
dojo claro and sizing

I'm not sure if this is some css issue I've never run into before, or it's an issue with using the new claro theme in dojo 1.5. But right now, what CSS says is 100% sizing doesn't include the borders of my BorderContainer: css: html,body, .dijitBorderContainer { width: 100%; height: 100%; } h1 { margin-top: 0em; } #side...

Dojo forms and Iphone Safari zoom Issues

Hi, I have a dojo charting application that looks fine when viewed in the IPhone at 100% page view..But, when a form is popped open and it centers on the screen, if you try to zoom into the form because it's small @ 100%, the form centers again so only a portion is viewable. Any scrolling or page movements on the IPhone screen causes t...

dijit.form.Number doesn't show numbers in exponential form corretly

I have a number Dojo control that shows numbers with 30 digits after point. It formats numbers correctly, but when the number is small enough e.g. 8e-13, control shows something like 8e-13,000000000000000000000000000000 rather than 0,000000000000800000000000000000. Apparently it fails and becomes marked as invalid. I tried to pass "round...

dijit.form.Number rounding issue after 14th digit after point

I have a Dojo number control which shows 30 digits after point. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to set e.g. 30th digit after point, because once controls loses focus, it sets this back to 0. For instance, I have 12.000000000000000000000000000000 in a control. I try to make it 12.000000000000000000000000000001 but after I finish editing it s...

Finding deprecated code in dojo

I am currently migrating a large project from dojo 1.3.2 to 1.4.2. I need to port all deprecated code so a way to find it all would be nice. Managed to get some warnings in the console earlier but that only seems to work for some dijits. For example, the code is cluttered with 'widget.attr(...,...) code, which is deprecated. Anyone hav...

How to make a dijit.Dialog nonmodal

I want to make my dialogs non-modal, i.e.: When opening multiple dialogs, they could be closed in any order (modal dialogs can only be opened in the reverse order in which they were opened) Clicking a dialog puts it above the others I've been reading the dojo/dijit documentation and found nothing ...

Assigning ID's to a dojo Tree Node

Hi Guys, I have a Dojo tree implemented. However, I am trying to add id's to each node of the tree to use it somewhere else. I tried dojo.query(".dijitTreeLabel"), but It has a very strange behaviour. Sometimes it dosent return the children elements and just the parent. Sometimes however it works perfectly. So, I am looking for a sta...

setting path of dojo libnrary

what shold be the directory structure that i should follow while using dojo. My webpage is A.html placed in directory sample. Sample contails A.html, JS JS contails all dojo filese DIGIT,DOJO,DOJOX what code shold i use inside A.html to import this libraries ...

Variable visibility in callbacks functions.

I did this function for get results of a query directly in an useful datastructure. The problem is the follow: in the first console.log() call , inside the callback function, the stored_data var contains the exact results, in the second console.log() call the stored_data variable looks like not initialized. Suggestions?? Below the code: ...

How to implement dijit.trees that expand/collapse when a master does?

I have multiple -- for this discussion, assume two -- dijit.trees, all guaranteed to have identical topology. The first tree is the master; all the others are slaves. I want to: 1) Hide the expando +/- thiny on all the slaves, so that only the master has expand/collapse controls. 2) Make the behavior of the slaves trees mimic t...

[dojo] Remove MouseWheel Event from dijit.form.Slider

As stated in the title i want to remove the mousewheel capability of the dijit.form.Slider since it sometimes triggers the slider when scrolling the page and the cursor hits the slider. But it seems that the onmousewheel events are connected in the dojo source and we cannot replace or modify the dojo files. Anyone knows a short solutio...

Horizontal scroll bar moves to its initial position when user clicks on vertical scroll bar

Hi, I am using dojo frame work grid and it so happens that horizontal scroll bar moves back to initial location when the user tries to pull down the vertical scroll bar. this is happening only in firefox and it works fine in ie7 please help. Thanks in advance. ...

Problem using Dojo build tool, 'could not load' error now occuring when trying to use compiled scripts

Hi, I was following along to this post by Rebecca Murphey: I was substituting her file structure with my own. Running the normal version of the scripts works fine, but the moment I compile them using the build tool, the script errors. It's very likely a small prob...

Add a row in Dojo datagrid

Struggling to find a bit of code to easily understand. How do you add a row and clear all rows in a Dojo datagrid (version 1.4.2). Lets say the data is 2 columns with customerID and address. I am using to store values in - but again not quite sure how this should be used. It can't be that hard. Cheer...

Querying the Static/Loaded data in a

I want to Implement search on a lazyload tree, for just the preloaded data(the elements of the tree that are already browsed). But, when i try to query the QueryReadStore, its sending the query as a request to the server.. I need the query to fetch results from loaded data. Is there any way that this can be implemented ? ...

Howto show with Dojo XML-Data with sub-atoms in DataGrid

I have the following XML-File: <filter> <rule> <name>User1</name> <mail> <address>[email protected]</address> <address>[email protected]</address> <address>[email protected]</address> </mail> </rule> <rule> ... options list not scrolling in IE

I'm using the Dojo Javascript library and trying to add a Select component to my page for a list of states. It works great in Firefox, however, in IE when single clicking in the white area under the scrollbar slider doesn't work. The list moves back to the top. Here is a simple example:

Programmatically Add a new Dojo AccordionPane to Existing AccordionContainer

I am trying to add a new AccordionPane to a existing container, but for the life of me I can't get it to work. Is anyone able to suggest where I am going wrong? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="" djConfig="parseOnLoad: true"> </script> ...

loading html page inside div

how can I load an html page inside a div. With the 'object' tag it's loading, but I think it's not a good approach. It is not an external file. Is dojo good for this? ...

dojo datePatterns and parsing

How do I make dojo parse dates without the slashes, while still respecting the current locale? Example: Dates that must be parseable if locale is: en-us 12/24/2010 12/24/10 12242010 122410 da-dk 24/12/2010 24/12/10 24122010 241210 Currently dojo only parses the dates containing slashes. The dates without slashes return null when...