
INFORMIX-SQL (SE) 4.10DC1 Protected Mode problem loading PSTARTSQL.EXE

I am attempting to fire up ISQL 4.10DC1 on MS-DOS 6.22, but cant seem to get PSTARTSQL.EXE to load, it says DOS16M Error[6]: Not enough memory.. I have DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS as my first line in CONFIG.SYS and properly set all environment variables, including DOS16M=3. Anyone have any experience with this version of ISQL?..Does anyone h...

Get Value of Registry Key

Hello all, I have a batch script that checks if a registry key exists and if it does exist then open Internet explorer. What I now want to do is get the value of that registery key and put it in the URL. How can I do this? @echo off reg query HKLM\Software\Test\Monitor\Settings if errorlevel 1 goto not_exist goto exist :not_exist :ex...

Is it possible to distinguish from "good" http requests and DoS attacks?

How could I know that a lot of requests in a short period of time come from a DoS attack and not from normal browser requests? ...

Does anyone have INFORMIX-SQL 4.10DC1 or DD6 for MS-DOS?

If you do, I'm looking for documentation pertaining to installation settings and DOS protected mode troubleshooting. I'm getting a DOS/16M: Error [6] Not enough memory to load PSTARTSQL.EXE (protected mode SE engine). Any help would be greatly appreciated! ...

Creating Batch File

I'm trying to create a batch file that will convert an Excel file to a PDF. Is there something wrong with my command line because it doesn't seem to work: Dim i As Double Dim sBatchFile As String ActiveWorkbook.Save sBatchFile = "C:\test.bat" Open sBatchFile For Output As #1 Print #1, "@ECHO OFF" Print #1, "ECHO Converting Excel...

Use VB Variable inside a batch file.

I created the following batch file using VB: Open sBatchFile For Output As #1 Print #1, "@ECHO OFF" Print #1, "ECHO Converting Excel Files to PDF, Please wait..." Print #1, "batchpdf ""\\Tiltonsrv1\officeplantshared\Schedule_3.xls"" ""\\Tiltonsrv1\officeplantshared\SHIFT_SCHEDULES\"" &fileName& " Close #1 i = Shell(...

How to view the method members of a class within a jar file thru the command line

I am trying to look at the method members of a class within a jar file. Currently to list all the classes within a jar file, one can call this command: jar -tf myjar.jar but if i want to list the public methods within a particular class in this jar file, How do i go about it. Thanks ...

DOS Batch file issue with ampersand & in an input record.

I've creating a dos batch file to process a file of input records. I've cut out the majority of the code, so here is the problem. When it reads the 3rd record, with the ampersand, the job does not write the output record, UNLESS i put double quotes around the %%H variable. However, when I do this, it adds the " to the first and last b...

help running a dos script with a space in it

i am running this: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\osql -E -S Sql server-hl7\timeclockplus timeclockplus.sql -oresults.txt and it doesnt like that there are spaces in the directory. how do i fix this problem? ...

getting returned results after running .BAT file

when i run a .BAT file, it displays a message but immediately closes the window how i can i force it to keep the window open so that i can see the message reeturned? ...

how do i run a script using a BAT file

i would like to have a BAT file open a sql server script currently i have this code in the sql file: declare @path varchar(255), @mydb varchar(50) SELECT @mydb = 'timeclockplus' select @path = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\MSSQL\Backup\' + @mydb + '-' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) + '.bak' BACKUP DATABASE @mydb T...

script to move all files from one location to another location

can someone help me with a dos script to move all files from one location to another location ...

How do I send an email from a DOS batch command?

I have a batch file in DOS that does some checking and I need to fire off an email when its done. I've found a few solutions on the interwebz but most of them are 3rd party or just simply open up a new message in Outlook. I need the command to send an email in its entirety without any human interaction. We use MS Exchange here, if that ...

How to move output file in dos

I would like to create a batch file which will move the output file of a custom command "mdmg C:\source i5". I must execute this command from the C:\home directory where the mdmg.cmd resides. This command converts the any file in the source dir and creates an output files in the C:\home folder. However I want to move the output files...

ASCII DOS Games, need help with Rendering methods!

I'm writing an old school ASCII DOS-Prompt game. Honestly I'm trying to emulate ZZT to learn more about this brand of game design (Even if it is antiquated) I'm doing well, got my full-screen text mode to work and I can create worlds and move around without problems BUT I cannot find a decent timing method for my renders. I know my ren...

How to copy mdb file to another location through command prompt?

Hello- I'm seeking the DOS syntax to copy a access database from lets say Z:\Data\Test.mdb to C:\Temp How can I do this? many thanks. ...

How can I supress filename extensions at the command line interpreter and batch files?

Example: I have a file: FILENAME.EXT and would like to extract FILENAME without the .EXT I want to be able to use the extensionless filename for a command which only accepts filenames without its extensions. I have a utility called BCHECK which accepts as its argument a filename with no extensions. Using BCHECK *. does not work because a...

DOS BAT file equivalent to Unix basename command?

Is there an easy way to get to the basename (file name without extension) of a DOS file name using the DOS BAT command language? I agree: format c:\ is probably a good start, followed by a bootable Linux CD (assuming these antique machines have a CD reader - not a given). But let's pretend that we only have DOS... (That means: not Win...

SQL Paramaters in FoxPro 2.6 DOS

In FoxPro 2.6 for MS-DOS is there a way to use a variable in a SELECT command? For example, how can I write the following query: SELECT * FROM DBFILE WHERE Ord_no = temp_no Given that temp_no is a previously defined variable. I tried using "&temp_no" but this does not appear to be the correct syntax. ...

Howto add a string to the 'type <filename>' DOS command before merging into file ?

Question: I've several text files containing sql create table/column/view/storedProcedure textfiles. Now I want to merge the textfiles into one textfile. I go into the directory, and type: type *.sql >> allcommands.sql Now to problem is I should add the text ' GO ' after every file's content. I can append Go by doing type *.sql >>...