
Authenticating in one Domain and querying users from another in Java

Is it possible to authenticate users in Active Directory Server A, and then search for users in Active Directory Server B using java? These servers are configured to be 2-way trusted. The above code fails. I can authenticate in server A perfectly fine, but when I start searching for users in B, it returns nothing Hashtable<String, ...

how can I get a free domain name?

I want to get a free domain name not hosting space. Simply where can I get it ? I got several site like They only offer free hosting but not domain name. So is there any way to get free domain name? ...

httaccess primary domain Ok, but addon domain be problem

I have primary domain and addon domain and .htaccess on primary domain root : <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-()/&]+)/?$ direktori2.php?NamaToko=$1 [NC,L] </IfModule> when i acces, error : Not Found The requested URL /home1/mydomain/publi...

Permission issues checking if parent site is my parent domain within iframe

I've read several of the questions on this but am still a little confused. For example: OK, I can't post examples because of hyperlink limitations Here is my exact situation. I have a site at One of the pages has an iframe to another page at I am trying to prepare an onload script that if the page is not ...

Domize algorithm

I'm trying to figure out how codes their site for speed (I'm using C#). For example, if I search for [cns][vwl][cns][cns][vwl][cns] This will search for a 6 letter domain name that is in this order consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant Resulting in: babbab babbac babbad babbaf ... zuzzux zuzzuy ...

How can i write 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain

How can i write 4.0 image handler for serving images from a cookieless domain i created a cookieless subdomain but the problem is i dont want to change my all source code instead i want to write handler to process all .jpg , .png and .gif files to that domain how can i do that at microsoft visual studio 2010 , 4.0 ,...

How to host 1 domain on multiple servers

Hi I want to host 1 domain on multiple servers in different countries. If someone browses from usa I want him to be redirected to hosting in USA, and if someone browses from Europe I want him to be redirected to a hosting server in Europe, but to see the same domain name in the address bar. I want it for speed. How can i...

Embedding Mono Confusion

I'm trying to use the following instructions to embed the Mono runtime in a C++ program. To initialize the runtime, you have to call mono_jit_init with an input parameter called file_name. They say that file_name is the name of the main assembly file. - What do they mean by "main assembly file...

what is the best way to detect the country code of a website ?

what is the best way to detect the country code of a website ? 1) looking at the domain registration info 2) ip range 3) domain extension ... UPDATE : this information (country codes) will be used to built a search engine for the web of a given country. ...