
Redirect non www version of domain to www in Jetty

I cannot redirect my non www domain version to www with MovedContextHandler, it does not have host to redirect to. Both and point to my web server IP. When someone tries to open he is still able to access my site that way. I want for his browser to receive 301 to instead. It is importa...

calling jquery ajax() with drop down menu?

im working a domain check script it works fine when i call ajax on keyup but by default the dropdown has the .com what if the user chooses a domain that is already taken, how can i get this script to do another check when the users switch from .com to .net or .org? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://...

Setting the cookie which works across HTTP and HTTPS, with www and without www

Hi, I have a website where I want to do transaction which has to be done over https, but the https works only without www (due to some issue while taking SSL certificate). http:/ / https:/ /example. com I want to set the cookies which are accessible in above of two. Limitations: 1. https:/ /example. com can not made ...

Cross domain with jQuery - on a subdomain

I have a iframe and want to either get some of the HTML from the page in the iframe or the opportunity to change the HTML on the page in the iframe with jQuery. I use this code to get content from the iframe: $('iframe#iframeBB').contents().find('table').each(function() { var at = $(this).attr('summary'); if (at == "Latest Data") { ...

Newbie question on Hibernate... in context of Martin Fowler article.

Hi, In Domain Logic and SQL, Martin Fowler talks about 3 styles of interfacing with a database: Transaction Script Domain Model, and Logic in SQL What I'd like to know is: When employing Hibernate for persistence, which of the above 3 styles is typically used and/or encouraged? Is there any 4th style when using Hibernate? (In co...

Constructing a (somewhat) complex object

When I create classes, simple constructors tend to be the norm. On one of my current projects, a movie library, I have a Movie domain object. It has a number of properties, resulting in a constructor as follows: public Movie(string title, int year, Genre genre, int length, IEnumerable<string> actors) { _title = title; _year = ye...

Read domain's cookie from subdomain with Rails

Hi, In order to store some Google Analytics data, I would like to access to GA "__utmz" domain's cookie ( from my www subdomain ( Is it possible to read this domain's cookie from a subdomain ? If yes, how can I do that with Rails ? cookies[:__utmz] doesn't seem to work with all browsers. I k...

How to get Domain Name of ipAddress and ipAddress from Domain Name in objective-c

I am able to get the current ip address of my device/machine that I am using - by using this question's answer. I have gone through this question. Java allows to get the IPAddress from a domain name. Is it possible in objective c ? How ? The second question is How to get the name of device/machine by using it's IPAddress. Say for examp...

ASP.NET cross domain modal window (window.showModalDialog) - parameter value always "undefined".

Hi, I have two webpages, parent page .aspx and child page .html. On parent page I have JavaScript function for invoking child page as modal window via window.showModalDialog. function viewCourseModal(url) { var sPars = SomeParameters(); var returnedValue = window.showModalDialog(url, "", sPars); document.getElementById("modalReadyForT...

how to access to file in another domain by ajax

How to access to file in another domain by ajax (I don't want use any php files) ...

AJAX-Request from Phonegap Apps

I'm working on a mobile web-app using HTML5 and sencha touch. My next step is to add some native capability using phonegap. My app uses Ajax requests to retrieve data from a server component and i am not sure if ajax will work within phonegap packed apps? Should i use JSONP instead? ...

How to query domain without exposing it

Hi, I have a problem. I am building a query engine for the gui consumer. So I have an silverlight application that does not expose Domain entities but rather use DTO objects. On the UserInterace I only have DTO's not the domain entities, so I cant create query like this: Query.AddCriteria(new EqualsCriteria((Person p)=>p.Name, "John"); ...

Error message ( event id 5805) in event log of windows 2003 Domain Controller

When I check error messages in Event Log of my Windows 2003 Domain Controller I get error message ( event id 5805) in event log: The session setup from the computer VM-WIN2K3APP failed to authenticate. The following error occurred: Access is denied. Any assistance is kindly appreciated Thanks. John ...

SEO and

Hi, how are you? I currently have a web site This is my primary site. i want to get search results in the uk and i am considering purchasing a This will be an empty site which will 301 the user to the primary Is this bad for SEO? Also, are there better ways of implementing such features? Thanks in...

Reverse ip, find domain names on ip address.

Hello, How and from where websites like this are getting this information from? How can I develop such tool? Thank you. ...

Are '' and '' two different web sites?

There is a website and it has a Forum link on its home page which leads to I found out that the main site has been developed using the .NET Framework, and the forum has been built using PHP based vBulletin. Are these two different domains? In other words, is the Forum some folder inside the V...

Using rdb$get_context as default value for a column

In a Firebird database, I need to create a DOMAIN with default value taken from the context variable. It should be something like CREATE DOMAIN USER_ID AS INTEGER DEFAULT RDB$GET_CONTEXT('USER_SESSION','UID') NOT NULL; When I execute this, I am getting the following error Invalid token. Dynamic SQL Error. SQL error code = ...

How to make users have domain name point to their profiles in my site

I want to implement something like Tumblr or Wordpress by giving user the option to have their domain name point to their profiles. For instances user go to their domain registrar and the IP of my server so then: will point to without actually forwarding so that domain name will still show in the...

How to deploy customer-specific functionality

I have a domain-specific application that is used by a few customers. The customers each have their own specific requirements. Sometimes extra fields, sometimes different rules and funcitonality. The domain objects change very little but the customer. Because the domain objects are fairly static I opted for anemic domain model with fi...

How to create sub.domain for user opon sign up

Hello, I am using php/mysql on linux servers. I want to create a user sub domain for each user upon sign up. For instance, john doe --> The issue is, we are going to allow customizations such as adding custom features for clients wanting customizations. So, is it better we automate the process or manually create ...