
Is Borland C++ v3 for DOS available anywhere now?

Hi, I'm looking for a copy of either Borland C++ v3 or Turbo C++ which can run on DOS, but my searches are turning up a blank. I vaguely remember a free Turbo version available, but can't track it down. Are there free/pay versions of these still available? Is my best hope? Thanks for any info... ...

How do I specify a relative local file path in DOS?

I am using c#.NET 2.0 to execute DOS commands to ftp a file. All works except for 1 thing, in the cmd file I call, it runs a PUT statement. Right now the put statement has a hardcoded local file path. I need to specify a dynamic path. I've tried put %~dp0\myfile.DTL myfile.dtl but it says it can't find the file. Right now the .NET c...

If I use a DOS put command to ftp a file, will it overwrite an existing file, append to it, or cause an error?

If I use a DOS put command to ftp a file, will it overwrite an existing file, append to it, or cause an error? ...

If I use the ftp.exe in the cmd line and do the APPEND command, but the file does not exist on the remote host, will the file be created?

If I use the ftp.exe in the cmd line and do the APPEND command, but the file does not exist on the remote host, will the file be created? ...

sql deploy with dos

Hi, How can I customize the the FOR command below to loop through the files inside the Database folder following the order of the number prefixed in the file name? FOR /R ../Database %%f IN (*.sql) DO sqlcmd -S %1 -d %2 -U %4 -P %5 -i "%%~f" >> Logs/%2_DBInstall.log || goto errors Database folder contains: 001_usp_procedure1.sql 002_u...

Usage of Bitwise OR in the following DOS command


Iterating through folders and files in batch file?

Here's my situation. A project has as objective to migrate some attachments to another system. These attachments will be located to a parent folder, let's say "Folder 0" (see this question's diagram for better understanding), and they will be zipped/compressed. I want my batch script to be called like so: BatchScript.bat "c:\temp\usd\...

obtaing File Format in java/ DOS-UNIX

Is there an easy way to see whether particular file has DOS/MAC/UNIX line endings? Currently i read the file byte by byte and stop if i see Windows carriage return for (byte thisByte : bytes) { if ((!isDos) && (thisByte == 13)) { isDos = true; } ... Is there a way to get same information without reading file byte by byte? ...

Makefile for DOS/Windows and Cygwin

I need to have a makefile work under DOS (Windows) and Cygwin. I having problems with the makefile detecting the OS correctly and setting appropriate variables. The objective is to set variables for the following commands, then invoke the commands in rules using the variables: Delete file: rm in Cygwin, del in DOS. Remove director...

If not exists then exit + cmd

Hello, i try to make a loop in a .cmd file. If test.txt is not exists then i will kill the cmd process. @echo off if not exists test.txt goto exit But this code doesn't work and i don't know how to make a loop every 2 seconds. Thanks for help. ...

Remove all files from a month but last one

Every day we run an backup job. This job creates a new file in format yyyyMMdd.7z and now we need to cleanup our backup storage automatically. Our backup police says that we need to keep files from last 5 days, and last backup of each month. First step is easy since I have current day. But how I can keep the last of each month? ...

Command Line - how to extract a file name only when using a for command loop.

What I need to do is extract the filename from %%f so I can create the correct dll name. for %%f in (*.asmx.cs) do ( echo %%f cmd /c C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /t:library /r:%assemblies% %compileoptions% /out:bin/%%f.dll %%f ) ...

Batch file to search and copy file names to new TXT file

Hi, I want to search *.cpp files in current directory and want to save the file name in *.TXT file. I did this by using the Batch command dir |find ".cpp" > Listfile.txt But there I am getting file name with entire paramenters like created date and size. My need is I want only file name Current output 06/25/2010 06:17 PM ...

How can I obtain time of day without DATETIME, CURRENT or TIME?

INFORMIX-SQL 2.10.06E (DOS 6.22): This is one of the legacy version of isql that runs in pure DOS, but didnt have support for DATETIME or CURRENT! However the ace report writer has the 'time' keyword constant which returns the time of day from the system clock in military format "hh:mm:ss". I could never understand why RDS (in those day...

copy variable data to new file using batch

hi THis is my code for /l %%i in (1, 1, %N%) do ( echo !v%%i! for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%l in ("!v%%i!") do ( echo %%l >> Linux.cpp ) ) Here i want to copy data in %%l to linux.cpp file Now what happening is if %%l contain abc.cpp this name is stored in linux.cpp. Here i want to store contents in abc.cpp to linux.cpp. Plea...

Parallel/Multithread in CMD

I need to run a counter and a timer at the same time, but I'm not sure about how to achieve it. I have a batch file that counts the number of times any key is pressed in an easy loop made by a goto, once its done (keypress) for the first time, it fires a timer for 1 min; the key pressed in that time, must be stored in another variable...

Run the last executed command in dos prompt

HI, when using unix i use to type !! to run the last executed command. how could i do the similar kind of operation on dos prompt on windows? ...

DOS batch file for copy files older than 30 minute from one forder to other folder

Hi , i want to copy a files from one folder to other folder which are older than 30 minute from current time. Thanks Shashikant ...

How to check if a particular command line is running in cmd propmt

I desperately need help to create a vb / dos code which will do the following: Check if a command prompt window is running with the following command: mgms A1 (mgms is a custom command) If it is running, exit. If it is not running, start cmd prompt and run the command , exit Thanks a lot for your help! ...

DOS/16M: Error message [6] Not enough memory loading INFORMIX-SE 4.10.DD6 engine.

INFORMIX-SE 4.10.DD6 on DOS 6.22 ((DOS16M=3): I'm trying to run a protected mode Informix-SE engine executable but im getting the error message described in the title of this post. DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS is the first entry in my CONFIG.SYS and MEM.EXE says I have 616K of REAL MEM available. I'm using using DOS16M switch = 3 and the exe...