
Drupal: how to see the query when the node is created or any content type is created

I want to know the insert query when the content is created or any node is created. What is a simple example for that? The main purpose of doing this is I want to log the entries when the node is created. So I have created a history content. When the user creates certain type of content, I have inserted his/her details in to the table...

Drupal reserve checkbox module?

Hey, I have a drupal site I'm working on here: selkirk.treethink.net I have CCK and Views modules installed, so on the frontend you see the Request Work page created using CCK. On the backend admins and students can view all the work post through that form with the Views module. I need to add a checkbox that the person submitting the...

drupal custom created actions doesn't show up in the rules list

my actions doesn't show in the Triggered rules list i have to flush the cache or restart the system most annoying when i try to create a 'execute custom php script' action next time when i open to make few changes it shows a blank script where i have written some code. my task is to save the selected nodes in the cck field i have g...

How to theme a view in drupal

Can any one help me out on how to theme a view. For each view created i want to have different templates. ...

drupal Generate a PDF catalog from a bunch of nodes

i have to generate the pdf file with bunch of nodes, i can generate pdf files with print pdf modules but i want to generate the i m using views bulk operations i want to generate the pdf files with all the selected nodes. any one knows how to do this stuff ...

Create a view that displays node count?

Hi, Having trouble in views creating what seems like a very simple query. Display the number (count) of nodes of a given type. I'm not finding the option in any obvious place... How to? ...

Exposing a module's data to Views2 using its API

I'm forking the filefield_stats module to provide it with the ability of exposing data into the Views module via the API. The filefield_stats schema is as follow: function filefield_stats_schema() { $schema['filefield_stats'] = array( 'fields' => array( 'fid' => array('type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not nul...

Views Exposed Filters as list of links instead of select

Using Drupal 6, Views 2 with exposed filters, I'm trying to determine the best way to convert the select list to a list of links, each with a count of matching nodes. For instance instead of what I get by default, as a select list: <select name="state" class="form-select" id="edit-state" > <option value="All" selected="selected">&lt;An...

drupal Can we write a rule to send email to the customers on particular date

i have calendar module each user can create his schedules,meetings. now i want to send emails to the user before one hour( or one day before) of their schedule meetings... is that possible in drupal i thought of working with rules but not sure that will work any ideas guys please ...

Drupal: hiding the view to display the results?

i m newbie to drupal i have a view which displays the list of cars , i have 2 filters which are exposed make users to search for the car model and price. it works fine, now i want this view to be home page, by default views gives list of all the nodes. i dont want that, the results should display after users presses apply button can a...

drupal problem with creating word document files

i m newbie to drupal presently i m using drupal 6 version i have to generate the word document files for the selected nodes say (/node/166,node/21) we dont have any module to generate word documents or to generate pdf files with group of nodes we can generate pdf file for one object to generate word document file in php will be T...

drupal what if we have designed a content type with existing fields

i have small problem.... i have one content type say cars with various fields, say more than 30 , user can create the content types... now i would like to show only few fields in different phases,is there any possibility to do that. more explantaion:- user may enter the car model and car details in the first page and upload images in sec...

drupal 6 can we write a php file in drupal which changes the headers

i have written a small code which creates a word document but i got the following errors require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); global $user; $fp = fopen("test.doc", 'w+'); $str = "<B>This is the text for the word file created through php programming</B><br>test to create a doc file from ph...

Drupal: using a view on a Page/Panel, prevent default listing of content

I have a panel/page that has a view (it's a view page) that some fields and filters that allows user for search for content of a certain content type. The problem is that views by default displays all of the content (even if the user hasn't performed a search yet). So how do I setup the view so that it doesn't display results by default...

drupal edit attachment field of a node

i have a content type named Properties, users can create the content types i have file cck field in the content type(properties) now i want to add the attachments to the or edit the attachments field only in a block or panel for the particular property, not showing all the fields when user try to edit the content type. i have heard th...

drupal 6 passing arguments to panels then to contexts

how to pass arguments to panels then to contexts in drupal, when we add the context node edit in panels 3 it shows a autocomplete field where i have to enter the NID is there is any way where this node ID can get from arguments, so that editing of the content is made more dynamic.... thanks and regards.... ...

Drupal join on taxonomy terms

I have a Drupal setup like this: Content type: Apartments Vocabulary: Areas, that can be used with Apartments. Content type: User profile, with a Content Taxonomy Field for Areas so users can select what areas they are interested in. I would like a view that shows all the user profiles that matches the apartments in their area. A "Us...

Custom logic for exposed filters in a Drupal view

I'm working on a Drupal site and would love some advice on this. Currently, a user enters his level for a number of different skills. This is stored in a CCK integer field and exposed to the user as a drop-down widget containing the key/value pairs 1|Beginner, 2|Intermediate, 3|Advanced. In a view, I expose the allowed values for each s...

My products categories have (meta)data - Use taxonomies or implement them as content items?

I'd like to use the combo Drupal/CCK/Views to create a products catalog and I'm confused as to if I need to use taxonomies or not. My products could have a taxonomy, but each term in the taxonomy has information by itself. For example a product category might include pictures, text and links. As far as I can see, if I try to implement ...

Drupal - RSS Item Edit - Seek Advice

We use Drupal aggregator to get RSS feeds and present in views. However we are seeking a RSS editor module that can perform the following functions: *Allow to remove some RSS items if selected (not taken as-it-is from Aggregator module). We experimented Yahoo pipes filtering function, however keyword filtering does not work perfectly....