
dijit.Tree from XML

Hi All, I've been trying to get a Tree to work using my xml. But i'm like stuck without any clue as how to move ahead. I've tried quite a few things, which i've tried and would mention here. Background: I've been trying to create a tree from XML which looks like: <root> <hierlabel>A_Level0</hierlabel> <hierlabel>A_Level1</hi...

Dojo Clustered Bar Chart - Tooltips not working?

Trying to get tooltips to show for a clustered bar chart when highlighting a row to no avail. Cope below... look at the c.addSeries call: <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight"); ...

customized ,manipulate textbox ( how to modify it's apparence )

hi, does anybody has a clue on how to make a custum textbox like component that act quite like the email field used on facebook or hotmail when sending messages. the main function of this textbox is that it separate autamaticly the emails or the friend names and transform them into a rectangle with a tiny x to remove the item if the use...


Hi, I am trying to use dojo build system for minification and compressing of all dojo and custom modules into a single javascript file using the untjs.profile.js profile file. The sample code for this profile file is as follows: dependencies = { layers: [{ name: "dojo.js", customBase: true, discard: true,...

Zend_Dojo_Form in tabs creates ID conflicts

I have a dojo layout that creates a sidebar on the left with a list of pages and a center area which is a tab container. When a user double clicks a page in the sidebar, it creates a new closable tab in the center with a form to edit that page (the form is loaded via the href attribute on the ContentPanes, it's a standard Zend Framework...

[DOJO] Mixed Charting DATA sources in the same CHART

Hi all, I'm new in DOJO and I post here for the first time. I have a problem to create several lines on the same chart. I've done a simple test to simulate data and it works dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D"); makeCharts = function(){ //crée un nouvel objet graphique var chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("simplechar...

How to get value from radio buttons on form submit

I have two radio buttons: <input dojoAttachPoint="sensorSwipe" id="sensorSwipe" type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="Sensor" checked /> <input dojoAttachPoint="sensorContinuous" id="sensorContinuous" type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.Radi...

DOJO chart AJAX url

I don't know why my code doesn't work. I want to get in the same chart different lines which have different url sources. function recupereData(url){ var retourVar = ""; dojo.xhrGet({ url: url, handleAs: "json", load: function(data){ retourVar = data; } ...

xhrPost works differently with Firefox and IE8 - but how do I handle the response?

I really don't understand why I get a different response from xhrPost with Dojo. For IE8 it works fine and the XML can be read - but in Firefox it works differently and there is no such attribute as "serverResponse.results[0].xml" - see below: var serverResponse = dojo.xhrPost(xhrArgs); serverResponse.results[0].xml like you get in I...

Double Service Call on Cached Dojox Grid

Hello, I am trying to get the amount of rows returned from a ServiceStore call. I am caching the Grid, so I should be able to return the amount of rows with a store.fetch, for some reason store.fetch is making another service call. Here is a code snippet grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({ structure:gri...

Remove all CSS rules

Is there a way to wipe out all CSS rules once style sheets have already been loaded? I have to use a proprietary JavaScript library (ESRI's ArcGIS Server API) which is built on top of Dojo. I make extensive use of Dojo's widgets and would like to use Dojo's claro theme but unfortunately the ESRI library mungs up the CSS by loading in of...

Stacked Anchors

I have three stacked images that I rotate through using Dojo fadeIn and fadeOut and a timer. Only the href for the last one is ever available. Is it possible to rotate the href as well? <div id="main-slideshow"> <a href="catalog_item.php?sku=1001"><img src="images/catalog/WRP21Aug10_0014.jpg" /></a> <a href="catalog_item.php?sku=1002">...

How can live search / search suggestions be implemented using Dojo?

I want to implement a 'live search' or 'search suggestions' feature in a web application that uses the Dojo Framework. It would be similar to the way Google and Bing searches display matches as you type: when you type in the search box, a list of potential matches appears below. Searches would be performed server side, with the results s...

Javascript onclick instead of onfocus, or triggering a onclick by function.

Hello All, I am trying to make a AJAX page that allows people to edit one field at a time, and save it. The page is made via a AJAX load, so I dont know all the field and DIV submit ID names. But the idea is they edit a field, press enter (or click Save) and it funs a function sending the ID of the DIV. So a onfocus will call the func...

Display months in xAxis with Dojo

Hi all, I have this data : { "identifier": "id", "idAttribute":"id", "label": "date", "items": [ { "id":1, "name":"index", "point":[{"id":1,"num":17, "date":"2009-02-01"}, {"id":2,"num":10, "date":"2009-06-01"} ]}, { "id":2, "name...

jQuery version of Dojo's Stateful?

Does anyone know of any plugins written in jQuery that are similar to Dojo's Stateful? See: Regards, Scott D Brooks ...

Dojo datagrid and treegrid help - datagrid has a reformating flash?

Hi stackers, I'm having a bit of a time trying to get Dojo grids (1.5) to play nice. Specifically I've spent about two weeks of work trying to implement a grid that allows for our result set data to collapse into rows, where rows can be expanded. Data comes in as a full set in JSON format, using ItemFileReadStore as the store. Any sub...

Trying to get id of a div using its class

I have a strange problem, I am trying to implement drag and drop using dojo, this all works fine. However I need to attain the id of all divs with a certain class, I have been unable to do so using the dojo.query method e.g. : var totalNumDays = dojo.query(".shiftDropper"); console.log(; This results is...

Dojo Query, Query ?

I am trying to use dojo drag and drop within an application. Although I have ran into a little problem basically when a user drops an item into a dijit pane I would like it to target the table below the dijit. I have been able to acheive this if I do the following: day1Drop = new dojo.dnd.Target(,{accept: ["shift"]} ); //...

Problem with dojo Dialog in IE7

Hi, I'm trying to use dojo's dialog box in a page in my application but having some problems with the page in IE7 (or in IE 8 in some cases, when the page is viewed in compatibility mode). Following is a rough skeleton structure of the page i'm trying to write. <head> <style type="text/css"> body, html { font-family:helvet...