
DOS:remove spaces

Hi, I am executing the below script, but it is not working as there are spaces in between. Below is the script: move C:\abc\d\System Table\Table Six (Top)\LogFiles*.jpg D:\Archive\ How can we eliminate the spaces in between & make sure the system understands so that it moved all jpg files to D:\Archive Regards, Orbit ...

Is there a way to get epoch time using a dos command? If not, can the date, time dos command output be modified?

Is there a way to get epoch time using a dos command? If not, can the date, time dos command output be modified? For e.g Date in dos gives the date with / etc. I would like to get an output that has no special characters such as / : ...

Programatically print multiple copies from command line

My application generates between 35 and 55 PDF files of which I have to automatically print four copies. All these files are in a single folder. My requirement is to use a batch file to print four copies of each file. I have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. How do I do this? ...

Script or util to remove old backups

I'm creating a backup strategy for a sharepoint server I'm setting up. Have got a backup running daily. In the long term I'd like to keep: * Daily backups for the last week. * Weekly backups for the last month. * Monthly backups for the last year. * Yearly backups. If I was writing in bash/cygwin I would find it fairly easy to write...

Looking for unix style 'getopt' command line parsing in a windows/dos batch file

Can anyone help me find something to parse command line args in a dos batch file like one would do in a unix shell script using getopt/getopts? It doesn't have to be all posix-y; just something that I can specify what switches I expect, which of them require/allow an argument. They don't need to be "long" switches; single characters wi...

Questions about display with Perform screens.

Questions 1 and 2 are specific to INFORMIX-SQL 4.10.DD6 (DOS) Perform screens. Question 3 applies to any version of INFORMIX-SQL in any environment. I would like to be able to display more than 80 columns on my perform screens to fit more stuff in one page. I tried DOS 6.22 command ‘MODE CON: CO132’ and on my perform screen I specified...

Program a Dos File to execute a command line Run

The Command Line entry is: eraserl.exe -recycled It is needed to run "Eraser" ( ) in order to overwrite the Recycle Bin when no Recycle Bin Icon is available. How do I run this command from a DOS file (.bat, .cmd or .whatever)? (BTW, installing a lost Recyckle Bin is no easy trick!) Thank you ...

msdos rename all files to lowercase, replace spaces

In a DOS prompt, how can I rename all the files to lower case and remove all spaces? ...

Get DOS name from NT/Device Name

hi, i want to convert device path to dos path.. actually I want to get process name by process id,so i am using this code... PsLookupProcessByProcessId(processId,&pEProcess); ObOpenObjectByPointer(pEProcess, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, 0, NULL, KernelMode, &hProcess); ObDereferenceObject (pEProcess); nts = ZwQueryInformationProcess (hProce...

Rename different files to one file name, one at a time

i have files named.. 82011.nsf 63113.nsf 55555.nsf i must rename each file to single.nsf (for example ren 82011.nsf to single.nsf) then use a program to act on that file (single.nsf) then rename the next file (63113.nsf to single.nsf) then use a program to act on that file (single.nsf) etc I want a batch file to do the nename, pau...

BIOS INT 13H with AH=2 can only read 72 sectors each time. Why?

I am using Bochs 2.4.5 to write a boot sector code. I use the INT 13H to read sectors from floppy. But I found that if the sector count to read > 72, the INT13 will fail. And the return code is AH=1. Below's the code and here is the INT13. The return code is AH=1. Why can't the INT 13H read more than 72 sectors? xorb %ah, %ah xor...

how to write a dos commands written inside a batch file into a javascript.

Hi , I am using the following javascript: function doPrint(){'UniversalXPConnect'); var exe = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); exe.initWithPath("C:\\temp\\print.bat"); exe.launch(); } print.bat has the following com...

Batch How do i execute a command on every .m4p file in all Sub dir

Basically i want to run this in ever Sub folder for %%i in (*.m4a) do faad "%%i" for %%i in (*.wav) do oggenc "%%i" for %%i in (*.m4a) do del "%%i" for %%i in (*.wav) do del "%%i" it works great but i have to manually change dir and re run eg. cd res cd music for %%i in (*.m4a) do faad "%%i" for %%i in (*.wav) do oggenc "%%i" fo...

Determine dynamic file name in DOS batch script?

We have a single file in a fixed directory that will have the name where x.x.x is a version number that can change. We want to create a batch script that will unzip this file - we can use 7zip to unzip the file from a batch script but we need to be able to pass the file name to 7zip - how can we determine the file nam...

Get encoding of a file in windows

This isn't really a programming question, is there a dos comment or windows tool (Windows 7). To get the current encoding of a text file? Sure I can write a little c# app but I wanted to know if there is something already built in? Thank you! ...

How to do string comparison condition in DOS?

Wow, never thought I would ever write anything in DOS. Now that I do, I know why I never wanted to. The syntax is absurd! Anyways I need help please. I would like to prompt the user for input, and if a blank line is received, I would like to use the default value, like this: set name=abraham. set /p input=please enter your name, press...

How does DOS load a program into memory?

What steps does MS-DOS take to load a COM or EXE file into memory? Are there still references online as to how this happens? The best I can think of is possibly referring to dosbox source. ...

Why do I keep getting the error "The syntax of the command is incorrect"

Can someone explain to me why this command reports "The syntax of the command is incorrect."? The first part runs fine by itself, so I know it's not that. And the second part looks to be correct according to help find C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\logs>type error.log ^| find /C "2010" I was wondering if it migh...

Oracle Forms - Host Command - Return Error Code

Within a Oracle Forms trigger I am using the host command to make a directory on the file server. An example of this part of my code is below: HOST ('mkdir'||:GLOBAL.DIRECTORY_PATH||'\FERTILIZER\'||ADDY); I need to have the error code returned to me if the directory is not created on the server. Any suggestions of the code I need to ad...

windows batch file programming

I want to write a line of text at a specific line in an already existing text file using dos batch file programming in Windows XP.Also I want to input the line number from the user. Any help will be appreciated. ...