
Whats the best way to programatically open a pane inside Dijit AccordionContainer.

I am trying open & close accordion panes programatically. Here is the simplified version of my code. Even though I set the first pane's selected to false and and second pane's selected to true, only the first pane opens when it loads on the browser (FF3). var accordionContainer = new dijit.layout.AccordionContainer().placeAt("test"); va...

Which JavaScript framework is generally used for high performance websites?

There are different JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, Dojo, mooTools, Google Web Toolkit(GWT), YUI, etc. Which one from this is suitable for high performance websites? ...

How to copy cell content in dojo grid

Hi there, I have a web page displaying data using dojo datagrid. Sometimes, users need to copy contents from certain cells for further analysis, but since browser's right click event is disabled in dataGrid, what's the best way to copy the contents to the clipboard? Thanks in advance! David ...

Attach a div to Dojo DataGrid horizontal scroll

I have a fixed width datagrid being built programatically, and am trying to put a header over top of it that will scroll with it. I can't do it as part of the grid as that destroys the fixed width of the cells. I would like to be able to scroll the top div as the scrollbar for the DataGrid scrolls. This seems how the header works alre...

Dojo Table not Rendering in IE6

I'm trying to use Dojo (1.3) checkBoxes to make columns appear/hide in a Dojo Grid that's displayed below the checkBoxes. I got that functionality to work fine, but I wanted to organize my checkBoxes a little better. So I tried putting them in a table. My dojo.addOnLoad function looks like this: dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ var che...

dijit.byId not ready at body onload? When are dijits actually available?

I'm using Dojo toolkit version 1.3.1. I have defined the following dijit in a jsp page: <div dojoType="dijit.layout.BorderContainer" gutters="false" id="ui_container"> <div dojoType="dijit.Toolbar" region="top"> <div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="zoomin" iconClass="zoominIcon">Zoom In</div> </div> <div dojoType="d...

dojo.disconnect question

How do you remove a dojo connected event if you do not have the "handle" that was returned during the dojo.connect? My example involves dynamically assigning a set of events to a set of objects. (for simplicity, the events are onclick and ondblclick, and the objects are rows within a table) So, during page setup events are connected ...

manipulating textbox value

hello All, I am new to the programming world of dojo and web applications. I am trying to acomplish a task where I want to manipulate the textbox value with some text. I tried everything including some code from dojocampus, but even this code doesnot do anything. I have also tried to create an instance , with dojo.widget.byId and dijit....

Using Dojo passing value from textbox to alert on click

Using the Dojo Toolkit I am trying to pass the value from textbox to an alert on click. I tried attr to obtain value inside the function helloPressed(), but I am not even able to reset the textbox value when I tried the other way. I am new to the programming world. function helloPressed() { var gt = dojo.attr("htext1","value"); ...

How to put a Dojox.grid in a dijit.Dialog

I've read through the posts about dojox.Grid here, including the one about the tabcontainer, but it doesn't seem to solve my problem. I have a grid that I am adding programmatically which works a treat if the grid is in the "main" markup, but ceases to display if I put the grid in a dialog. Any ideas as to why? Using dojo 1.3.1. d...

Dojo dnd: Avatar positioning

Is it possible to change the positioning of the avatar with dojo toolkit's dnd api? At the moment, when dragging, the avatar of the dragged item appears to the right and below the mouse cursor. I want it to be in the same position as the mouse cursor. I ran some usability tests on my application, and most people seem to attempt to try an...

How can I streamline/improve/beautify my auto-form JS code?

I've got a Javascript (dojo) function that I'm using to auto-populate a form. The idea is to pass in a JS object with keys for the form field ids, and values that help define how to fill in the field. It works, but it feels a bit ugly to me (the switch statement, the objects within objects syntax). Any thoughts on how can I improve* thi...

Custom validation of dijit textboxes

Hello everybody, I was today seeking the net for information about textbox-validation, but even on Dojo-Homepage I couldn't get any useful information. My problem: I've got a NumberSpinner, in which only numbers in steps of ten (10, 20, 30, ...) should be allowed. But I've got no idea how to set a validator for this. In the 'constraint...

dijit.form.NumberSpinner arrows on IE6

Hi, When using the dijit.form.NumberSpinner widget, the arrow buttons don't show up on IE6, unless I throw a lot of alert()s during init. It seems they don't get rendered (properly) Any ideas? PS. I'm using dojo 1.3.2 with the tundra theme ...

Dijit.form.FilteringSelect initial display value

Is it possible to show and initial text in in a dijit.form.FilteringSelect wich is not an value. For example the search box on displayes the value "search" when it is not being used. I have tried using select.attr( "displayedValue", "My initial text" ) but becuase it is not an actual value the box will be mark...

Having Issues Making Dojo Grid Cells Editable.

I'm having difficulty getting my Dojo Grid to become editable. I'm using Dojo 1.3 from Google. <script type="text/javascript" src="" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true, isDebug: true"></script> I've got my data in JSON format and it shows up correctly, but I can't get it t...

Cross site scripting(XSS)

I am loading content from another page and depending on the content of page, changing content of my page and this is giving me cross site scripting issues. When i use iframe, since the content is from other domain, content of iframe becomes inaccessible. When i use ajax and try to inject the content as plain html code, XmlHttpRequest o...

How well does the Recess! PHP Framework play with

Hello, I've been trying to find the perfect php framework for me that integrates with dojo smoothly. I am trying to avoid creating my own framework and I don't want to use the Zend Framework since I don't like it and I have a choice since it's my project. I really like the Recess! framework. It looks easy to get started with a easy to de...

Controlling the cache of a DataGrid

Hi there, I have implemented a virtual-scrolling DataGrid with an underlying QueryReadStore as follows <span dojoType="" jsId="logsStore" url="./" requestMethod="post"></span> <div class="logsListContainer" style="align: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0px" > <table height="100%" id="logs" jsI...

Dijit Tree and postCreate event (dojo 1.3)

I have managed to write a function that focusses a given node. Now I want to call it after tree creation. Since I construct the tree with php an send it via AJAX, I want to send the node to focus with the tree. Therefore I found this solution: <script type="dojo/connect" event="postCreate">focusTreeNode("'.$this->focusitem . '");</scrip...