a problem with a composant : the height of this one is calculated in Javascript (Dojo), and is applied with the function,calculatedHeight). I've set the following css property to this composant : "-webkit-tansition: height 5s linear", but because I applied the property ...

Dojo 1.5 - possible to turn off new parser behaviour, where it interprets 'lang' attribute?

Hi, My site ( does not work with dojo 1.5. The issue is that new parser propagates the lang attribute to contained widgets in the page, whereas I was using it purely as a selector for fonts. It would be OK if dojo could guarantee sensible default with arbitrary lang, instead of falling over with the error "Bundle not fou...

dojo.cookie across multiple pages?

I'm using dojo.cookie to store and retrieve cookie values. It works great on a single page. However, if I store a cookie on one page and try to retrieve it on another (still within the same website), it returns null. Is there a way to share a cookie across multiple pages within a website? I'm not sure if this is a dojo.cookie issue or a ...