
What does your ~/.gitconfig contain?

Hi, I am looking to pimp up my ~/.gitconfig to make it really beautiful and take maximum advantage of capabilities git can offer. My current ~/.gitconfig is below, what more would you add? Have some nice ~/.gitconfig you want to share? Any recommendations for merge and diff tools in linux? Post away and let's build a nice ~/.gitconfig ...

What is a proper way to pass a parameter to Set-Alias in powershell?

Hello. A little background: I use PowerShell on windows xp at work and I set a bunch of useful shortcuts in Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 in My Documents, trying to emulate Mac environment inspired by Ryan Bates's shortcuts I have things like: Set-Alias rsc Rails-Console function Rails-Console {Invoke-Expression "ruby script/conso...

Building a graph of the structure of an XML document

I'd like to build a graph showing which tags are used as children of which other tags in a given XML document. I've written this function to get the unique set of child tags for a given tag in an lxml.etree tree: def iter_unique_child_tags(root, tag): """Iterates through unique child tags for all instances of tag. Iteration st...

free visual editor for graph (dot) files

Is there a free (as in "cheers"), linux-compatible, interactive visual editor for graphviz or other graphs? aptitude seems to be drawing a blank. edit: "cheers" means both "beer" and "speech". meta-edit: I guess it should be "free as in beach". edit 2: Maybe a suitable svg editor would be a more realistic goal. I basically want some...

Is there an rc file for msbuild?

Is there a user config file for msbuild, like a ~/.msbuildrc? (Some of the options, like CPU count and verbosity, it seems silly to set per-project -- they're things that vary by user or computer, not by project.) ...

Putting .vimrc in vimfiles directory

I want to keep my Vim and Emacs configurations under version control, but I don't want my entire home folder there (or rather, I do, but there should be 3 separate repositories). With Emacs it's easy; if ~/.emacs doesn't exist, then ~/.emacs.d/init.el is used as the init file. So I can have a separate Git repo in ~/.emacs.d/. With Vim, i...

Can I include sub-config files in my mercurial .hgrc?

I want to keep my main .hgrc in revision control, because I have a fair amount of customization it in, but I want to have different author names depending on which machine I'm using (work, home, &c.). The way I'd do this in a bash script is to source a host-local bash script that is ignored by Mercurial, but I'm not sure how to do this ...