
Mercurial - cleverencode - cleverdecode - multiple file patterns - mercurial.ini

How do I specify the CRLF encode/decode option in mercurial.ini in Windows? The documentation gives the following options: [extensions] win32text = [decode] ** = cleverdecode: [encode] ** = cleverencode: for all files and, [extensions] win32text = [decode] **.txt = cleverdecode: [encode] **.txt= cleverencode: for one kind of files...

How can I get 'hg pull' to honor trusted-users section in my .hgrc?

I'm sharing a Mercurial repo with a user dias, whom I would trust with my life as well as my data. I therefore added [trusted] users = dias, nr to my ~/.hgrc file. However, when I pull from a remote repo with hg pull -v, I always get this message: remote: Not trusting file /r/c--/papers/gentileset-popl2010/.hg/hgrc from untrusted u...

Convert Subversion repository to Mercurial

I am trying to convert an SVN repository to Mercurial, but I'm having some troubles. These are the steps I've taken: (I am on Windows) Turned on "convert" in the extensions Opened a command window, and typed: hg convert http://myversioncontrorepositoryhere It says it's initializing the destination folder and then asks: Enter use...

Load multiple .hgrc files - ie, some with machine-specific settings?

I'd like to keep two ~/.hgrc files: ~/.hgrc and ~/.hgrc.local – one with "standard" settings (eg, username), the other with machine-specific settings (eg, setting a graphical merge tool). How can I do this with hg? For example, this is how I do it with Vim: # ~/.vimrc syntax enable source ~/.vimrc.local Then: # ~/.vimrc.local let w...

Specifying a per-repository hgrc file

I'm setting up a centrally hosted Mercurial repository. I would like to be able to define only a small set of users that are able to access that repository (maybe 3 or 4) - what do I need to write in the .hg/hgrc file that in order to make it work like this? thanks, P ...

Is the mercurial default glob matching syntax configurable?

To run a command on a single file, I recently realized I can do this: hg log relglob:UniqueFilename instead of: hg log some/really/deep/directory/hierarchy/UniqueFilename I'd like to take this one step further and make relglob the default matching syntax. Is this possible? ...

How to save username and password with Mercurial?

Hi, all. I used mercurial in a personal project, and I have been typing my username and password everytime I want to push something up to the server. I have tried to add the following in the .hgrc file in my home dir, but it seems to be ignored at all. [ui] username = MY_USER_NAME password = MY_PASSWORD Please teach me how to do thi...

Cheat sheet for mercurial's hgrc conf file?

I wonder if there are good cheat sheets for all the options you can set in mercurial's hgrc file? I cant find any. ...

mercurial .hgrc notify hook

Could someone tell me what is incorrect in my .hgrc configuration? I am trying to use gmail to send a e-mail after each push and/or commit. .hgrc [paths] default = ssh://www.domain.com/repo/hg [ui] username = intern <[email protected]> ssh="C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercurial\plink.exe" -ssh -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercurial\key.pub" [...

create hgrc file to work on all paths on a machine, and for several repos

I want to create a hgrc file to set the username and password for all paths on some machine, e.g no matter in which directory I am in, hg clone some_path will always work without prompting for a username and a password (this is for an auto-deploy script). Also, it should work for several repos, not just one. I followed the instructions ...

How do I move a private Mercurial repository to a central server?

I’m just getting started with Mercurial, and I’ve read Joel Spolsky’s Hg Init tutorial, which I liked. I’m wondering: let’s say I have a private repository and I work on it for about a month. Then I decide I want to centralize it or make it public, like on bitbucket.org. I want to retain all the history. The intuitive thing would be ...

Mercurial - User Specific Ignore file

I am trying to get mercurial to ignore hidden files for a specific user. I used the directions here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2395179/how-to-make-mercurial-ignore-all-hidden-files and got it to ignore files in a specific repo. I want to extend this behavior to all hg repos for a specific user. The hgrc man page says yo...

In Mercurial, after "hg init" to create a project and pushing onto server, how to make local directory to have "hg path" of the server?

When a project is started with mkdir proj cd proj hg init [create some files] hg add file.txt hg commit hg push ssh://[email protected]/proj now when hg path is issued, nothing will show. How do we actually change the repository so that it is as if it is cloned from [email protected]/proj ? Is it just by editing .hg/...

How to config mercurial to push without asking my password through ssh?

Hi guys, I use mercurial in my project, and every time I push new changesets to the server by ssh, it ask me for a password. Then how to config the mercurial to push with out asking password? I works on Ubuntu 9.10 ...

Including mercurial extensions from eggs

Is there some way to import an extension from an .egg file? For example hggit installs itself as hg_git-0.2.4-py2.5.egg, which cannot be listed under [extensions] directly, or it's interpreted as a standard .py file. Is there some way to include that file as an extension? Alternatively, is there some way to install hg-git manually in a...

How do I write my hgrc so that Mercurial detects my hooks?

've written two functions in a file commit_hooks.py that I want to run before any commit is made persistent, but I can't figure out how to write my hgrc to detect them. The function headers are: def precommit_bad_merge(ui, repo, parent1=None, parent2=None, **kwargs): ... def precommit_bad_branching(ui, repo, **kwargs): ... I've trie...

Can I include sub-config files in my mercurial .hgrc?

I want to keep my main .hgrc in revision control, because I have a fair amount of customization it in, but I want to have different author names depending on which machine I'm using (work, home, &c.). The way I'd do this in a bash script is to source a host-local bash script that is ignored by Mercurial, but I'm not sure how to do this ...

Git's alternative to .hgrcpath

Does Git have anything like Hg's HGRCPATH, i.e. an enviromental variable which you can modify to change the location where Hg will search for its global configuration file. In git that can be somewhat accomplished by changing HOME, but that will affect unknown number of other applications, which is why I'm trying to avoid it. ...